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최종 업데이트: 2024-08-22(UTC)
[null,null,["최종 업데이트: 2024-08-22(UTC)"],[[["The recovery action status indicates the current state of an app's recovery process, such as active, canceled, draft, or in progress."],["A recovery action can be in a draft state, actively deployed, canceled, or generating recovery APKs, which are used to restore the app to a previous state."],["If the recovery action is canceled, it cannot be resumed, indicating a permanent stoppage of the recovery process."],["Recovery actions are designed to help users restore their apps to a working state after data loss or corruption, utilizing recovery APKs for the restoration process."],["The status `RECOVERY_STATUS_GENERATION_IN_PROGRESS` indicates that the system is actively creating recovery APKs, while `RECOVERY_STATUS_GENERATION_FAILED` signifies a failure in this creation process."]]],[]]