Troubleshoot and fix Meet add-on errors

This guide provides instructions about how to resolve specific Google Meet add-ons SDK errors that you might encounter while building and testing Meet add-ons.

To get details about an error, use the MeetAddonError object. It contains an errorType property which specifies the type of error.

Error types

The following are the error types generated when the Meet add-ons SDK throws an error, along with explanation on how to interpret them and guidance on what to do when you get them.

Error Error message Action
ActivityIsOngoing Cannot perform operation while an activity is ongoing. Make sure an activity isn't ongoing.
ActivityStartingStateEmpty The activity starting state is empty. An ActivityStartingState object was supplied, but it doesn't contain any attributes.
ActivityStartingStateMissingAttributes The activity starting state doesn't contain any recognized attributes. Make sure that the ActivityStartingState object contains at least one of the following attributes: mainStageUrl, sidePanelUrl, or additionalData.
ActivityStartingStateUnrecognizedAttributes The activity starting state contains unrecognized attributes. Make sure that the ActivityStartingState object has only the following attributes: mainStageUrl, sidePanelUrl, or additionalData.
AddonSessionAlreadyCreated The add-on session has already been created. Only instantiate the AddonSession once.
AddonStartingStateMissingAttributes The add-on starting state doesn't contain any recognized attributes. Make sure that the AddonStartingState object contains at least one of the following attributes: sidePanelUrl, additionalData.
AddonStartingStateUnrecognizedAttributes The add-on starting state contains unrecognized attributes. Make sure that the AddonStartingState object has only the following attributes: sidePanelUrl, additionalData.
ArgumentNullError The value of the supplied object is null where a value was expected. Make sure you're passing a value of the expected type for the argument.
ArgumentTypeError The type of the supplied object did not match the expected type. Make sure the type of the argument provided matches the expected type.
DestinationNotReady The recipient frame isn't connected using the Meet add-ons SDK and cannot receive the notification. Make sure the destination frame is connected before sending messages to it.
InternalError An internal Meet error has occurred. No further information is available.
InvalidActivityStartingState ActivityStartingState iframe URLs don't match the origins of the URLs provided in the add-on manifest. Make sure that the ActivityStartingState iframe URL origins match the origins of the URLs provided in the add-on manifest. For more information, see Add-on security.
InvalidAddonStartingState AddonStartingState iframe URLs don't match the origins of the URLs provided in the add-on manifest. Make sure that the AddonStartingState iframe URL origins match the origins of the URLs provided in the add-on manifest.
InvalidCloudProjectNumber Cloud project number provided by Meet doesn't match the one passed in by the Meet add-ons SDK. Make sure that the correct Cloud project number is passed into the SDK as a string when calling the createAddonSession property or the exposeToMeetWhenScreenSharing() method. This parameter is automatically appended by Meet to any iframe URLs. Make sure your infrastructure doesn't modify URL parameters (for example, as part of a redirect) before using the passed value.
MeetingPolicyPreventsStartingActivity A meeting policy (such as using host control settings) prevents the user from starting the activity. Have a meeting host or administrator modify the necessary settings to allow the current user to start the activity.
MissingUrlParameter Missing required Meet add-ons SDK URL parameter. This parameter is automatically appended by Meet to the iframe URL. Make sure your infrastructure doesn't modify URL parameters (for example, as part of a redirect).
NeedsMainStageContext This method can only be invoked if the add-on is running in the main stage. Use the getFrameType property to check whether the add-on is running in the main stage before invoking this method.
NeedsSidePanelContext This method can only be invoked if the add-on is running in the side panel. Use the getFrameType property to check whether the add-on is running in the side panel before invoking this method.
NoActivityFound No activity found when performing an operation. Make sure that the activity is started before performing this operation.
NotSupportedInMeetCall This method isn't supported in the Meet call. Don't call this method during a Meet call.
NotSupportedInStandalone This method isn't supported in standalone mode. Don't call this method in standalone mode.
RequiresEapEnrollment Requested method requires EAP enrollment. Google Meet add-on early access enrollment is closed.
SizeLimitExceededActivityStartingState The size of the ActivityStartingState URLs and/or its data exceeds the limits allowed. Make sure that the ActivityStartingState URL size is less than 512 characters and the additional data size is less than 4,096 characters.
SizeLimitExceededAddonStartingState The size of the AddonStartingState URLs and/or its data exceeds the limits allowed. Make sure that the AddonStartingState URL size is less than 512 characters and the additional data size is less than 4,096 characters.
SizeLimitExceededFrameToFrameMessage The size of the frame-to-frame message exceeds the limits allowed. Make sure that the frame-to-frame message size is less than 1,000,000 characters.
UserCancelled The user cancelled starting the activity. The user needs to click continue to start the activity.
UserNotInitiator The user isn't the initiator of the current activity. Make sure that the user is the initiator of the current activity or that the activity has ended.