P-MAX キャンペーンの予算を設定する

P-MAX キャンペーンには 予算を設定するだけでなく ただし、次の制限があります。

  • 予算には 予算期間: DAILY
  • 予算は 共有できます。

1 日の平均予算を試す コンバージョン単価またはコンバージョン単価の 3 倍以上 [アクション]を選択します一般的に、予算は一定にする必要がある 成果が上がっている他のキャンペーンと併用できます 選択の詳細 できます。

コンバージョン単価やコンバージョン単価に対して予算が低すぎる場合は、 立ち上げ期間が長くなるか、数日間はコンバージョン数が減る。


/** Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new CampaignBudget. */
private MutateOperation createCampaignBudgetOperation(long customerId) {
  CampaignBudget campaignBudget =
          .setName("Performance Max campaign budget #" + getPrintableDateTime())
          // The budget period already defaults to DAILY.
          // A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
          // Set a temporary ID in the budget's resource name, so it can be referenced
          // by the campaign in later steps.
          .setResourceName(ResourceNames.campaignBudget(customerId, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID))

  return MutateOperation.newBuilder()


/// <summary>
/// Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new CampaignBudget.
/// A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign budget so that it can be
/// referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="budgetResourceName">The temporary resource name of the budget to
/// create.</param>
/// <returns>A MutateOperation that creates a CampaignBudget.</returns>
private MutateOperation CreateCampaignBudgetOperation(string budgetResourceName)
    MutateOperation operation = new MutateOperation
        CampaignBudgetOperation = new CampaignBudgetOperation
            Create = new CampaignBudget
                Name = "Performance Max campaign budget #"
                  + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(),

                // The budget period already defaults to DAILY.
                AmountMicros = 50000000,
                DeliveryMethod = BudgetDeliveryMethod.Standard,

                // A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
                ExplicitlyShared = false,

                // Set a temporary ID in the budget's resource name so it can be referenced
                // by the campaign in later steps.
                ResourceName = budgetResourceName

    return operation;



private static function createCampaignBudgetOperation(int $customerId): MutateOperation
    // Creates a mutate operation that creates a campaign budget operation.
    return new MutateOperation([
        'campaign_budget_operation' => new CampaignBudgetOperation([
            'create' => new CampaignBudget([
                // Sets a temporary ID in the budget's resource name so it can be referenced
                // by the campaign in later steps.
                'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forCampaignBudget(
                'name' => 'Performance Max campaign budget #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
                // The budget period already defaults to DAILY.
                'amount_micros' => 50000000,
                'delivery_method' => BudgetDeliveryMethod::STANDARD,
                // A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
                'explicitly_shared' => false


def create_campaign_budget_operation(
    """Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new CampaignBudget.

    A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign budget so that it can be
    referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.

        a MutateOperation that creates a CampaignBudget.
    mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    campaign_budget_operation = mutate_operation.campaign_budget_operation
    campaign_budget = campaign_budget_operation.create
    campaign_budget.name = f"Performance Max campaign budget #{uuid4()}"
    # The budget period already defaults to DAILY.
    campaign_budget.amount_micros = 50000000
    campaign_budget.delivery_method = (
    # A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
    campaign_budget.explicitly_shared = False

    # Set a temporary ID in the budget's resource name so it can be referenced
    # by the campaign in later steps.
    campaign_budget.resource_name = client.get_service(
    ).campaign_budget_path(customer_id, _BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID)

    return mutate_operation


# Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new CampaignBudget.
# A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign budget so that it can be
# referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
def create_campaign_budget_operation(client, customer_id)
  client.operation.mutate do |m|
    m.campaign_budget_operation = client.operation.create_resource.campaign_budget do |cb|
      cb.name = "Performance Max campaign budget #{SecureRandom.uuid}"
      # The budget period already defaults to DAILY.
      cb.amount_micros = 50_000_000
      cb.delivery_method = :STANDARD
        # A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
        cb.explicitly_shared = false

      # Set a temporary ID in the budget's resource name so it can be referenced
      # by the campaign in later steps.
      cb.resource_name = client.path.campaign_budget(customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID)


sub create_campaign_budget_operation {
  my ($customer_id) = @_;

  # Create a mutate operation that creates a campaign budget operation.
      campaignBudgetOperation =>
          create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Resources::CampaignBudget->new(
              # Set a temporary ID in the budget's resource name so it can be
              # referenced by the campaign in later steps.
              resourceName =>
                $customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID
              name => "Performance Max campaign budget #" . uniqid(),
              # The budget period already defaults to DAILY.
              amountMicros   => 50000000,
              deliveryMethod => STANDARD,
              # A Performance Max campaign cannot use a shared campaign budget.
              explicitlyShared => "false",

キャンペーン予算の作成方法は、 P-MAX キャンペーンのインタラクティブ ガイドをご覧ください。