Buat catatan

Google Keep API memungkinkan Anda membuat dua jenis catatan: catatan teks dan daftar catatan. Dokumen ini menunjukkan cara membuat setiap jenis.

Membuat catatan teks

Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara membuat catatan teks:


Panggil notes.create dengan Referensi Catatan. Letakkan TextContent di Bagian catatan.


 * Creates a new text note.
 * @throws IOException
 * @return The newly created text note.
private Note createTextNote(String title, String textContent) throws IOException {
  Section noteBody = new Section().setText(new TextContent().setText(textContent));
  Note newNote = new Note().setTitle(title).setBody(noteBody);

  return keepService.notes().create(newNote).execute();

Membuat catatan daftar

Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara membuat catatan daftar:


Panggil notes.create dengan Referensi Catatan. Letakkan ListContent di Bagian catatan.


 * Creates a new list note.
 * @throws IOException
 * @return The newly created list note.
private Note createListNote() throws IOException {
  // Create a checked list item.
  ListItem checkedListItem =
      new ListItem().setText(new TextContent().setText("Send meeting invites")).setChecked(true);

  // Create a list item with two children.
  ListItem uncheckedListItemWithChildren =
      new ListItem()
          .setText(new TextContent().setText("Prepare the presentation"))
                  new ListItem().setText(new TextContent().setText("Review metrics")),
                  new ListItem().setText(new TextContent().setText("Analyze sales projections")),
                  new ListItem().setText(new TextContent().setText("Share with leads"))));

  // Creates an unchecked list item.
  ListItem uncheckedListItem =
      new ListItem().setText(new TextContent().setText("Send summary email")).setChecked(true);

  Note newNote =
      new Note()
          .setTitle("Marketing review meeting")
              new Section()
                      new ListContent()

  return keepService.notes().create(newNote).execute();