Method: entityUsageReports.get

Retrieves a report which is a collection of properties and statistics for entities used by users within the account. For more information, see the Entities Usage Report guide. For more information about the entities report's parameters, see the Entities Usage parameters reference guides.

HTTP request

GET{entityType}/{entityKey or all}/dates/{date}

The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters


enum (EntityType)

Represents the type of entity for the report.



Represents the key of the object to filter the data with. It is a string which can take the value all to get activity events for all users, or any other value for an app-specific entity. For details on how to obtain the entityKey for a particular entityType, see the Entities Usage parameters reference guides.



Represents the date the usage occurred, based on UTC-8:00 (Pacific Standard Time). The timestamp is in the ISO 8601 format, yyyy-mm-dd.

Query parameters



The unique ID of the customer to retrieve data for.



The filters query string is a comma-separated list of an application's event parameters where the parameter's value is manipulated by a relational operator. The filters query string includes the name of the application whose usage is returned in the report. The application values for the Entities usage report include accounts, docs, and gmail.

Filters are in the form [application name]:[parameter name][relational operator][parameter value],....

In this example, the <> 'not equal to' operator is URL-encoded in the request's query string (%3C%3E):


The relational operators include:

  • == - 'equal to'.
  • <> - 'not equal to'. It is URL-encoded (%3C%3E).
  • < - 'less than'. It is URL-encoded (%3C).
  • <= - 'less than or equal to'. It is URL-encoded (%3C=).
  • > - 'greater than'. It is URL-encoded (%3E).
  • >= - 'greater than or equal to'. It is URL-encoded (%3E=).
Filters can only be applied to numeric parameters.


integer (uint32 format)

Determines how many activity records are shown on each response page. For example, if the request sets <span>maxResults=1</span> and the report has two activities, the report has two pages. The response's <span>nextPageToken</span> property has the token to the second page.



Token to specify next page. A report with multiple pages has a nextPageToken property in the response. In your follow-on request getting the next page of the report, enter the nextPageToken value in the pageToken query string.



The parameters query string is a comma-separated list of event parameters that refine a report's results. The parameter is associated with a specific application. The application values for the Entities usage report are only gplus.
A parameter query string is in the CSV form of [app_name1:param_name1], [app_name2:param_name2]....

Request body

The request body must be empty.

Response body

If successful, the response body contains an instance of UsageReports.

Authorization scopes

Requires the following OAuth scope:


For more information, see the Authorization guide.


gplus_communities Returns a report on Google+ communities.