
借助适用于地点详情的地点详情界面套件,您可以添加用于在应用中显示地点详情的单个界面组件。该界面套件可单独使用,也可与其他 Google Maps Platform API 和服务搭配使用。界面套件接受地点 ID 或纬度/经度坐标,并返回渲染的地点详情信息。
界面工具包提供了一个紧凑的视图,可水平或垂直显示。您可以通过提供自定义 PlaceWidgetTheme
值来自定义地点详情的外观。您还可以通过指定 PlaceDetailsCompactView
地点详情 widget 是一个 Swift 界面视图。您可以自定义地点详情信息的外观和风格,以满足您的需求并与应用的外观保持一致。
默认位置为竖屏。如果您希望采用横向布局,请在 PlaceDetailsCompactView
中指定 orientation: .horizontal
// Callback for the place details widget. let placeDetailsCallback: (PlaceDetailsResult) -> Void = { result in if let place = result.place { print("Place: \(place.description)") } else { print("Error: \(String(describing: result.error))") } } @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme var customTheme = false var theme: PlaceWidgetTheme { if customTheme { var theme = PlaceWidgetTheme() theme.colorSurfaceContainerLowest = (colorScheme == .dark ? .blue : .gray) theme.colorOutlineDecorative = (colorScheme == .dark ? .white : .black) theme.colorOnSurface = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .red) theme.colorOnSurfaceVariant = (colorScheme == .dark ? .white : .blue) theme.colorOnSecondaryContainer = (colorScheme == .dark ? .white : .red) theme.colorSecondaryContainer = (colorScheme == .dark ? .green : .purple) theme.colorPositive = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .red) theme.colorPrimary = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .purple) theme.colorInfo = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .purple) theme.cornerRadius = 10 theme.labelLarge = .system(size: 15) theme.headlineMedium = .system(size: 14) theme.bodyLarge = .system(size: 13) theme.bodyMedium = .system(size: 12) theme.bodySmall = .system(size: 11) theme.attributionColorLight = .black theme.attributionColorDark = .white return theme } else { return PlaceWidgetTheme() } } @State var query: PlaceDetailsQuery = PlaceDetailsQuery( identifier: .placeID("ChIJT7FdmYiAhYAROFOvrIxRJDU")) var body: some View { PlaceDetailsCompactView( orientation: .vertical, query: $query, contentType: [.media(), .address(), .rating(), .type(), .price(), .accessibleEntranceIcon(), .mapsLink(), .directionsLink()], theme: theme, placeDetailsCallback: placeDetailsCallback, preferTruncation: false ) .frame(width: 350) }
// Callback for the place details widget. let placeDetailsCallback: (PlaceDetailsResult) -> Void = { result in if let place = result.place { print("Place: \(place.description)") } else { print("Error: \(String(describing: result.error))") } } @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme var customTheme = false var theme: PlaceWidgetTheme { if customTheme { var theme = PlaceWidgetTheme() theme.colorSurfaceContainerLowest = (colorScheme == .dark ? .blue : .gray) theme.colorOutlineDecorative = (colorScheme == .dark ? .white : .black) theme.colorOnSurface = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .red) theme.colorOnSurfaceVariant = (colorScheme == .dark ? .white : .blue) theme.colorOnSecondaryContainer = (colorScheme == .dark ? .white : .red) theme.colorSecondaryContainer = (colorScheme == .dark ? .green : .purple) theme.colorPositive = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .red) theme.colorPrimary = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .purple) theme.colorInfo = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .purple) theme.cornerRadius = 10 theme.labelLarge = .system(size: 15) theme.headlineMedium = .system(size: 14) theme.bodyLarge = .system(size: 13) theme.bodyMedium = .system(size: 12) theme.bodySmall = .system(size: 11) theme.attributionColorLight = .black theme.attributionColorDark = .white return theme } else { return PlaceWidgetTheme() } } @State var query: PlaceDetailsQuery = PlaceDetailsQuery( identifier: .placeID("ChIJT7FdmYiAhYAROFOvrIxRJDU")) var body: some View { PlaceDetailsCompactView( orientation: .horizontal, query: $query, contentType: [.media(), .address(), .rating(), .type(), .price(), .accessibleEntranceIcon(), .mapsLink(), .directionsLink()], theme: theme, placeDetailsCallback: placeDetailsCallback, preferTruncation: false ) .frame(width: 350) }
// Callback for the place details widget. let placeDetailsCallback: (PlaceDetailsResult) -> Void = { result in if let place = result.place { print("Place: \(place.description)") } else { print("Error: \(String(describing: result.error))") } } @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme var theme: PlaceWidgetTheme { var theme = PlaceWidgetTheme() theme.colorSurfaceContainerLowest = (colorScheme == .dark ? .blue : .gray) theme.colorOutlineDecorative = (colorScheme == .dark ? .white : .black) theme.colorOnSurface = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .red) theme.colorOnSurfaceVariant = (colorScheme == .dark ? .white : .blue) theme.colorOnSecondaryContainer = (colorScheme == .dark ? .white : .red) theme.colorSecondaryContainer = (colorScheme == .dark ? .green : .purple) theme.colorPositive = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .red) theme.colorPrimary = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .purple) theme.colorInfo = (colorScheme == .dark ? .yellow : .purple) theme.cornerRadius = 10 theme.labelLarge = .system(size: 15) theme.headlineMedium = .system(size: 14) theme.bodyLarge = .system(size: 13) theme.bodyMedium = .system(size: 12) theme.bodySmall = .system(size: 11) theme.attributionColorLight = .black theme.attributionColorDark = .white return theme } @State var query: PlaceDetailsQuery = PlaceDetailsQuery( identifier: .placeID("ChIJT7FdmYiAhYAROFOvrIxRJDU")) var body: some View { PlaceDetailsCompactView( orientation: .vertical, query: $query, contentType: [.media(), .address(), .rating(), .type(), .price(), .accessibleEntranceIcon(), .mapsLink(), .directionsLink()], theme: theme, placeDetailsCallback: placeDetailsCallback, preferTruncation: false ) .frame(width: 350) }