Les comptes sont associés à l'aide des flux implicites et codes d'autorisation OAuth 2.0 standards dans l'industrie. Votre service doit prendre en charge les points de terminaison d'autorisation et d'échange de jetons conformes à OAuth 2.0.
In the implicit flow, Google opens your authorization endpoint in the user's browser. After successful sign in, you return a long-lived access token to Google. This access token is now included in every request sent from Google.
In the authorization code flow, you need two endpoints:
The authorization endpoint, which presents the sign-in UI to your users that aren't already signed in. The authorization endpoint also creates a short-lived authorization code to record users' consent to the requested access.
The token exchange endpoint, which is responsible for two types of exchanges:
- Exchanges an authorization code for a long-lived refresh token and a short-lived access token. This exchange happens when the user goes through the account linking flow.
- Exchanges a long-lived refresh token for a short-lived access token. This exchange happens when Google needs a new access token because the one it had expired.
Choose an OAuth 2.0 flow
Although the implicit flow is simpler to implement, Google recommends that access tokens issued by the implicit flow never expire. This is because the user is forced to link their account again after a token expires with the implicit flow. If you need token expiration for security reasons, we strongly recommend that you use the authorization code flow instead.
Design guidelines
This section describes the design requirements and recommendations for the user screen that you host for OAuth linking flows. After it's called by Google's app, your platform displays a sign in to Google page and account linking consent screen to the user. The user is directed back to Google's app after giving their consent to link accounts.
- You must communicate that the user’s account will be linked to Google, not a specific Google product like Google Home or Google Assistant.
We recommend that you do the following:
Display Google's Privacy Policy. Include a link to Google’s Privacy Policy on the consent screen.
Data to be shared. Use clear and concise language to tell the user what data of theirs Google requires and why.
Clear call-to-action. State a clear call-to-action on your consent screen, such as “Agree and link.” This is because users need to understand what data they're required to share with Google to link their accounts.
Ability to cancel. Provide a way for users to go back or cancel, if they choose not to link.
Clear sign-in process. Ensure that users have clear method for signing in to their Google account, such as fields for their username and password or Sign in with Google.
Ability to unlink. Offer a mechanism for users to unlink, such as a URL to their account settings on your platform. Alternatively, you can include a link to Google Account where users can manage their linked account.
Ability to change user account. Suggest a method for users to switch their account(s). This is especially beneficial if users tend to have multiple accounts.
- If a user must close the consent screen to switch accounts, send a recoverable error to Google so the user can sign in to the desired account with OAuth linking and the implicit flow.
Include your logo. Display your company logo on the consent screen. Use your style guidelines to place your logo. If you wish to also display Google's logo, see Logos and trademarks.
Create the project
To create your project to use account linking:
Configure your OAuth Consent Screen
The Google Account Linking process includes a consent screen which tells users the application requesting access to their data, what kind of data they are asking for and the terms that apply. You will need to configure your OAuth consent screen before generating a Google API client ID.
- Open the OAuth consent screen page of the Google APIs console.
- If prompted, select the project you just created.
On the "OAuth consent screen" page, fill out the form and click the “Save” button.
Application name: The name of the application asking for consent. The name should accurately reflect your application and be consistent with the application name users see elsewhere. The application name will be shown on the Account Linking consent screen.
Application logo: An image on the consent screen that will help users recognize your app. The logo is shown on Account linking consent screen and on account settings
Support email: For users to contact you with questions about their consent.
Scopes for Google APIs: Scopes allow your application to access your user's private Google data. For the Google Account Linking use case, default scope (email, profile, openid) is sufficient, you don’t need to add any sensitive scopes. It is generally a best practice to request scopes incrementally, at the time access is required, rather than up front. Learn more.
Authorized domains: To protect you and your users, Google only allows applications that authenticate using OAuth to use Authorized Domains. Your applications' links must be hosted on Authorized Domains. Learn more.
Application Homepage link: Home page for your application. Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.
Application Privacy Policy link: Shown on Google Account Linking consent screen. Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.
Application Terms of Service link (Optional): Must be hosted on an Authorized Domain.
Figure 1. Google Account Linking Consent Screen for a fictitious Application, Tunery
Check "Verification Status", if your application needs verification then click the "Submit For Verification" button to submit your application for verification. Refer to OAuth verification requirements for details.
Implémenter votre serveur OAuth
Pour prendre en charge le flux implicite OAuth 2.0, votre service accorde une autorisation un point de terminaison unique disponible via HTTPS. Ce point de terminaison est responsable de l'authentification l'obtention du consentement des utilisateurs pour l'accès aux données. Le point de terminaison d'autorisation présente une interface utilisateur de connexion aux utilisateurs qui ne sont pas déjà connectés et enregistre autoriser l'accès demandé.
Lorsqu'une application Google doit appeler l'une des API autorisées de votre service, Google utilise ce point de terminaison pour obtenir l'autorisation de vos utilisateurs d'appeler ces API en son nom.
Une session de flux implicite OAuth 2.0 typique lancée par Google possède le flux suivant:
- Google ouvre votre point de terminaison d'autorisation dans le navigateur de l'utilisateur. La se connecte (s'il ne l'est pas déjà) et autorise Google à accéder à leurs données avec votre API, s'ils ne l'ont pas déjà accordé.
- Votre service crée un jeton d'accès et le renvoie à Google Pour ce faire, redirigez le navigateur de l'utilisateur vers Google associé à la requête.
- Google appelle les API de votre service et associe le jeton d'accès chaque requête. Votre service vérifie que le jeton d'accès accorde à Google l'autorisation d'accès à l'API, puis termine l'appel d'API.
Gérer les requêtes d'autorisation
Lorsqu'une application Google doit associer un compte via une méthode OAuth 2.0 flux implicite, Google redirige l'utilisateur vers votre point de terminaison d'autorisation qui inclut les paramètres suivants:
Paramètres du point de terminaison de l'autorisation | |
client_id |
ID client que vous avez attribué à Google. |
redirect_uri |
URL à laquelle vous envoyez la réponse à cette requête. |
state |
Une valeur de tenue de registre renvoyée à Google telle quelle dans le l'URI de redirection. |
response_type |
Type de valeur à renvoyer dans la réponse. Pour l'authentification OAuth 2.0
le type de réponse est toujours token . |
user_locale |
Le paramètre linguistique du compte Google RFC5646 format utilisé pour localiser votre contenu dans la langue préférée de l'utilisateur. |
Par exemple, si votre point de terminaison d'autorisation est disponible
, une requête peut se présenter comme suit:
GET https://myservice.example.com/auth?client_id=GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI&state=STATE_STRING&response_type=token&user_locale=LOCALE
Pour que votre point de terminaison d'autorisation traite les requêtes de connexion, procédez comme suit : étapes:
Vérifiez les valeurs
pour pour empêcher l'octroi d'accès à des applications clientes non intentionnelles ou mal configurées:- Vérifiez que
correspond à l'ID client que vous attribué à Google. - Vérifiez que l'URL spécifiée par
a la forme suivante:https://oauth-redirect.googleusercontent.com/r/YOUR_PROJECT_ID https://oauth-redirect-sandbox.googleusercontent.com/r/YOUR_PROJECT_ID
- Vérifiez que
Vérifiez si l'utilisateur est connecté à votre service. Si l'utilisateur n'est pas signé suivez la procédure de connexion ou d'inscription de votre service.
Générez un jeton d'accès que Google utilisera pour accéder à votre API. La Le jeton d'accès peut correspondre à n'importe quelle valeur de chaîne, mais il doit représenter de manière unique le user et le client pour lequel le jeton est destiné et ne doit pas être devinable.
Envoyer une réponse HTTP qui redirige le navigateur de l'utilisateur vers l'URL spécifiée par le paramètre
. Incluez tous les les paramètres suivants dans le fragment d'URL:access_token
: jeton d'accès que vous venez de générertoken_type
: chaînebearer
: valeur de l'état non modifié de l'original demander
Voici un exemple de l'URL obtenue:
Le gestionnaire de redirection OAuth 2.0 de Google reçoit le jeton d'accès et confirme
que la valeur state
n'a pas changé. Une fois que Google a obtenu
pour votre service, le jeton est associé aux appels suivants
à vos API de service.
Handle userinfo requests
The userinfo endpoint is an OAuth 2.0 protected resource that return claims about the linked user. Implementing and hosting the userinfo endpoint is optional, except for the following use cases:
- Linked Account Sign-In with Google One Tap.
- Frictionless subscription on AndroidTV.
After the access token has been successfully retrieved from your token endpoint, Google sends a request to your userinfo endpoint to retrieve basic profile information about the linked user.
userinfo endpoint request headers | |
Authorization header |
The access token of type Bearer. |
For example, if your userinfo endpoint is available at
, a request might look like the following:
GET /userinfo HTTP/1.1 Host: myservice.example.com Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN
For your userinfo endpoint to handle requests, do the following steps:
- Extract access token from the Authorization header and return information for the user associated with the access token.
- If the access token is invalid, return an HTTP 401 Unauthorized error with using the
Response Header. Below is an example of a userinfo error response: If a 401 Unauthorized, or any other unsuccessful error response is returned during the linking process, the error will be non-recoverable, the retrieved token will be discarded and the user will have to initiate the linking process again.HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: error="invalid_token", error_description="The Access Token expired"
If the access token is valid, return and HTTP 200 response with the following JSON object in the body of the HTTPS response:
If your userinfo endpoint returns an HTTP 200 success response, the retrieved token and claims are registered against the user's Google account.{ "sub": "USER_UUID", "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS", "given_name": "FIRST_NAME", "family_name": "LAST_NAME", "name": "FULL_NAME", "picture": "PROFILE_PICTURE", }
userinfo endpoint response sub
A unique ID that identifies the user in your system. email
Email address of the user. given_name
Optional: First name of the user. family_name
Optional: Last name of the user. name
Optional: Full name of the user. picture
Optional: Profile picture of the user.
Valider votre implémentation
您可以使用 OAuth 2.0 Playground 工具验证您的实现。
- 点击配置 以打开 OAuth 2.0 配置窗口。
- 在 OAuth flow 字段中,选择 Client-side(客户端)。
- 在 OAuth 端点字段中,选择自定义。
- 在相应字段中指定您的 OAuth 2.0 端点和您分配给 Google 的客户端 ID。
- 在第 1 步部分,不要选择任何 Google 范围。请将此字段留空或输入对服务器有效的范围(如果您不使用 OAuth 范围,则可以输入任意字符串)。完成后,点击授权 API。
- 在 Step 2 和 Step 3 部分中,完成 OAuth 2.0 流程,并验证每个步骤是否按预期运行。
您可以使用 Google 账号关联演示版工具验证您的实现。
- 点击使用 Google 账号登录按钮。
- 选择您要关联的账号。
- 输入服务 ID。
- (可选)输入您要请求访问权限的一个或多个范围。
- 点击开始演示。
- 当系统提示时,请确认您同意或拒绝关联请求。
- 确认您已被重定向到您的平台。