Google Lodging Data Transfer


Google shows your hotel attribute data across Search and Maps. You can send this data to Google with the Google Lodging Format.

To send Google your lodging data, you can either embed the data in your hotel list feed (preferred method) or set up a dedicated file transfer. The following sections cover each option.

Embed data in your hotel list feed

If you have an existing hotel list feed, you can include the lodging data in the <attributes> section under the <client_attr name="lodging">. The value for this attribute is the Base64-encoded string of the encoded Lodging proto for the listing. Using this method, the Lodging.place_id field should be the Hotel ID of the specific listing entry in your feed.

Additional references

For more information, see the following:

Set up a dedicated file transfer

If you aren't able to include the lodging data directly in the listing entry, you can set up a separate hosted file transfer. The Lodging proto data can be formatted as a textproto or JSON. The setup is very similar to that of the hotel listing feed. Contact your technical account manager (TAM) for help setting this up.