Method: accounts.updateNotificationSetting

Sets the pubsub notification setting for the account informing Google which topic to send pubsub notifications for. Use the notificationTypes field within notificationSetting to manipulate the events an account wants to subscribe to.

An account will only have one notification setting resource, and only one pubsub topic can be set. To delete the setting, update with an empty notificationTypes

HTTP request


The URL uses gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



Required. The resource name this setting is for. This is of the form accounts/{account_id}/notificationSetting.

Query parameters


string (FieldMask format)

Required. The specific fields that should be updated. The only editable field is notificationSetting.

This is a comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields. Example: "user.displayName,photo".

Request body

The request body contains an instance of NotificationSetting.

Response body

If successful, the response body contains an instance of NotificationSetting.

Authorization scopes

Requires the following OAuth scope:


For more information, see the OAuth 2.0 Overview.