OpenRTB Extensions Protocol Buffer v.185

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// Open beta protocol version: v.185
import "openrtb.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "AdxExt";

import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";

// Protocol buffer for Ad Exchange OpenRTB specification.
// Ad Exchange extensions for the Imp object.
message ImpExt {
  // The eligible billing IDs to which a billable impression can be attributed.
  // A billing ID for attributing an impression resulting from a winning bid can
  // be specified in ``. These billing IDs
  // can represent the bidder's matching pretargeting configurations, the
  // bidder's deal billing ID, or eligible child seats.
  // [AdX: BidRequest.AdSlot.MatchingAdData.billing_id]
  repeated int64 billing_id = 1;

  // [AdX: BidRequest.publisher_settings_list_id]
  // [AdX: BidRequest.AdSlot.publisher_settings_list_id]
  repeated fixed64 publisher_settings_list_id = 2;

  // [AdX: BidRequest.AdSlot.allowed_vendor_type]
  repeated int32 allowed_vendor_type = 3 [packed = true];

  // A creative that is disallowed to bid on this impression due to Ad
  // Exchange policies or creative disapproval, excluded creative attributes,
  // excluded product or sensitive categories, allowed vendor types,
  // restricted categories or languages applicable to the bid request.
  message ExcludedCreative {
    // Buyer creative ID of the disallowed creative.
    optional string buyer_creative_id = 1;

  // Creatives that are disallowed for the impression. Submitting a bid with
  // one of the creatives in this list will result in such bid being filtered
  // before the auction. Contact your account manager if you would like
  // to enable this feature.
  repeated ExcludedCreative excluded_creatives = 10;

  // [AdX: BidRequest.AdSlot.dfp_ad_unit_code]
  optional string dfp_ad_unit_code = 6;

  // Deprecated. This will be removed in July 2023. Use the standard field
  // BidRequest.imp.rwdd instead.
  // [AdX: BidRequest.AdSlot.is_rewarded]
  optional bool is_rewarded_inventory = 7 [deprecated = true];

  // Possible requirement types for AMP ads.
  enum AmpAdRequirementType {
    // AMP ad requirements unknown.

    // AMP ads are not allowed.

    // Either AMP ads or non-AMP ads are allowed;
    // AMP ads are not early rendered.

    // Either AMP ads or non-AMP ads are allowed;
    // AMP ads are early rendered.

    // AMP ads are required.
    // Ads that are non-AMP may be rejected by the publisher.
  optional AmpAdRequirementType ampad = 8 [default =

  // Secure signals passed by the publisher.
  message BuyerGeneratedRequestData {
    // The source (provider) of the signal.
    oneof source {
      SourceApp source_app = 1;

    // The source of the signal when this request is from an app.
    message SourceApp {
      // Identifier for the SDK that generated this data. It will match the id
      // in
      optional string id = 1;

    // The secure signal.
    optional string data = 2;
  repeated BuyerGeneratedRequestData buyer_generated_request_data = 9;

  // Deprecated. This will be removed in Q1 2024. This field has been
  // deprecated in favor of the repeated field
  // `billable_event_rate_bid_adjustment` below.
  // For ads rendered using a custom SDK only: multiplier applied to bid in
  // the auction. The adjustment reflects the likelihood that your bid would
  // generate a billable event (meaning the ad renders successfully) if it
  // won the auction, relative to the probability that other bids generate a
  // billable event if they won the auction. This adjustment can be larger or
  // smaller than 1. This affects the final ranking in the auction only; in
  // particular, this multiplier does not affect the payment.
  optional double billable_event_rate_adjustment = 16 [deprecated = true,
    default = 1];

  // The billable event rate bid adjustment of an ad and the dependent
  // features of the ad the adjustment applies to, such as the format or the
  // SDK used to render the ad. Each feature combination may have a unique
  // adjustment, each adjustment therefore specifies which SDK or creative
  // format it applies to.
  message BillableEventRateBidAdjustment {
    // A multiplier to your bid to adjust for the likelihood that your bid
    // would result in a billable event (namely, the ad renders successfully)
    // if it won the auction, relative to the average probability that bids
    // from other buyers would result in a billable event if they won the
    // auction. This adjustment can be larger or smaller than 1. This affects
    // the final ranking in the auction only; in particular, this multiplier
    // does not affect the payment or whether the bid clears any floor price.
    optional float bid_adjustment = 1 [default = 1];

    // The types of creative the bid adjustments can apply to.
    enum CreativeType {

      // Banner ads
      HTML_SNIPPET = 1;

      // VAST video or audio ads
      VIDEO_VAST = 2;

      // Native ads
      NATIVE = 3;

      // SDK rendered ad
      SDK_RENDERED = 4;

    // The type of ads to which the above bid adjustment applies to. Each type
    // corresponds to different ways of how the ad's creative is specified, as
    // described in
    // If the ad is SDK-rendered, this will be set to SDK_RENDERED regardless
    // of the actual creative type.
    optional CreativeType creative_type = 2 [default = CREATIVE_TYPE_UNKNOWN];

    // The SDK used to render the ad with. The SDK ID will match the one sent
    // in This field is not set for Google
    // SDK.
    optional AppExt.InstalledSdk sdk = 3;

  // A list of billable event rate bid adjustments applicable to the request
  // and the ad features associated to the adjustment. Bid adjustments are
  // listed here only if they are not equal to 1.0, which is equivalent to
  // having no adjustment. This field replaces the deprecated field
  // billable_event_rate_adjustment.
  repeated BillableEventRateBidAdjustment billable_event_rate_bid_adjustment =

  // Parameters related to Open Bidding.
  message OpenBidding {
    // This field is set to true if the publisher set up a yield group or a
    // mediation group that targets this adslot and this bidder. See
    // for information on
    // Open Bidding and its effects on the bidding process.
    optional bool is_open_bidding = 2;
  optional OpenBidding open_bidding = 12;

  // The allowed restricted ad categories. See
  // for a list of ids. If you bid with an ad in a restricted category, you MUST
  // ALWAYS declare the category in the bid response regardless of the values in
  // this field.
  repeated int32 allowed_restricted_category = 13;

  // Publisher's SKAdNetwork information to support app installation
  // attribution for iOS 14 and later. Apple's SKAdNetwork API helps
  // advertisers measure ad-driven app installation by sending a postback
  // to the ad network after a successful install. Publishers will need
  // to configure supported ad networks in their app's property list
  // (Info.plist) to allow an install to be attributed to the ad impression.
  // For more info visit:
  message SKAdNetworkRequest {
    // List of all SKAdNetwork versions supported by the request, depending on
    // the OS version and the SDK version.
    repeated string versions = 4;

    // ID of publisher app in Apple's App Store.
    optional string sourceapp = 2;

    // SKAdNetworkIdentifier entries in the publisher app's Info.plist.
    repeated string skadnetids = 3;

    // List of fidelity types supported, depending on the SKAdNetwork API
    // version supported by the operating system and SDK as well as ad slot
    // properties.
    repeated SKAdNetworkFidelityType fidelities = 5 [packed = true];

    // Indicates if this request supports SKOverlay for video ads.
    optional bool skoverlay = 6;

  // [AdX: BidRequest.Mobile.skadn]
  optional SKAdNetworkRequest skadn = 14;

  // Indicates the creative policy and publisher blocks that applies to this
  // request.
  message CreativeEnforcementSettings {
    // Creative policy enforcement level that applies to this request.
    // Creatives that don't adhere to the specified policy will be filtered
    // before the auction. The status of the creatives with their respective
    // policies can be retrieved through Creative API.
    // Bids on deals may override the policy enforcement applicable to the
    // request.
    enum PolicyEnforcement {

      // Baseline policy for all ads serving through any of Google's ads
      // platform products. Learn more at:

      // Policy for ads serving through Google's ad network. This includes the
      // baseline policy for all ads serving through any of Google's ads
      // platform products. Learn more at:
    optional PolicyEnforcement policy_enforcement = 1;

    // Creative publisher blocks enforcement level that applies to this
    // request. Publisher blocks allow publishers to control which creatives
    // can be shown on their properties.
    // Deals may also override publisher blocks. Refer to
    // Deals.ext.publisher_blocks_overridden field.
    enum PublisherBlocksEnforcement {

      // The publisher's blocking controls are enforced on creatives
      // submitted. Publisher blocks enforcement settings are provided in the
      // following fields:
      // - Imp.ext.publisher_settings_list_id
      // - bcat
      // - Imp.ext.allowed_restricted_category
      // - Imp.ext.allowed_vendor_type
      // - Audio.battr
      // - Video.battr
      // - Banner.battr
      // - Native.battr

      // The publisher's blocking controls are not enforced on creatives
      // submitted.
    optional PublisherBlocksEnforcement publisher_blocks_enforcement = 3;
  optional CreativeEnforcementSettings creative_enforcement_settings = 15;

  // Describes the environment where the ad auction is run.
  enum AuctionEnvironment {
    // The auction determining the winning ad is held server-side.

    // The contextual auction that determines a winning contextual bid is held
    // server-side, and bidding functions are run on the device to determine
    // interest group bids. Both the winning contextual bid and interest
    // group bids are entered into a final auction held on the device to
    // select the winning ad. For more information regarding the Protected
    // Audience API on device bidding and auction, see:
    // and

    // The contextual auction that determines a top-ranked contextual bid is
    // held server-side, and the bidding logic to determine interest group
    // bids and the scoring logic to determine the final winning ad among
    // interest group bids and the top contextual bid runs are executed in
    // Bidding and Auction servers. See more detail in

  // Specifies where the ad auction runs.
  // Deprecated. This will be removed in November, 2023. Use ae instead.
  optional AuctionEnvironment auction_environment = 18 [deprecated = true,
    default = SERVER_SIDE_AUCTION];

  // The supported auction environment for this impression. For inventory
  // which does not support interest group bidding, this will always be set to
  // SERVER_SIDE_AUCTION. For inventory which does support interest group
  // bidding, this will be set to ON_DEVICE_INTEREST_GROUP_AUCTION. Note that
  // this only indicates that the interest group auction is supported, not
  // that it is guaranteed to execute. If no buyer chooses to participate in
  // the interest group auction, then the interest group auction will be
  // skipped and the winner of the contextual auction, if any, will be
  // served instead.
  optional AuctionEnvironment ae = 66 [default = SERVER_SIDE_AUCTION];

  // Indicates whether interest group bidding is allowed for the bidder.
  // Depending on account settings and other factors, a bidder might be
  // disallowed from submitting interest group bids, even though an interest
  // group auction may ultimately decide the winning ad.
  optional bool igbid = 21;

  // Experimental feature; may be subject to change.
  // Reach out to your account manager to use Protected Audience API.
  // When interest group bidding is allowed for the bidder (igbid = true),
  // this object contains information about the on-device auction.
  message InterestGroupAuction {
    // The adslot size (width and height in pixels) for the Protected Audience
    // API on-device interest group bids. The on-device interest group winning
    // bid will be expected to fill this slot size.
    // Note that this size may be different from the sizes for the contextual
    // request (described by imp.banner.w and imp.banner.h or by
    // imp.banner.format). The contextual request may allow multiple sizes;
    // however, the on-device auction is expected to fill only a single fixed
    // slot size.
    optional int32 w = 1;
    optional int32 h = 2;

    // Indicates whether the winner of the interest group auction will be
    // rendered. If true, then the on-device auction winner will be rendered
    // and the impression can be billable. If false, the top-ranked contextual
    // bid will be rendered, and the on-device auction winner will be ignored
    // and not result in a rendered, billable impression.
    optional bool render_interest_group_ads = 3;

    // Indicates whether the on-device auction for the current request was
    // parallelized.
    // To learn more about parallelized auctions, see
    optional bool parallelized = 4;

    // Interest group buyer-specific information related to parallelized
    // Protected Audience API auctions.
    message ParallelAuctionBuyer {
      // The origin of the interest group buyer which was included
      // in the parallelized auction.
      // If a ParallelAuctionBuyer entry for a particular origin is
      // included in the `pbuyer` list, then that origin was
      // included in the parallelized auction and a corresponding buyer
      // trusted server call was made for that origin. If a buyer
      // origin is not included but `parallelized` is true, then it cannot
      // participate in the current client-side auction. However, bidders can
      // indicate interest in participating in future Protected Audience API
      // auctions by including valid InterestGroupBuyer(s) in
      // `BidResponse.ext.igbid.igbuyer`. Those interest group buyers will be
      // eligible for future parallelized requests from the same browser
      // instance and domain.
      optional string origin = 1;

    // Parallel auction data for each of the bidder's interest group buyer(s)
    // that was included in the current request's parallel auction.
    repeated ParallelAuctionBuyer pbuyer = 5;

    // Allowed creative markup types for interest group bids. This may be a
    // subset of the allowed creative markup types for contextual bids, as
    // indicated by the presence of the Banner, Native, Video, or Audio bid
    // request objects, because interest group bidding may support fewer ad
    // formats than contextual bidding in some cases.
    repeated mtypes = 6 [packed = true];
  optional InterestGroupAuction interest_group_auction = 20;

  // Indicates whether a mobile app bid request is for an app open ad.
  // See App open ad guidance at
  // for more information.
  // [AdX: BidRequest.Mobile.is_app_open_ad]
  optional bool is_app_open_ad = 19;

  // AdUnitMapping is used to identify publisher inventory units in the
  // bidder's namespace. The mappings are only populated when
  // the bidder works directly with a publisher, and provides the mapping
  // from Google's ad unit namespace to the bidder's inventory namespace.
  // The ad unit mapping is only applicable for requests that use a custom
  // SDK.
  message AdUnitMapping {
    // Key-value pair used to specify the inventory unit in the bidder's
    // namespace.
    message Keyval {
      // The key is the name of the bidder's inventory unit identifier for the
      // SDK.
      optional string key = 1;

      // The value of the bidder's inventory unit identifier for the given
      // format.
      optional string value = 2;

    // Multiple key-value pairs can be specified in order to support
    // bidders whose inventory unit space is hierarchical and has multiple
    // identifiers. The key-value pairs for the chosen AdUnitMapping should be
    // sent back in the bid response as
    // This is passed to
    // the bidder's SDK.
    repeated Keyval keyvals = 1;

    // Possible ad unit formats that can be used for the mapping. Corresponds
    // to the adapter that will be used on the SDK.
    enum FormatType {

      // Display banner ads for web or mobile apps. For example, a 320x50
      // leaderboard slot. This includes out-stream video.
      FORMAT_BANNER = 1;

      // A full-screen ad to be displayed inside a mobile app.

      // Custom display or video ads for web or mobile apps that match the
      // user experience of the site or app in which theyre placed.
      FORMAT_NATIVE = 3;

      // Video ads that appear before, during, or after video content
      // streams.

      // Video ads for mobile apps that allow users to voluntarily watch an
      // ad in exchange for an in-app reward.

      // Interstitial ads that allow users to watch an ad in exchange for
      // an in-app reward. Does not require opt-in.

      // App open ads shows at app load screens. App open ads can be closed
      // at any time, and are designed to be shown when the users bring the
      // app to the foreground.
      FORMAT_APP_OPEN = 7;

    // The mappings are targeted through a format, which is expressed in the
    // Google-defined taxonomy. Format is populated in the bid request since
    // Google supports targeting multiple formats with a single ad
    // unit, and Google's definition of the format may not match the bidder's
    // definition. In order for the bidder to differentiate which format
    // matched, it is sent in the bid request.
    optional FormatType format = 2;

  // Ad unit mappings that match the given adslot.
  repeated AdUnitMapping ad_unit_mapping = 64;

message AppExt {
  // Identification of and information about an SDK installed in the
  // publisher's app that the bidder has access to, often because it's the
  // bidder's SDK.
  message InstalledSdk {
    // Identifier for the installed SDK.
    optional string id = 1;

    // Semantic version of the installed SDK and the adapter that communicates
    // between the installed SDK and Google's SDK.
    message Version {
      optional int32 major = 1 [default = -1];
      optional int32 minor = 2 [default = -1];
      optional int32 micro = 3 [default = -1];

    // The version of the installed SDK.
    optional Version sdk_version = 2;

    // The version of the adapter that communicates with the installed SDK.
    optional Version adapter_version = 3;
  repeated InstalledSdk installed_sdk = 1;

  // The domain of the partner (of the app owner) with ownership
  // of some portion of ad inventory on the app. The partner's ads.txt or
  // app-ads.txt file will be hosted here. More detail at
  optional string inventorypartnerdomain = 2;

message BannerExt {
  // Indicates the acceptable ad width and height ranges for impressions which
  // support flexible ad sizes.
  message FlexSlot {
    // The minimum acceptable ad width in device-independent pixels (DIPS).
    optional int32 wmin = 1;

    // The maximum acceptable ad width in device-independent pixels (DIPS).
    optional int32 wmax = 2;

    // The minimum acceptable ad height in device-independent pixels (DIPS).
    optional int32 hmin = 3;

    // The maximum acceptable ad height in device-independent pixels (DIPS).
    optional int32 hmax = 4;

  // This field contains information about a banner impression's flexible ad
  // size ranges, if supported, and is unset otherwise.
  optional FlexSlot flexslot = 2;

// Ad Exchange extensions for the BidResponse object.
message BidResponseExt {
  // [AdX: BidResponse.processing_time_ms]
  optional int32 processing_time_ms = 1;

  // Experimental feature; may be subject to change.
  // Reach out to your account manager to use Protected Audience API.
  // Contains information that needs to be specified for participating in the
  // interest group auction for a given ad slot.
  message InterestGroupBidding {
    // ID of ad slot represented by the corresponding Imp object in the bid
    // request to link information to be used in the interest group auction to
    // the specific ad slot.
    optional string impid = 1;

    // Buyer-level information to use in the interest group auction.
    message InterestGroupBuyer {
      // Origin of the interest group buyer to participate in the
      // in-browser auction. For more info regarding the origin see:
      optional string origin = 1;

      // Optional buyer-specific signals to pass into the buyer's
      // `generateBid()` function as the `perBuyerSignals` argument. This
      // object can be in any bidder-defined format that will be transformed
      // into a JSON object following Proto3 JSON representation
      // (
      // Can be left empty if no perBuyerSignals signals are required by the
      // bidding function.
      optional .google.protobuf.Value buyerdata = 2;

      // Optional maximum interest group bid price expressed in CPM currency
      // that a bidder agrees to pay if they win an in-browser interest group
      // auction. Actual winning bid in the in-browser auction that determines
      // the amount a bidder pays for the impression may be lower than this
      // amount. This constraint allows to reduce the risks from in-browser
      // auction bids submitted in error or reported due to fraud and abuse.
      optional double maxbid = 3;

      // Currency used for the maxbid value.
      optional string maxbidcur = 4 [default = "USD"];

      // Modes by which the cost of a winning Protected Audience impression can
      // be attributed to a billing ID.
      enum BillingAttributionMode {
        // Unspecified attribution mode. This value should never be used.

        // The cost of the impression will be attributed to the billing ID
        // indicated by the `billing_id` field. If this mode is chosen and the
        // `billing_id` field doesn't contain one of the available billing IDs
        // from the bid request, then the interest group buyer won't be
        // eligible to participate in the on-device auction.
        BID_RESPONSE = 1;

        // The billing ID will be specified by the `GoogleBillingId` HTTP query
        // parameter in the ad's render URL. If the render URL for the bid
        // returned from `generateBid()` doesn't contain a billing ID present on
        // the bid request in the query parameter, the submitted bid will be
        // filtered from the Protected Audience API auction.

      // Specifies the method by which the interest group buyer will select the
      // billing ID to attribute spend.
      optional BillingAttributionMode billattr = 10;

      // Billing ID that the interest group impression will be attributed to.
      // If set, the value must be in the set of billing IDs for this impression
      // that were sent in BidRequest.imp.ext.billing_id. If this
      // field is not set, the interest group buyer will be unable to
      // participate in the Protected Audience API auction.
      optional int64 billing_id = 5;

      // Indicates the currency in which interest group bids will be placed. The
      // value must be a three digit ISO 4217 alpha currency code (e.g. "USD").
      optional string cur = 6;

      // Buyer experiment group ID (EGID) to be specified in the trusted
      // bidding signals request URL. This experiment ID will be added to the
      // `perBuyerExperimentGroupIds` map, keyed by the interest group owner,
      // in the `auctionConfig`. See
      optional uint32 buyer_experiment_group_id = 7;

      // Render-time buyer signals that will be expanded into the winning
      // interest group ad render URL using the
      // `deprecatedRenderURLReplacements` auction configuration field for macro
      // expansion.
      // To be eligible for macro replacement, render URLs must contain a macro
      // in the form of `${RENDER_DATA_buyer.origin.example_OPTIONAL_SUFFIX}`,
      // where `buyer.origin.example` is the origin of the interest group buyer
      // specified by the `InterestGroupBuyer.origin` field, and
      // `OPTIONAL_SUFFIX` is an optional suffix that can be specified by the
      // `RenderingSignals.suffix` field for distinguishing different
      // signals. If the `suffix` is omitted, then the macro name will be
      // `${RENDER_DATA_buyer.origin.example}`.
      // See specification in
      message RenderingSignals {
        // URL-safe string according to RFC 3986 section 2.3 which will replace
        // the macro in the render URL. Each `InterestGroupBuyer` with a non-URL
        // safe `data` string will not be allowed to participate in the interest
        // group auction.
        optional string data = 1;

        // Optional macro suffix that will be appended to RENDER_DATA macro
        // name to distinguish different signals.
        optional string suffix = 2;

      // List of rendering signals for macro expansion on the winning interest
      // group ad render URL, limited to 3 macros per buyer. Each
      // `InterestGroupBuyer` with more than 3 rendering signals will not be
      // allowed to participate in the interest group auction.
      repeated RenderingSignals rsig = 8;

      // Indicates that the buyer will render their own DSA transparency
      // information inside the creative delivered through the Protected
      // Audience API. See
      optional bool dsaadrender = 9;

    // Interest group buyers that the bidder requests to enter into the
    // interest group auction. Interest groups that are owned by a buyer
    // without a corresponding entry here will not participate in the auction.
    repeated InterestGroupBuyer igbuyer = 2;

  // Contains information that needs to be specified for participating in the
  // interest group auctions.
  repeated InterestGroupBidding igbid = 4;

// Ad Exchange extensions for the Bid object.
message BidExt {
  // [AdX: BidResponse.Ad.impression_tracking_url]
  repeated string impression_tracking_url = 1;

  // [AdX: BidResponse.Ad.ad_choices_destination_url]
  optional string ad_choices_destination_url = 2;

  // The URLs to call when the user clicks on the ad. Currently supported only
  // for native ads and Programmatic Guaranteed deals with publisher-
  // managed creatives. In the publisher managed case, these click trackers
  // will be sent to the bidder server to server. In all other cases, these
  // will be sent from the user's device. For more information on
  // publisher-managed creatives, see
  // [AdX: BidResponse.Ad.click_tracking_urls]
  repeated string click_tracking_urls = 22;

  // [AdX: BidResponse.Ad.AdSlot.exchange_deal_type]
  enum ExchangeDealType {
  optional ExchangeDealType exchange_deal_type = 4 [default = OPEN_AUCTION];

  // [AdX: BidResponse.Ad.attribute]
  // See buyer-declarable-creative-attributes.txt in the technical documentation
  // for a list of ids. Note that not all declarable attributes come through in
  // the BidRequest in the various `battr` fields.
  repeated int32 attribute = 5 [packed = true];

  // The URL to fetch an AMPHTML ad. Only one of the following should be set:
  // html_snippet, video_url, amp_ad_url, native_ad.
  optional string amp_ad_url = 6;

  // An ad that will be rendered by an SDK known to the buyer. This can only
  // be used when the BidRequest included an AppExt.InstalledSdk submessage.
  message SdkRenderedAd {
    // The identifier for the SDK that will render the ad. Must match an
    // sent in the corresponding bid request.
    optional string id = 1;

    // Data to pass to the SDK in order to render the ad. This data is opaque
    // to the publisher and to Google.
    optional string rendering_data = 2;

    // Declared ad assets to support creative scanning, classification, and
    // enforcement of ad policy and publisher blocks for ads rendered with a
    // custom SDK.
    message DeclaredAd {
      // Ad content used by SDK to render ad.
      oneof content {
        // The HTML snippet representative of the SDK-rendered ad.
        string html_snippet = 1;

        // The URL to the VAST asset used in the SDK-rendered ad.
        string video_url = 2;

        // The VAST document used to render custom SDK-rendered ad. This
        // document should conform to the VAST 2.0 or 3.0 standard.
        string video_vast_xml = 4;

        // The content of a native ad. Native ads consist of multiple building
        // blocks (such as image and text), which are rendered by the buyer SDK.
        // This field is only required for creative scanning. The assets you
        // include don't need to match assets specified in a native request
        // object (if any) in the bid request. is
        // optional and doesn't need to match an asset on the native request
        // object. NativeResponse.assets.img.type is required. native_response = 5;

      // The final landing pages of the SDK-rendered ad.
      repeated string click_through_url = 3;
    optional DeclaredAd declared_ad = 6;
  optional SdkRenderedAd sdk_rendered_ad = 7;

  message EventNotificationToken {
    // The content of the token, which will be ignored if longer than 128
    // bytes.
    optional string payload = 1;

  // A token set by bidders for troubleshooting which will be included in the
  // real-time feedback for the Bid it is sent in. The contents of the token
  // will not be logged.
  optional EventNotificationToken event_notification_token = 8;

  // All restricted categories for the ads that may be shown from this snippet.
  // See ad-restricted-categories.txt in the technical documentation for a list
  // of ids. If you are bidding with ads in restricted categories, you must
  // always declare them here.
  repeated int32 restricted_category = 9;

  // The billing ID to attribute this impression to. The value must be in the
  // repeated BidRequest.imp.ext.billing_id field sent for this impression.
  // If the length of BidRequest.imp.ext.billing_id is exactly 1
  // and the bidder does not have any active child seats, this field
  // is not required and its contents will be ignored.
  optional int64 billing_id = 10;

  // Token used to identify end third party buyer information if an
  // exchange as an open bidder is an intermediary. This is obtained from the
  // third party buyer and must be passed to Google unaltered in the bid
  // response.
  optional string third_party_buyer_token = 14;

  // Buyer declared ID which will be used to break down spend and invalid
  // traffic metrics in IVT transparency reporting in Query Tool. Note that IDs
  // with fewer than 1000 impressions will not be used to break down metrics.
  // IDs longer than 64 bytes will be ignored.
  optional string buyer_reporting_id = 17;

  // Experimental feature; may be subject to change. See
  // for more
  // information.
  // Specifies frequency capping to be applied to the bid. Impressions for each
  // user are capped at the level specified by fcap_id. A bid will not
  // participate in the auction if an additional impression for the user would
  // violate any of the specified caps. Multiple frequency caps can be specified
  // for the same fcap_id.
  // A bid is filtered before the auction if the frequency cap is malformed.
  // Instances where the cap is malformed include:
  //  - fcap_id is empty or is very long
  //  - max_mpressions or time_range are non-positive
  //  - there are a large number of frequency caps for a single bid
  //  - time_unit is not specified
  // Note that if a subsequent bid with the same fcap_id uses a different
  // duration (represented by time_unit and time_range) then impressions counted
  // against the old frequency cap will not count against the new one and vice
  // versa.
  message FrequencyCap {
    // An ID that can represent a bidder's use-case for frequency capping; for
    // example, it could represent their campaign, ad, line item, or some
    // other entity. It should not contain any user-specific information or
    // identifiers and should not be longer than 64 characters.
    optional string fcap_id = 1;

    // The time units for which frequency caps can be enforced.
    enum TimeUnit {
      MINUTE = 1;
      DAY = 2;
      WEEK = 3;
      MONTH = 4;

      // When INDEFINITE is used, time_range will be ignored. INDEFINITE means
      // the frequency cap will be applied for a long period of time, (longer
      // than a month) but not necessarily forever.
      INDEFINITE = 5;

    // The unit of time used to specify the time window for which a frequency
    // cap applies.
    optional TimeUnit time_unit = 2;

    // The length of the time window, in units specified by time_unit, for which
    // the frequency cap applies. For instance, if time_unit=WEEK and
    // time_range=3, then capping is applied for a three week period. If the
    // time_unit=INDEFINITE, this will be ignored.
    optional int32 time_range = 3 [default = 1];

    // The maximum number of impressions allowed to be shown to a user for
    // the provided frequency_cap_id within the time window described by
    // time_unit and time_range.
    optional int32 max_imp = 4;
  repeated FrequencyCap fcap = 18;

  // Advertiser's SKAdNetwork information to support app installation
  // attribution for iOS 14 and later. Apple's SKAdNetwork API helps
  // advertisers measure ad-driven app installation by sending a postback
  // to the ad network after a successful install. Ad networks will need
  // to send their network ID and signed advertiser information to allow
  // an install to be attributed to the ad impression.
  // For more info visit:
  message SKAdNetworkResponse {
    // Version of SKAdNetwork supported by the advertiser. Also used to
    // specify how the signature was generated by the advertiser. This
    // should match the version from BidRequest.imp.ext.skad.version.
    optional string version = 1;

    // Ad network identifier used in signature. This should match one of the
    // items in BidRequest.imp.ext.skad.skadnetids.
    optional string network = 2;

    // Campaign ID compatible with Apple's spec. Used in SKAdNetwork 3.0 and
    // below. Replaced by Source Identifier (`sourceidentifier` field) in
    // SKAdNetwork 4.0 and above.
    optional string campaign = 3;

    // A four-digit integer that ad networks define to represent the ad
    // campaign. Used in SKAdNetwork 4.0+ and replaces the `campaign` field.
    optional string sourceidentifier = 11;

    // ID of advertiser's app in Apple's app store.
    optional string itunesitem = 4;

    // ID of custom product page to display (for iOS 15 or later).
    // If not specified, default product page will be displayed.
    // See
    // for more details about custom product pages.
    optional string productpageid = 12;

    // SKAdNetwork API starting from version 2.2 supports multiple ad
    // presentation options specified by the `fidelity-type` parameter of the
    // SKAdNetwork signature. This holds parameters used to generate the
    // signature that would be different for each fidelity type supported.
    // For more info visit:
    message Fidelity {
      // The fidelity type of the attribution to track.
      optional SKAdNetworkFidelityType fidelity = 1 [default =

      // A unique all-lowercase UUID generated by the advertiser to use for
      // generating the signature.
      optional string nonce = 2;

      // Unix time in millis used at the time of signature generation.
      optional string timestamp = 3;

      // SKAdNetwork signature as specified by Apple.
      optional string signature = 4;
    repeated Fidelity fidelities = 9;

    // A unique all-lowercase UUID generated by the advertiser to use for
    // generating the signature.
    // Note:  This field will be deprecated in favor of the
    // field to support multiple
    // fidelity types.
    optional string nonce = 5;

    // ID of publisher's app in Apple's app store. This should match the ID
    // from BidRequest.imp.ext.skad.sourceapp.
    optional string sourceapp = 6;

    // Unix time in millis used at the time of signature generation.
    // Note:  This field will be deprecated in favor of the
    // field to support multiple
    // fidelity types.
    optional string timestamp = 7;

    // SKAdNetwork signature as specified by Apple.
    // Note:  This field will be deprecated in favor of the
    // field to support multiple
    // fidelity types.
    optional string signature = 8;

    // These options indicate how to present SKOverlay recommending the
    // advertised app.
    // Supported by iOS 14 and later.
    // For more info visit:
    message SKOverlay {
      // Delay in seconds after the ad begins before presenting the overlay.
      // If this field is set to 0, the overlay will be shown immediately
      // after the ad begins. If this field is unset, the overlay will not
      // be shown for the ad.
      optional int32 delay = 1;

      // Delay in seconds after the endcard shows before presenting the
      // overlay. (This field only applies to rewarded or interstitial video
      // creatives.) If this field is set to 0, the overlay will be shown
      // immediately after the endcard shows. If this field is unset,
      // the overlay will not be shown for the endcard.
      // If both `delay` and `endcarddelay` are set, the overlay will be
      // automatically dismissed when the ad ends, and shown again after
      // the endcard shows.
      optional int32 endcarddelay = 2;

      // Whether this overlay can be dismissed by the user.
      optional bool dismissible = 3 [default = true];
    optional SKOverlay skoverlay = 13;

    // Google Mobile Ads SDK options for SKAdNetwork handling.
    message SKAdNetworkOptions {
      // By default, SKAdNetwork attribution will only be initiated if the
      // click-through URL lands on the app store, either as a direct link to
      // the app store or as the final destination of a server-side redirect
      // chain. This option enables GMA SDK to always initiate SKAdNetwork
      // attribution on-click regardless of the detected click's final
      // destination URL. Note that enabling this will launch the app store
      // even for clicks that are not meant to open the app store, for example
      // clicks on Ad Choices icon. For more info, see:
      optional bool always_open_appstore = 1 [default = false];

    // [AdX: BidResponse.Ad.skadn_options]
    optional SKAdNetworkOptions skadn_opts = 10;

  // [AdX: BidResponse.Ad.skadn]
  optional SKAdNetworkResponse skadn = 19;

  // Possible types of app promotion.
  enum AppPromotionType {

    // For encouraging new users to download and install the advertised app.
    // Clicking this ad will show the app store listing as an overlay (for
    // supported formats), without leaving the publisher app.
    // Click through URL for this ad points to the app store listing.
    INSTALLS = 1;

    // For re-engaging existing users who have installed the advertised app.
    // Click through URL for this ad points to the installed app directly.

    // Other types of app promotion that do not fall into the categories
    // above. No features specific to app promotion types will apply.
    OTHER = 3;

  // [AdX: BidResponse.Ad.app_promotion_type]
  // Type of the app promotion corresponding to the advertised app specified
  // in the field.
  // If the advertised app is not specified, this field will be ignored.
  // Setting field without this field will be
  // treated as if this field were set to OTHER.
  optional AppPromotionType app_promotion_type = 28;

  // Whether to show the full app store listing for
  // field (or skadn.itunesitem field on iOS)
  // within the publisher app, after the video playback completes and before the
  // endcard (if any) appears. This field only applies to rewarded or
  // interstitial video ads.
  // Contact your account manager if you would like to enable this feature.
  optional bool auto_inline_install = 29;

  // All bids with the same bid_group_id will be won or lost as a group.
  // Bids must have a non-empty bid_group_id to allow an ad to be played
  // as part of a pod.
  // This field is currently only supported for rewarded video pods requests.
  // Note that if there are multiple bids for the same ad, each bid must have
  // different bid_group_id. For example, if a bidder wants to bid creative_1
  // for first position and last position in the pod and creative_2 for any
  // position and want to ensure either both win at the same time or neither
  // of those wins, bidder needs to submit:
  // {
  //   "seatbid": [
  //     {
  //       "bid": [
  //         {
  //           "crid": "creative_1",
  //           "slotinpod": 1,
  //           "ext": {
  //             "bid_group_id": "group1"
  //           }
  //         },
  //         {
  //           "crid": "creative_1",
  //           "slotinpod": -1,
  //           "ext": {
  //             "bid_group_id": "group2"
  //           }
  //         },
  //         {
  //           "crid": "creative_2",
  //           "slotinpod": 0,
  //           "ext": {
  //             "bid_group_id": "group1"
  //           }
  //         },
  //         {
  //           "crid": "creative_2",
  //           "slotinpod": 0,
  //           "ext": {
  //             "bid_group_id": "group2"
  //           }
  //         }
  //       ]
  //     }
  //   ]
  // }
  optional string bid_group_id = 26;

  // The Digital Services Act (DSA) transparency declarations. See
  message Dsa {
    // Free text string describing the name of the advertiser on whose behalf
    // the ad is shown. Bids will not be accepted if this value is longer
    // than 100 characters.
    optional string behalf = 1;

    // Free text string describing the advertiser who paid for the ad. Must
    // always be included even if it's the same as what is listed in the
    // displayed_on_behalf attribute. Bids will not be accepted if this value
    // is longer than 100 characters.
    optional string paid = 2;

    // Indicates that the buyer will render their own DSA transparency
    // information inside the creative.
    optional bool adrender = 3;

  // DSA Ad Transparency information provided by the buyer.
  optional Dsa dsa = 30;

  // The URLs that the user could be directed to when clicking on this ad. Do
  // not include URLs for intermediate calls to an ad server that are unrelated
  // to the final landing page. All bids must declare either a click URL using
  // this field, the advertiser domain in the ``
  // field, or both. We recommend that bidders use this field, possibly in
  // addition to ``, for more accurate
  // enforcement of publisher and user protections, for instance so that your
  // bid is not incorrectly filtered.
  // This field maps to
  repeated string clickurl = 32;

message NativeRequestExt {
  // [AdX: BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0].style_id]
  optional int32 style_id = 1;

  // [AdX: BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0].style_height]
  optional int32 style_height = 2;

  // [AdX: BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0].style_width]
  optional int32 style_width = 3;

  // [AdX: BidRequest.AdSlot.native_ad_template[0].style_layout_type]
  enum LayoutType {
    PIXEL = 0;
    FLUID = 1;
  optional LayoutType style_layout_type = 4 [default = PIXEL];

message EventTrackerExt {
  // Additional context provided for rendering.
  enum Context {
    UNKNOWN = 0;

    // Currently not supported.
    OMID = 1;
  repeated Context context = 1;

  // Parameters associated with the resource that will be passed to the
  // resource when it is loaded. The format of the parameters is dependent
  // on the script vendor.
  optional string verification_parameters = 2;

  // Used to uniquely identify the verification script provider.
  optional string vendor_key = 3;

message PublisherExt {
  // The billing address country code of the publisher. This may be different
  // from the hosting country of the website. For a complete list of country
  // codes, refer to
  optional string country = 1;

  // The ID of the host publisher. When populated, indicates that the host
  // publisher participated in revenue sharing, and the ID can be used to
  // authorize ads.txt.
  optional string host_publisher_id = 2;

message SiteExt {
  enum AmpPage {
    // This is not an AMP page.

    // This is an Amp page.

  // Whether this is an AMP page or not. Omitted if unknown.
  optional AmpPage amp = 1;
  enum VisibilityState {

    // The page is at least partially visible. For example, in the foreground
    // tab of a non-minimized window.

    // The page is not visible to users. For example, when the page is in a
    // background browser tab, or in a minimized window.

  // The visibility state of the web page containing the ad slot.
  // See
  // [AdX: BidRequest.page_visibility]
  optional VisibilityState page_visibility = 2 [default =

  // Information about a browser window's user activation state. See
  message UserActivation {
    // Indicates whether a user has completed an interaction since page load.
    optional bool wasact = 1;

    // Indicates whether a user is currently interacting with the page.
    optional bool isact = 2;

  // User activation information from the browser for the current request, if
  // the request is for a web page.
  optional UserActivation uact = 5;

  // The set of possible web navigation types that predicate a page load. Each
  // of these types may have different performance characteristics. For example,
  // users going back and forth might experience a faster site than users
  // performing navigation for the first time or submitting forms. See
  enum NavigationType {

    // Navigation started by clicking a link, entering the URL in the browser's
    // address bar, form submission, or initializing through a script operation
    // other than reload and back_forward.

    // Navigation is through the browser's reload operation, location.reload(),
    // or a Refresh pragma directive like
    // <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300">.

    // Navigation is through the browser's history traversal operation.

    // Navigation is initiated by a prerender hint (deprecated). See

  // The type of browser navigation that led to the current page. Unset for
  // non-web ad requests.
  optional NavigationType ntype = 6;

  // Indicates that the request is using semi-transparent branding,
  // which means only a truncated version of the request URL will
  // be provided. This decision is made by the publisher, see
  // for context.
  optional bool is_semi_transparent_request = 3;

  // The domain of the partner (of the site owner) with ownership
  // of some portion of ad inventory on the site. The partner's ads.txt file
  // will be hosted here. More detail at
  optional string inventorypartnerdomain = 4;

message BidRequestExt {
  // Feedback on bids submitted in previous responses. This is only set if
  // real-time feedback is enabled for your bidder. Contact your
  // account manager if you want to enable real-time feedback.
  message BidFeedback {
    // The unique id from
    optional string request_id = 1;

    // The status code for the ad. See creative-status-codes.txt in the
    // technical documentation for a list of ids.
    optional int32 creative_status_code = 2;

    // If the bid won the auction, this is the price paid in your account
    // currency. If the bid participated in the auction but was out-bid, this
    // is the CPM that should have been exceeded in order to win. This is not
    // set if the bid was filtered prior to the auction, if the publisher or
    // winning bidder has opted out of price feedback or if your account has
    // opted out of sharing winning prices with other bidders. For first-price
    // auctions, minimum_bid_to_win is populated instead of this field.
    optional double price = 3;

    // The minimum bid value necessary to have the auction, in your account
    // currency. If your bid won the auction, this is the second highest bid
    // that was not filtered (including the floor price). If your bid did not
    // win the auction, this is the winning candidate's bid. This field will
    // only be populated if your bid participated in a first-price auction, and
    // will not be populated if your bid was filtered prior to the auction.
    optional double minimum_bid_to_win = 6;

    // The minimum bid value necessary to have won the server-side component of
    // the overall auction given that there was also an interest group bidding
    // component to the overall auction which ran using the Protected Audience
    // API. The value is expressed in CPM of the buyer account currency. The
    // minimum bid to win for the overall auction, including bids from the
    // server-side and the on-device interest group components, is populated in
    // the minimum_bid_to_win field of the same BidFeedback object.
    optional double sscminbidtowin = 14;

    // Billable event rate multiplier that was applied to this bid during
    // ranking. The adjustment reflects the likelihood that your bid would
    // generate a billable event (namely, the ad renders successfully) if it won
    // the auction, relative to the probability that other bids generate a
    // billable event if they won the auction. This adjustment can be larger or
    // smaller than 1. This affects the final ranking in the auction only; in
    // particular, this multiplier does not affect the payment or whether the
    // bid clears any floor price.
    optional float billable_event_rate_bid_adjustment = 13 [default = 1];

    // When a publisher uses an RTB auction and waterfall-based SDK mediation on
    // the same query, the winner of the real-time auction must also compete in
    // a mediation waterfall (which is ordered by price) to win the impression.
    // If the bid participated in the auction and there was no waterfall, the
    // value of this field is 0. If the bid participated in the auction and
    // there was a waterfall, the value of this field is a price representing a
    // sample bid from the eligible mediation networks that were higher than the
    // auction winner, weighted by expected fill rate. This field can be used
    // in conjunction with minimum_bid_to_win to train bidding models. The CPM
    // is in your account currency.
    optional double sampled_mediation_cpm_ahead_of_auction_winner = 8;

    message EventNotificationToken {
      // The contents of the token.
      optional string payload = 1;

    // The token included in the corresponding bid.
    optional EventNotificationToken event_notification_token = 4;

    // The creative ID included in the corresponding bid.
    optional string buyer_creative_id = 5;

    // Possible types of bid response feedback objects.
    enum FeedbackType {

      // Feedback for a bid that was submitted on a bid response.
      BID_FEEDBACK = 1;

      // Feedback for an interest group buyer submitted on a bid response to
      // particpate in an interest group bidding component of the auction run
      // using the Protected Audience API.

    // The type of the BidFeedback message. Google will send separate
    // BidFeedback objects for:
    // a) Each bid submitted on a bid response
    // b) Each buyer submitted on a bid response to particpate in an interest
    // group bidding component of the auction run using the Protected Audience
    // API.
    optional FeedbackType feedbacktype = 15;

    // Origin of an interest group buyer that was included in the bid response.
    // This field is populated only for feedback where a bidder opted in an
    // interest group buyer to participate in the interest group bidding
    // component of the overall auction run using the Protected Audience API.
    // To learn more about origins, see
    // To learn more about interest group bidding and the Protected Audience
    // API, see
    optional string buyerorigin = 16;

    // The status code for the submitted interest group buyer. This field is
    // only populated in the feedback for an interest group buyer that a bidder
    // requested to enter into the interest group auction through the bid
    // response. Individual creative status codes of bids submitted by the buyer
    // in the on-device interest group auction are not available. See
    // for a list of interest group buyer status codes.
    optional int32 igbuyerstatus = 17;
  repeated BidFeedback bid_feedback = 1;

  // This represents a unique ID for the overall query. In the event
  // that there are multiple callouts for a query, all callout requests for that
  // query will contain the same google_query_id.
  optional string google_query_id = 2;

  // Experimental feature; may be subject to change. See
  // for more
  // information.
  // Describes the scope of frequency cap enforcement available for this
  // request. Frequency caps to be enforced for a bid can be specified in the
  // Bid.ext.fcap field.
  enum FrequencyCappingScope {
    // Default value which should not be used, or which can indicate that
    // frequency cap scope could not be reliably determined.

    // Frequency capping based on bid response specifications is not available
    // for this request. A frequency-capped bid for a bid request with no
    // frequency cap availability will be filtered prior to the auction.

    // Frequency capping enforcement is available across multiple sites within
    // the same browser.

    // Frequency capping enforcement is available across multiple apps on the
    // device, excluding browsers.

    // Frequency capping enforcement is available within a single app.

    // Frequency capping enforcement is available within a single site.
  optional FrequencyCappingScope fcap_scope = 4;

  // Privacy treatments. Some fields in the bid request can be coarsened or
  // redacted in order to protect user privacy. This message provides
  // information about privacy treatments that apply to an ad opportunity
  // offered through this request.
  message PrivacyTreatments {
    // Generalization that can be applied to an IP address field.
    enum IpGeneralization {
      // The IP address field is truncated: IPv4 to /24 or IPv6 to /48.
      // The truncated octets are replaced by zeros so the field still parses
      // as a valid IP address, for example "xxx.yyy.zzz.0" for IPv4.
      IP_TRUNCATED = 0;

      // The IP address field is redacted.
      IP_REDACTED = 2;

    // Generalization applied to the IP address field populated in the request
    // (either BidRequest.device.ip or BidRequest.device.ipv6).
    optional IpGeneralization ip = 1;

    // Generalization that can be applied to the and
    // BidRequest.device.sua fields.
    enum UserAgentGeneralization {
      // The and BidRequest.device.sua fields are provided
      // in full.
      USER_AGENT_FULL = 0;

      // The and BidRequest.device.sua fields are
      // generalized, which can include limiting browser and OS version
      // information to major versions only and other changes to protect user
      // privacy.

    // Generalization that was applied to the and
    // BidRequest.device.sua fields, if any.
    optional UserAgentGeneralization user_agent = 2;

    // Specifies the reasons that ads returned in response to this request
    // should not be personalized. This signal does not reflect user decisions
    // on surfaces including iOS App Tracking Transparency
    // ( or
    // Android advertising ID
    // (
    // See BidRequest.device.lmt and BidRequest.device.ext.atts fields for more
    // information.
    enum NonPersonalizedAdsReason {
      UNKNOWN = 0;

      // The publisher has declared that this request should serve
      // non-personalized ads independent of other signals.

      // The publisher has requested restricted data processing for this
      // request.

      // The user has opted out of ads personalization.
      USER_OPT_OUT = 3;
    repeated NonPersonalizedAdsReason non_personalized_ads_reason = 6 [packed =

    // True if publisher grants the permission to allow the bidder to use bid
    // request data to build user profiles for uses such as interest-based ads
    // and remarketing. To use this data to build user profiles, a bidder must
    // also win a given impression.
    // Learn more about data collection controls:
    optional bool allow_user_data_collection = 7;

    // Reasons why on-device storage access could be restricted during the
    // delivery of a winning ad.
    enum DeviceStorageRestrictionReason {

      // This request is subject to user consent requirements to allow for
      // device storage access for advertising use cases such as ads
      // measurement, frequency capping, or profiling, but consent was
      // insufficient or not provided.

    // Indicates the reason why access of local device storage during winning ad
    // rendering and measurement is restricted.
    optional DeviceStorageRestrictionReason storagerestrict = 8;
  optional PrivacyTreatments privacy_treatments = 5;

message UserExt {

  message ConsentedProvidersSettings {
    // Set of IDs corresponding to ad tech providers (ATPs) for whom the
    // publisher has specified to Google that its EEA users have given legally
    // valid consent to: 1) the use of cookies or other local storage where
    // legally required; and 2) the collection, sharing, and use of personal
    // data for personalization of ads by an ATP in accordance with Google's EU
    // User Consent Policy.
    // If a publisher is using the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF)
    // v2 to manage user consent, this is the set of ATPs consented through the
    // Additional Consent string (see
    // for details about
    // Google's Additional Consent mode). ATPs consented through the TCF v2
    // consent string are represented in the UserExt.consent field.
    // A mapping of ATP ID to ATP name is posted at providers.csv.
    repeated int64 consented_providers = 2 [packed = true];

    // The raw Additional Consent string, which contains a list of certain
    // Google Ad Tech Providers (ATPs). These ATPs are not registered with IAB
    // TCF v2, but publishers or their Consent Management Providers (CMPs) have
    // ensured that certain disclosures are given to, and consents are obtained
    // from, end users, as required by Google's EU User Consent Policy. This
    // field is only populated with the use of CMPs that are integrated with IAB
    // TCF v2. Such CMPs use the raw Additional Consent string to indicate
    // vendors that are not registered with IAB, and communicate end users' CMP
    // choices to those vendors. The consented_providers field contains the set
    // of vendors that mirrors the one represented by the additional_consent
    // field, which is in the raw form. Vendors or any other third-party service
    // providers must not create AC strings themselves.
    // See for more details
    // about this field.
    optional string additional_consent = 3;

  // Information about the ad tech providers for whom the publisher has
  // specified to Google that its EEA user has consented to the use of their
  // personal data for ads personalization in accordance with Google's EU User
  // Consent Policy. This field will only be populated when RegsExt.gdpr is
  // true.
  optional ConsentedProvidersSettings consented_providers_settings = 1;

  // The web-safe base64-encoded IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) v2
  // consent string fetched from the publisher's IAB Consent Management Platform
  // (CMP). The structure of the string is defined by the IAB TCF v2. This field
  // will be populated if the publisher has integrated with a CMP for TCF v2 and
  // that CMP indicates that GDPR applies to this ad request and provides a
  // valid consent string. See
  // for additional
  // information about the Google TCF v2 integration.
  // See the IAB Global Vendor List at
  // for details about the
  // vendors listed in the consent string.
  optional string consent = 2;

  // Extended data, such as secure signals, that allows buyers to use data made
  // available by the publisher in real-time bidding. This object can contain
  // one or more UIDs from a single source or a technology provider.
  message ExtendedId {
    // Source or technology provider responsible for the set of included data.
    optional string source = 1;

    // This object contains a single data item, such as a secure signal,
    // provided as part of extended identifiers.
    message ExtendedIdUid {
      // The data value, such as a secure signal.
      optional string id = 1;

    // Array of ExtendedIdUid objects from the given source.
    repeated ExtendedIdUid uids = 2;

  // Data made available by the publisher, such as secure signals.
  repeated ExtendedId eids = 5;

  // Describes a user session in a given app or site. The session is reset after
  // a sufficiently long break in user activity.
  message Session {
    // Time in seconds since the first ad request in the session. Currently the
    // session duration is only supported for mobile app requests.
    optional int32 duration = 1;

  // The current user session.
  optional Session session = 6;

  // The amount of time, in seconds, since the ID in `` was
  // created.
  optional int32 idage = 7;

message UIDExt {
  // The source type of the UID. See details at
  optional string stype = 1;

message DataExt {
  // Identifies the taxonomy that the segment IDs belong to.
  // Google supports the following taxonomies:
  // IAB Tech Lab Audience Taxonomy 1.1 = 4
  // IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy 2.2 = 6
  // IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy 3.0 = 7
  // Chromium Topics API = 600
  // Chromium Topics API V2 = 601
  optional int32 segtax = 1;

  // The version of the classifier which produced the segment IDs within the
  // taxonomy. For example, in the case of Chrome Topics API (segtax=600), this
  // is the version of the classifier used by the browser to map hostnames to
  // topics in the taxonomy.
  optional string segclass = 2;

message DeviceExt {
  // Represents a short-lived user session on CTV/OTT devices,
  // with a maximum session duration of 6 hours.
  // The use of session_id is never allowed for ads personalization.
  // session_id may only be used for frequency capping, competitive exclusions
  // or related purposes. This field is populated with web-safe base64 alphabet.
  optional string session_id = 1;

  // (iOS Only) An integer passed to represent the app's app tracking
  // authorization status, where 0 = not determined 1 = restricted 2 = denied
  // 3 = authorized. This value is retrieved from ATTrackingManager and
  // provided as is. See
  // For more information about iOS's app tracking authorization status, see:
  optional int32 atts = 3;

  // Chrome-facilitated cookie deprecation testing label as received from
  // Chrome.
  optional string cdep = 7;

message RegsExt {
  // This field will be set to true in either of the two following cases:
  //   1. Google receives a valid IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF)
  //      v2 consent string and the Consent Management Platform indicates that
  //      GDPR applies to this ad request.
  //   2. Google does not receive an IAB TCF v2 consent string and, based on
  //      information available to Google, this impression will serve to an
  //      EEA user.
  // It does not constitute legal guidance on GDPR.
  optional bool gdpr = 1;

  // This field will be set to true when, based on information available to
  // Google, this impression will serve to a user in Brazil. See
  // for
  // the list of ad tech providers that are allowed to serve on LGPD-enforced
  // requests.
  // See for more
  // information on LGPD.
  optional bool lgpd = 2;

  // The Digital Services Act (DSA) transparency requirements. See
  message Dsa {
    // Values indicating whether DSA declarations should be included in the bid
    // response and, if so, whether or not the publisher is an Online Platform
    // (OP) or Very Large Online Platform (VLOP), as defined by the DSA.
    enum DsaSupport {
      // DSA declarations are not required in the bid response.
      NOT_REQUIRED = 0;

      // DSA declarations are supported, but not required in the bid response.
      SUPPORTED = 1;

      // DSA declarations are required in the bid response.
      REQUIRED = 2;

      // DSA declarations are required in the bid response and the publisher is
      // an OP or VLOP.

    // Indicates if DSA declarations should be included in the bid response.
    // Bids where DSA declarations are required but not included will not be
    // accepted.
    optional DsaSupport dsarequired = 1;

    // Options describing a publisher's ability to render DSA transparency
    // declarations.
    enum PublisherRenderingSupport {
      // Publisher can't render.

      // Publisher could render depending on the buyer's rendering capability as
      // described in the Bid.ext.dsa.adrender field.

      // Publisher will render regardless of the buyer's rendering capability as
      // described in the Bid.ext.dsa.adrender field.

    // Indicates if the publisher will render the DSA Transparency info. This
    // will signal if the publisher is able to and intends to render the icon
    // or other appropriate user-facing symbol and display the DSA transparency
    // info to the end user.
    optional PublisherRenderingSupport pubrender = 2;

    // Options describing if a publisher requires DSA transparency declarations.
    enum DataToPublisher {
      // Do not send transparency data.
      DO_NOT_SEND = 0;

      // Optional to send transparency data.
      OPTIONAL = 1;

      // Send transparency data.
      SEND = 2;

    // Indicates whether the bidder should provide DSA transparency declarations
    // in the bid response. A publisher may need this information for audit or
    // other purposes, even if they will not render the transparency
    // declarations themselves.
    optional DataToPublisher datatopub = 3;

  // The Digital Services Act (DSA) transparency information requirements.
  optional Dsa dsa = 3;

message DealExt {
  // The type of the deal. Note that Authorized Buyers policy overrides apply to
  // all Programmatic Guaranteed and Preferred Deal bids, and do not apply to
  // bids for other deal types.
  enum DealType {

    // Bids are fixed-price and evaluated before the Open Auction. Bidders are
    // not required to bid with Preferred Deals when they are present on the bid
    // request. See
    // for more information.

    // Bids participate in a Private Auction against a select list of buyers
    // with specific floors. See
    // for more
    // information.

    // Bids are fixed-price and evaluated before the Open Auction. Bidders are
    // expected to bid with Programmatic Guaranteed deals whenever they are
    // present on a bid request and the must_bid field is true in order to
    // ensure that the number of impressions agreed upon for a given deal are
    // served. See
    // for more information.

    // The deal ID is an identifier for a collection of Open Auction inventory
    // matching a given set of targeting criteria. See
    // for more
    // information.

    // Package of inventory that a publisher makes available to either all
    // buyers or selected bidders. Bids participate in auction in the same way
    // as private auction candidates. See
    // for more
    // information.
  optional DealType deal_type = 1 [default = UNKNOWN_DEAL_TYPE];

  // This field is only applicable to Programmatic Guaranteed deals. The
  // buyer is allowed to skip bidding on the impression if this field is
  // false. When it is true, the buyer is required to bid on this deal for
  // this impression opportunity. This field will always be filled explicitly
  // for the JSON wire format.
  optional bool must_bid = 2 [default = true];

  // Whether the publisher has exempted this deal from configured blocks. This
  // setting does not override AdX policies or Ad Review Center decisions. See
  // for more
  // information.
  optional bool publisher_blocks_overridden = 3;

  // Experimental field; subject to change.
  // An enum declaring the host of the creative, which will only be
  // populated for Programmatic Guaranteed deals.
  // Currently, this field should only ever be set to
  enum CreativeSourceType {

    // The creative is hosted by the advertiser, which means the bidder is
    // required to provide a creative in the bid response.

    // The creative is hosted by the publisher, which means the bidder
    // does not need to include a creative in the bid response.
    // For more information on publisher-hosted creatives, see
    // This feature isn't currently supported for RTB bidders.
  optional CreativeSourceType creative_source = 4 [default =

  // Constraints for creatives that can apply when bidding on a deal.
  message CreativeConstraints {
    // The allowed ad types of the deal. If empty, there are no deal-specific
    // allowed ad type restrictions for the deal. In that case, bidders should
    // refer to the presence of Banner, Video, Audio or Native objects in the
    // BidRequest to check the allowed formats.
    repeated mtypes = 1 [packed = true];

    // Possible creative skippability requirements.
    enum SkippabilityConstraint {
      // Skippable and non-skippable creatives are allowed.

      // Only skippable creatives are allowed.

      // Only non-skippable creatives are allowed.

    // Whether skippable creatives are allowed. For PROGRAMMATIC_GUARANTEED or
    // PREFERRED_DEAL deals that specifically allow video or audio ad types, it
    // is always set. For the skippability setting of other deal types or open
    // auction bidding, refer to the corresponding BidRequest-level field
    // video.skip.
    optional SkippabilityConstraint skippability = 2 [default =

    // Maximum video ad duration in seconds. For PROGRAMMATIC_GUARANTEED or
    // PREFERRED_DEAL deals that specifically allow video or audio ad types, it
    // is always set. For the allowed max duration of other deal types or open
    // auction bidding, refer to the corresponding BidRequest-level field
    // video.maxduration.
    optional int32 maxduration = 3;

  // Creative constraints for this deal. If this is not set, bidders should
  // refer to the BidRequest-level setting of each field.
  optional CreativeConstraints creative_constraints = 5;

  // Indicates the eligible billing IDs for this deal. If this list is not
  // empty, the billing ID selected in ``
  // must be one of these IDs when submitting a bid on this deal. If this list
  // is empty, then the bid on this deal can be attributed to any of the billing
  // IDs in `BidRequest.imp.ext.billing_id`.
  repeated int64 billing_id = 6 [packed = true];

message SourceExt {
  // Identifier of the OM SDK integration. Equivalent to
  // BidRequest.AdSlot.omidpn in the Google protocol. For more info,
  // see the OpenRTB Advisory for Open Measurement SDK:
  optional string omidpn = 1;

  // Version of the OM SDK integration. Equivalent to BidRequest.AdSlot.omidpv
  // in the Google protocol. For more info, see the OpenRTB Advisory for
  // Open Measurement SDK:
  optional string omidpv = 2;

  // OpenRTB SupplyChain object. For more information, see
  message SupplyChain {
    // Indicates whether the chain contains all nodes involved in the
    // transaction leading back to the owner of the site, app or other medium
    // of the inventory, where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
    optional int32 complete = 1;

    message SupplyChainNode {
      // The canonical domain name of the SSP, Exchange, Header Wrapper, etc
      // system that bidders connect to. This may be the operational domain
      // of the system, if that is different than the parent corporate domain,
      // to facilitate WHOIS and reverse IP lookups to establish clear
      // ownership of the delegate system. This should be the same value as
      // used to identify sellers in an ads.txt file if one exists.
      optional string asi = 1;

      // The identifier associated with the seller or reseller account within
      // the advertising system. This must contain the same value used in
      // OpenRTB bid requests in the field specified
      // by the SSP/exchange. Typically, in OpenRTB, this is For
      // OpenDirect it is typically the publisher's organization ID. Should be
      // limited to 64 characters in length.
      optional string sid = 2;

      // The OpenRTB RequestId of the request as issued by this seller.
      optional string rid = 3;

      // The name of the company (the legal entity) that is paid for inventory
      // transacted under the given seller_id. This value is optional and
      // should NOT be included if it exists in the advertising system's
      // sellers.json file.
      optional string name = 4;

      // The business domain name of the entity represented by this node.
      // This value is optional and should NOT be included if it exists in
      // the advertising system's sellers.json file.
      optional string domain = 5;

      // Indicates whether this node will be involved in the flow of payment
      // for the inventory. When set to 1, the advertising system in the asi
      // field pays the seller in the sid field, who is responsible for paying
      // the previous node in the chain. When set to 0, this node is not
      // involved in the flow of payment for the inventory. For version 1.0 of
      // SupplyChain, this property should always be 1. It is explicitly
      // required to be included as it is expected that future versions of the
      // specification will introduce non-payment handling nodes.
      // Implementers should ensure that they support this field and propagate
      // it onwards when constructing SupplyChain objects in bid requests sent
      // to a downstream advertising system.
      optional int32 hp = 6;

    // Array of SupplyChainNode objects in the order of the chain.
    // In a complete supply chain, the first node represents the initial
    // advertising system and seller ID involved in the transaction, for
    // example, the owner of the site, app, or other medium. In an incomplete
    // supply chain, it represents the first known node. The last node
    // represents the entity sending this bid request.
    repeated SupplyChainNode nodes = 2;

    // Version of the supply chain specification in use, in the format of
    // "major.minor". For example, for version 1.0 of the spec,
    // use the string "1.0".
    optional string ver = 3;

  // Deprecated. This will be removed in December 2023. Use the standard field
  // schain instead.
  optional SupplyChain schain = 3;

message GeoExt {
  // The device's approximate geographic location. See the geo-table.csv table
  // available at for
  // a list of IDs. This field is provisional, intended only to help with
  // migration from the Google Authorized Buyers protocol to OpenRTB; it will
  // be removed in the future. The standard fields in BidRequest.device.geo
  // should be used instead; they contain the same location as the
  // geo_criteria_id and both are subject to the same privacy treatments.
  // See Geotargeting Guide:
  optional int32 geo_criteria_id = 1;

message VideoExt {
  // Video placement type inferred by Google for this impression. This field
  // is always filled and can be different from (the
  // publisher-declared placement type).
  optional inferredplcmt = 3 [default =

  // If true, the video is embedded on a page outside the publisher's domain.
  // When this is set, BidRequest.{app/site}.content.producer.domain points to
  // the domain of the content producer, and the BidRequest.{app/site}.page
  // field is the page in which the video is embedded.
  optional bool embeddedoffsite = 4;

  // Indicates that this bid request is fetching impressions in advance of a
  // future ad break in a live video stream. The impression may not be rendered
  // if, for example, the user closes the video player before the ad break
  // begins. The bid request for the same opportunity may also be retried in
  // some cases, such as updated publisher settings.
  optional bool prefetch = 5;
extend {
  // Extension key for AdX Imp.ext.
  optional ImpExt imp = 1009;
extend {
  // Extension key for AdX App.ext.
  optional AppExt app = 1011;
extend {
  optional BannerExt banner_ext = 1014;
extend {
  // Extension key for AdX BidResponse.ext.
  optional BidResponseExt bid_response = 1005;
extend {
  // Extension key for AdX Bid.ext.
  optional BidExt bid = 1014;
extend {
  // Extension key for the AdX Native.ext.
  optional NativeRequestExt native_ext = 1001;
extend {
  // Extension key for the AdX EventTracker.ext.
  optional EventTrackerExt eventtrackers = 1000;
extend {
  // Extension key for the AdX Publisher.ext
  optional PublisherExt publisher = 1002;
extend {
  // Extension key for the Adx Site.ext
  optional SiteExt site = 1010;
extend {
  // Extension key for the Adx BidRequest.ext
  optional BidRequestExt bid_request = 1018;
extend {
  // Extension key for the Adx User.ext
  optional UserExt user = 1007;
extend {
  // Extension key for the AdX User.eids.uids.ext.
  optional UIDExt uids = 1001;
extend {
  // Extension key for the AdX Data.ext
  optional DataExt data = 1000;
extend {
  optional DeviceExt device = 1066;
extend {
  // Extension key for the Adx Regs.ext
  optional RegsExt regs = 1001;
extend {
  // Extension key for AdX Deal.ext.
  optional DealExt deal = 1010;
extend {
  // Extension key for Source.ext
  optional SourceExt source = 1059;
extend {
  // Extension key for Geo.ext
  optional GeoExt geo = 1004;
extend {
  // Extension key for Video.ext
  optional VideoExt video = 1031;

// SKAdNetwork API starting from version 2.2 supports multiple ad
// presentation options specified by the `fidelity-type` parameter of the
// SKAdNetwork signature. The following are the fidelity types supported by
// Apple. For more info visit:
enum SKAdNetworkFidelityType {
  // Attribution for app installs within 24 hours of viewing an ad for at least
  // 3 seconds. Supported for SKAdnetwork version 2.2 and up. For more info see:

  // Attribution for app installs initiated from the StoreKit-rendered App Store
  // product page driven by ad clicks. Supported for all SKAdNetwork versions.
  // For more info see: