
如果您的 Android 应用是通过 Google Play 商店发布的,则您可以将其与 Google Pay API 集成。您还可以将其配置为接受支付卡。要集成应用并将其配置为接受支付卡,请按照本教程中的步骤进行操作。

第 1 步:指定您的 Google Pay API 版本

声明您的应用所使用的 Google Pay API 版本。该主要及次要版本会影响每个传递对象中预期的字段,并且会包含在响应中。


    private val baseRequest = JSONObject().apply {
        put("apiVersion", 2)
        put("apiVersionMinor", 0)
  private static JSONObject getBaseRequest() throws JSONException {
    return new JSONObject().put("apiVersion", 2).put("apiVersionMinor", 0);

第 2 步:为您的付款服务机构申请付款令牌

Google 会加密付款人所选卡的相关信息,以便付款服务机构进行安全处理。

private fun gatewayTokenizationSpecification(): JSONObject {
    return JSONObject().apply {
        put("type", "PAYMENT_GATEWAY")
        put("parameters", JSONObject(mapOf(
                "gateway" to "example",
                "gatewayMerchantId" to "exampleGatewayMerchantId")))
  private static JSONObject getGatewayTokenizationSpecification() throws JSONException {
    return new JSONObject() {{
      put("type", "PAYMENT_GATEWAY");
      put("parameters", new JSONObject() {{
        put("gateway", "example");
        put("gatewayMerchantId", "exampleGatewayMerchantId");

exampleexampleGatewayMerchantId 替换为付款服务机构的相应值。请使用下表查找您的付款服务机构的具体 gatewaygatewayMerchantId 值:

网关 参数和文档
ABA PayWay
  "gateway": "ababank"
  "gatewayMerchantId": "YOUR_GATEWAY_MERCHANT_ID"


  "gateway": "acceptblue"
  "gatewayMerchantId": "YOUR_GATEWAY_MERCHANT_ID"


  "gateway": "aciworldwide"
  "gatewayMerchantId": "YOUR_ENTITY_ID"


  "gateway": "acpay"
  "gatewayMerchantId": "YOUR_GATEWAY_MERCHANT_ID"


  "gateway": "acquired"
  "gatewayMerchantId": "YOUR_GATEWAY_MERCHANT_ID"


PAYMENT_GATEWAY 令牌化类型是 Google Pay API 中为商家实现卡付款方式的最常见类型。如果您的付款服务机构不受支持,您也许可以通过 DIRECT 集成来接受 Google Pay。如需了解详情,请参阅直接令牌化文档

第 3 步:指定支持的支付卡网络


private val allowedCardNetworks = JSONArray(listOf(
private static JSONArray getAllowedCardNetworks() {
  return new JSONArray()

Google Pay API 可能返回在 Google.com 上留存的支付卡 (PAN_ONLY) 或在 Android 设备上以 3D 安全密文进行身份验证的设备令牌 (CRYPTOGRAM_3DS)。

private val allowedCardAuthMethods = JSONArray(listOf(
private static JSONArray getAllowedCardAuthMethods() {
  return new JSONArray()

如需了解详情,请参阅 JSON 对象参考中的 CardParameters。如需 Android 设备令牌支持,请与您的网关或处理方联系,了解所支持的支付卡网络。

第 4 步:说明您允许的付款方式

将您支持的身份验证方法和支持的支付卡网络结合起来,以说明您的应用对 CARD 付款方式的支持情况。

    private fun baseCardPaymentMethod(): JSONObject {
        return JSONObject().apply {

            val parameters = JSONObject().apply {
                put("allowedAuthMethods", allowedCardAuthMethods)
                put("allowedCardNetworks", allowedCardNetworks)
                put("billingAddressRequired", true)
                put("billingAddressParameters", JSONObject().apply {
                    put("format", "FULL")

            put("type", "CARD")
            put("parameters", parameters)
  private static JSONObject getBaseCardPaymentMethod() throws JSONException {
    JSONObject cardPaymentMethod = new JSONObject();
    cardPaymentMethod.put("type", "CARD");

    JSONObject parameters = new JSONObject();
    parameters.put("allowedAuthMethods", getAllowedCardAuthMethods());
    parameters.put("allowedCardNetworks", getAllowedCardNetworks());
    // Optionally, you can add billing address/phone number associated with a CARD payment method.
    parameters.put("billingAddressRequired", true);

    JSONObject billingAddressParameters = new JSONObject();
    billingAddressParameters.put("format", "FULL");

    parameters.put("billingAddressParameters", billingAddressParameters);

    cardPaymentMethod.put("parameters", parameters);

    return cardPaymentMethod;


    private fun cardPaymentMethod(): JSONObject {
        val cardPaymentMethod = baseCardPaymentMethod()
        cardPaymentMethod.put("tokenizationSpecification", gatewayTokenizationSpecification())

        return cardPaymentMethod
  private static JSONObject getCardPaymentMethod() throws JSONException {
    JSONObject cardPaymentMethod = getBaseCardPaymentMethod();
    cardPaymentMethod.put("tokenizationSpecification", getGatewayTokenizationSpecification());

    return cardPaymentMethod;

如需详细了解所支持的 parameters,请参阅 JSON 对象参考中的 CardParameters

除了 CARD 之外,Google Pay 还支持 PAYPAL 付款方式。如需详细了解如何将 PayPal 添加为 Google Pay 的付款方式,请参阅 PayPal 开发者文档

第 5 步:创建 PaymentsClient 实例

Activity 中的 onCreate 方法中创建 PaymentsClient 实例。PaymentsClient 用来与 Google Pay API 进行互动。

    fun createPaymentsClient(activity: Activity): PaymentsClient {
        val walletOptions = Wallet.WalletOptions.Builder()

        return Wallet.getPaymentsClient(activity, walletOptions)
  public static PaymentsClient createPaymentsClient(Activity activity) {
    Wallet.WalletOptions walletOptions =
        new Wallet.WalletOptions.Builder().setEnvironment(Constants.PAYMENTS_ENVIRONMENT).build();
    return Wallet.getPaymentsClient(activity, walletOptions);

第 6 步:确定是否能使用 Google Pay API 进行付款


    fun isReadyToPayRequest(): JSONObject? {
        return try {
            baseRequest.apply {
                put("allowedPaymentMethods", JSONArray().put(baseCardPaymentMethod()))

        } catch (e: JSONException) {
  public static Optional<JSONObject> getIsReadyToPayRequest() {
    try {
      JSONObject isReadyToPayRequest = getBaseRequest();
          "allowedPaymentMethods", new JSONArray().put(getBaseCardPaymentMethod()));

      return Optional.of(isReadyToPayRequest);

    } catch (JSONException e) {
      return Optional.empty();

在显示 Google Pay 按钮之前,请调用 isReadyToPay API 以确定用户是否能使用 Google Pay API 进行付款。如需查看配置属性的完整列表,请参阅 IsReadyToPayRequest JSON 对象文档

    private fun possiblyShowGooglePayButton() {

        val isReadyToPayJson = PaymentsUtil.isReadyToPayRequest() ?: return
        val request = IsReadyToPayRequest.fromJson(isReadyToPayJson.toString()) ?: return

        // The call to isReadyToPay is asynchronous and returns a Task. We need to provide an
        // OnCompleteListener to be triggered when the result of the call is known.
        val task = paymentsClient.isReadyToPay(request)
        task.addOnCompleteListener { completedTask ->
            try {
            } catch (exception: ApiException) {
                // Process error
                Log.w("isReadyToPay failed", exception)
  private void possiblyShowGooglePayButton() {

    final Optional<JSONObject> isReadyToPayJson = PaymentsUtil.getIsReadyToPayRequest();
    if (!isReadyToPayJson.isPresent()) {

    // The call to isReadyToPay is asynchronous and returns a Task. We need to provide an
    // OnCompleteListener to be triggered when the result of the call is known.
    IsReadyToPayRequest request = IsReadyToPayRequest.fromJson(isReadyToPayJson.get().toString());
    Task<Boolean> task = paymentsClient.isReadyToPay(request);
        new OnCompleteListener<Boolean>() {
          public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Boolean> task) {
            if (task.isSuccessful()) {
            } else {
              Log.w("isReadyToPay failed", task.getException());

如本例所示,最好仅当您从 isReadyToPay 函数收到成功结果后,再将 Google Pay 显示为付款方式。最常见的做法是,在实现付款方式时,通过布局 include 显示 Google Pay 付款按钮。如需详细了解可在您的应用中使用的 Google Pay 付款按钮、徽标和标识,请参阅品牌推广指南

第 7 步:创建 PaymentDataRequest 对象

PaymentDataRequest JSON 对象描述了您要通过 Google Pay 付款表格向付款人请求的信息。

请提供与交易价格以及所提供价格的状态相关的信息。有关详情,请参阅 TransactionInfo JSON 对象文档


    private fun getTransactionInfo(price: String): JSONObject {
        return JSONObject().apply {
            put("totalPrice", price)
            put("totalPriceStatus", "FINAL")
            put("countryCode", Constants.COUNTRY_CODE)
            put("currencyCode", Constants.CURRENCY_CODE)
  private static JSONObject getTransactionInfo(String price) throws JSONException {
    JSONObject transactionInfo = new JSONObject();
    transactionInfo.put("totalPrice", price);
    transactionInfo.put("totalPriceStatus", "FINAL");
    transactionInfo.put("countryCode", Constants.COUNTRY_CODE);
    transactionInfo.put("currencyCode", Constants.CURRENCY_CODE);
    transactionInfo.put("checkoutOption", "COMPLETE_IMMEDIATE_PURCHASE");

    return transactionInfo;

提供用户可见的商家名称。有关详情,请参阅 MerchantInfo JSON 对象文档


private val merchantInfo: JSONObject =
        JSONObject().put("merchantName", "Example Merchant")
  private static JSONObject getMerchantInfo() throws JSONException {
    return new JSONObject().put("merchantName", "Example Merchant");

将您的基本请求对象分配给新的 PaymentDataRequest JSON 对象。然后,添加您的应用所支持的付款方式,例如响应中应该会包含的任何其他数据的配置。最后,添加有关交易和提出请求的商家的信息。


fun getPaymentDataRequest(price: String): JSONObject? {
    try {
        return baseRequest.apply {
            put("allowedPaymentMethods", JSONArray().put(cardPaymentMethod()))
            put("transactionInfo", getTransactionInfo(price))
            put("merchantInfo", merchantInfo)

            // An optional shipping address requirement is a top-level property of the
            // PaymentDataRequest JSON object.
            val shippingAddressParameters = JSONObject().apply {
                put("phoneNumberRequired", false)
                put("allowedCountryCodes", JSONArray(listOf("US", "GB")))
            put("shippingAddressParameters", shippingAddressParameters)
            put("shippingAddressRequired", true)
    } catch (e: JSONException) {
        return null
  public static Optional<JSONObject> getPaymentDataRequest(long priceCents) {

    final String price = PaymentsUtil.centsToString(priceCents);

    try {
      JSONObject paymentDataRequest = PaymentsUtil.getBaseRequest();
          "allowedPaymentMethods", new JSONArray().put(PaymentsUtil.getCardPaymentMethod()));
      paymentDataRequest.put("transactionInfo", PaymentsUtil.getTransactionInfo(price));
      paymentDataRequest.put("merchantInfo", PaymentsUtil.getMerchantInfo());

      /* An optional shipping address requirement is a top-level property of the PaymentDataRequest
      JSON object. */
      paymentDataRequest.put("shippingAddressRequired", true);

      JSONObject shippingAddressParameters = new JSONObject();
      shippingAddressParameters.put("phoneNumberRequired", false);

      JSONArray allowedCountryCodes = new JSONArray(Constants.SHIPPING_SUPPORTED_COUNTRIES);

      shippingAddressParameters.put("allowedCountryCodes", allowedCountryCodes);
      paymentDataRequest.put("shippingAddressParameters", shippingAddressParameters);
      return Optional.of(paymentDataRequest);

    } catch (JSONException e) {
      return Optional.empty();

有关详情,请参阅 PaymentDataRequest JSON 对象文档

第 8 步:为用户手势注册事件处理程序

如需在用户激活 Google Pay 付款按钮后请求显示 Google Pay 付款表格,请定义 OnClickListener

        googlePayButton.setOnClickListener { requestPayment() }
        new View.OnClickListener() {
          public void onClick(View view) {

PaymentDataRequest 对象是代表付款数据请求的 ParcelablePaymentDataRequest 提供了支持付款所必需的信息。使用 AutoResolveHelper 类则可自动解析 Task,然后在您的 Activity 类的 onActivityResult 方法中处理结果。

第 9 步:处理响应对象

当付款人在 Google Pay 付款表格中成功提供所请求的信息后,系统会将 PaymentData 对象返回给 onActivityResult

为将付款信息传递给您的处理方,并向用户显示购买确认信息,请将成功的响应转换为 JSON。如果传递给 PaymentDataRequesttransactionInfo.totalPriceStatusESTIMATED,您必须先显示最终价格,然后才能按返回的付款方式扣费。

请从 paymentData 响应中提取付款令牌。如果您实现了网关集成,请将此令牌传递给您的网关,无需进行任何修改。

    public override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        when (requestCode) {
            // Value passed in AutoResolveHelper
                when (resultCode) {
                    RESULT_OK ->
                        data?.let { intent ->

                    RESULT_CANCELED -> {
                        // The user cancelled the payment attempt

                    AutoResolveHelper.RESULT_ERROR -> {
                        AutoResolveHelper.getStatusFromIntent(data)?.let {

                // Re-enables the Google Pay payment button.
                googlePayButton.isClickable = true
  public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    switch (requestCode) {
      // value passed in AutoResolveHelper
        switch (resultCode) {

          case Activity.RESULT_OK:
            PaymentData paymentData = PaymentData.getFromIntent(data);

          case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED:
            // The user cancelled the payment attempt

          case AutoResolveHelper.RESULT_ERROR:
            Status status = AutoResolveHelper.getStatusFromIntent(data);

        // Re-enables the Google Pay payment button.

如需详细了解响应的内容和结构,请参阅 PaymentData JSON 对象参考



此示例 Activity 假设您的布局中含有 id 特性为 googlepay_button 的 Google Pay 付款按钮。

 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.activity

import android.app.Activity
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.Bundle
import android.text.Html
import android.util.Log
import android.view.View
import android.widget.Toast
import com.google.android.gms.common.api.ApiException
import com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.util.PaymentsUtil
import com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.R
import com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.util.Json
import com.google.android.gms.wallet.*
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_checkout.*
import org.json.JSONArray
import org.json.JSONException
import org.json.JSONObject

 * Checkout implementation for the app
class CheckoutActivity : Activity() {

    private val SHIPPING_COST_CENTS = 9 * PaymentsUtil.CENTS.toLong()

     * A client for interacting with the Google Pay API.
     * @see [PaymentsClient](https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/wallet/PaymentsClient)
    private lateinit var paymentsClient: PaymentsClient

    private lateinit var garmentList: JSONArray
    private lateinit var selectedGarment: JSONObject

     * Arbitrarily-picked constant integer you define to track a request for payment data activity.
    private val LOAD_PAYMENT_DATA_REQUEST_CODE = 991

     * Initialize the Google Pay API on creation of the activity
     * @see Activity.onCreate
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // Set up the mock information for our item in the UI.
        selectedGarment = fetchRandomGarment()

        // Initialize a Google Pay API client for an environment suitable for testing.
        // It's recommended to create the PaymentsClient object inside of the onCreate method.
        paymentsClient = PaymentsUtil.createPaymentsClient(this)

        googlePayButton.setOnClickListener { requestPayment() }

     * Determine the viewer's ability to pay with a payment method supported by your app and display a
     * Google Pay payment button.
     * @see [](https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/wallet/PaymentsClient.html.isReadyToPay
    ) */
    private fun possiblyShowGooglePayButton() {

        val isReadyToPayJson = PaymentsUtil.isReadyToPayRequest() ?: return
        val request = IsReadyToPayRequest.fromJson(isReadyToPayJson.toString()) ?: return

        // The call to isReadyToPay is asynchronous and returns a Task. We need to provide an
        // OnCompleteListener to be triggered when the result of the call is known.
        val task = paymentsClient.isReadyToPay(request)
        task.addOnCompleteListener { completedTask ->
            try {
            } catch (exception: ApiException) {
                // Process error
                Log.w("isReadyToPay failed", exception)

     * If isReadyToPay returned `true`, show the button and hide the "checking" text. Otherwise,
     * notify the user that Google Pay is not available. Please adjust to fit in with your current
     * user flow. You are not required to explicitly let the user know if isReadyToPay returns `false`.
     * @param available isReadyToPay API response.
    private fun setGooglePayAvailable(available: Boolean) {
        if (available) {
            googlePayButton.visibility = View.VISIBLE
        } else {
                    "Unfortunately, Google Pay is not available on this device",

    private fun requestPayment() {

        // Disables the button to prevent multiple clicks.
        googlePayButton.isClickable = false

        // The price provided to the API should include taxes and shipping.
        // This price is not displayed to the user.
        val garmentPrice = selectedGarment.getDouble("price")
        val priceCents = Math.round(garmentPrice * PaymentsUtil.CENTS.toLong()) + SHIPPING_COST_CENTS

        val paymentDataRequestJson = PaymentsUtil.getPaymentDataRequest(priceCents)
        if (paymentDataRequestJson == null) {
            Log.e("RequestPayment", "Can't fetch payment data request")
        val request = PaymentDataRequest.fromJson(paymentDataRequestJson.toString())

        // Since loadPaymentData may show the UI asking the user to select a payment method, we use
        // AutoResolveHelper to wait for the user interacting with it. Once completed,
        // onActivityResult will be called with the result.
        if (request != null) {
                    paymentsClient.loadPaymentData(request), this, LOAD_PAYMENT_DATA_REQUEST_CODE)

     * Handle a resolved activity from the Google Pay payment sheet.
     * @param requestCode Request code originally supplied to AutoResolveHelper in requestPayment().
     * @param resultCode Result code returned by the Google Pay API.
     * @param data Intent from the Google Pay API containing payment or error data.
     * @see [Getting a result
     * from an Activity](https://developer.android.com/training/basics/intents/result)
    public override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        when (requestCode) {
            // Value passed in AutoResolveHelper
                when (resultCode) {
                    RESULT_OK ->
                        data?.let { intent ->

                    RESULT_CANCELED -> {
                        // The user cancelled the payment attempt

                    AutoResolveHelper.RESULT_ERROR -> {
                        AutoResolveHelper.getStatusFromIntent(data)?.let {

                // Re-enables the Google Pay payment button.
                googlePayButton.isClickable = true

     * PaymentData response object contains the payment information, as well as any additional
     * requested information, such as billing and shipping address.
     * @param paymentData A response object returned by Google after a payer approves payment.
     * @see [Payment
     * Data](https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object.PaymentData)
    private fun handlePaymentSuccess(paymentData: PaymentData) {
        val paymentInformation = paymentData.toJson() ?: return

        try {
            // Token will be null if PaymentDataRequest was not constructed using fromJson(String).
            val paymentMethodData = JSONObject(paymentInformation).getJSONObject("paymentMethodData")
            val billingName = paymentMethodData.getJSONObject("info")
            Log.d("BillingName", billingName)

            Toast.makeText(this, getString(R.string.payments_show_name, billingName), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

            // Logging token string.
            Log.d("GooglePaymentToken", paymentMethodData

        } catch (e: JSONException) {
            Log.e("handlePaymentSuccess", "Error: " + e.toString())


     * At this stage, the user has already seen a popup informing them an error occurred. Normally,
     * only logging is required.
     * @param statusCode will hold the value of any constant from CommonStatusCode or one of the
     * WalletConstants.ERROR_CODE_* constants.
     * @see [
     * Wallet Constants Library](https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/wallet/WalletConstants.constant-summary)
    private fun handleError(statusCode: Int) {
        Log.w("loadPaymentData failed", String.format("Error code: %d", statusCode))

    private fun fetchRandomGarment() : JSONObject {
        if (!::garmentList.isInitialized) {
            garmentList = Json.readFromResources(this, R.raw.tshirts)

        val randomIndex:Int = Math.round(Math.random() * (garmentList.length() - 1)).toInt()
        return garmentList.getJSONObject(randomIndex)

    private fun displayGarment(garment:JSONObject) {

        val escapedHtmlText:String = Html.fromHtml(garment.getString("description")).toString()

        val imageUri = "@drawable/${garment.getString("image")}"
        val imageResource = resources.getIdentifier(imageUri, null, packageName)


此示例文件可建立适合建立 IsReadyToPayRequestPaymentDataRequest 的 JSON 对象。

 * Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.util

import android.app.Activity
import com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.Constants
import com.google.android.gms.wallet.PaymentsClient
import com.google.android.gms.wallet.Wallet
import org.json.JSONArray
import org.json.JSONException
import org.json.JSONObject
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.math.RoundingMode

 * Contains helper static methods for dealing with the Payments API.
 * Many of the parameters used in the code are optional and are set here merely to call out their
 * existence. Please consult the documentation to learn more and feel free to remove ones not
 * relevant to your implementation.
object PaymentsUtil {
    val CENTS = BigDecimal(100)

     * Create a Google Pay API base request object with properties used in all requests.
     * @return Google Pay API base request object.
     * @throws JSONException
    private val baseRequest = JSONObject().apply {
        put("apiVersion", 2)
        put("apiVersionMinor", 0)

     * Gateway Integration: Identify your gateway and your app's gateway merchant identifier.
     * The Google Pay API response will return an encrypted payment method capable of being charged
     * by a supported gateway after payer authorization.
     * TODO: Check with your gateway on the parameters to pass and modify them in Constants.java.
     * @return Payment data tokenization for the CARD payment method.
     * @throws JSONException
     * @see [PaymentMethodTokenizationSpecification](https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object.PaymentMethodTokenizationSpecification)
    private fun gatewayTokenizationSpecification(): JSONObject {
        return JSONObject().apply {
            put("type", "PAYMENT_GATEWAY")
            put("parameters", JSONObject(Constants.PAYMENT_GATEWAY_TOKENIZATION_PARAMETERS))

     * `DIRECT` Integration: Decrypt a response directly on your servers. This configuration has
     * additional data security requirements from Google and additional PCI DSS compliance complexity.
     * Please refer to the documentation for more information about `DIRECT` integration. The
     * type of integration you use depends on your payment processor.
     * @return Payment data tokenization for the CARD payment method.
     * @throws JSONException
     * @see [PaymentMethodTokenizationSpecification](https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object.PaymentMethodTokenizationSpecification)
    private fun directTokenizationSpecification(): JSONObject {
                (Constants.DIRECT_TOKENIZATION_PARAMETERS.isEmpty() ||
                 Constants.DIRECT_TOKENIZATION_PUBLIC_KEY.isEmpty())) {

            throw RuntimeException(
                    "Please edit the Constants.java file to add protocol version & public key.")

        return JSONObject().apply {
            put("type", "DIRECT")
            put("parameters", JSONObject(Constants.DIRECT_TOKENIZATION_PARAMETERS))

     * Card networks supported by your app and your gateway.
     * TODO: Confirm card networks supported by your app and gateway & update in Constants.java.
     * @return Allowed card networks
     * @see [CardParameters](https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object.CardParameters)
    private val allowedCardNetworks = JSONArray(Constants.SUPPORTED_NETWORKS)

     * Card authentication methods supported by your app and your gateway.
     * TODO: Confirm your processor supports Android device tokens on your supported card networks
     * and make updates in Constants.java.
     * @return Allowed card authentication methods.
     * @see [CardParameters](https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object.CardParameters)
    private val allowedCardAuthMethods = JSONArray(Constants.SUPPORTED_METHODS)

     * Describe your app's support for the CARD payment method.
     * The provided properties are applicable to both an IsReadyToPayRequest and a
     * PaymentDataRequest.
     * @return A CARD PaymentMethod object describing accepted cards.
     * @throws JSONException
     * @see [PaymentMethod](https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object.PaymentMethod)
    // Optionally, you can add billing address/phone number associated with a CARD payment method.
    private fun baseCardPaymentMethod(): JSONObject {
        return JSONObject().apply {

            val parameters = JSONObject().apply {
                put("allowedAuthMethods", allowedCardAuthMethods)
                put("allowedCardNetworks", allowedCardNetworks)
                put("billingAddressRequired", true)
                put("billingAddressParameters", JSONObject().apply {
                    put("format", "FULL")

            put("type", "CARD")
            put("parameters", parameters)

     * Describe the expected returned payment data for the CARD payment method
     * @return A CARD PaymentMethod describing accepted cards and optional fields.
     * @throws JSONException
     * @see [PaymentMethod](https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object.PaymentMethod)
    private fun cardPaymentMethod(): JSONObject {
        val cardPaymentMethod = baseCardPaymentMethod()
        cardPaymentMethod.put("tokenizationSpecification", gatewayTokenizationSpecification())

        return cardPaymentMethod

     * An object describing accepted forms of payment by your app, used to determine a viewer's
     * readiness to pay.
     * @return API version and payment methods supported by the app.
     * @see [IsReadyToPayRequest](https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object.IsReadyToPayRequest)
    fun isReadyToPayRequest(): JSONObject? {
        return try {
            baseRequest.apply {
                put("allowedPaymentMethods", JSONArray().put(baseCardPaymentMethod()))

        } catch (e: JSONException) {

     * Information about the merchant requesting payment information
     * @return Information about the merchant.
     * @throws JSONException
     * @see [MerchantInfo](https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object.MerchantInfo)
    private val merchantInfo: JSONObject =
            JSONObject().put("merchantName", "Example Merchant")

     * Creates an instance of [PaymentsClient] for use in an [Activity] using the
     * environment and theme set in [Constants].
     * @param activity is the caller's activity.
    fun createPaymentsClient(activity: Activity): PaymentsClient {
        val walletOptions = Wallet.WalletOptions.Builder()

        return Wallet.getPaymentsClient(activity, walletOptions)

     * Provide Google Pay API with a payment amount, currency, and amount status.
     * @return information about the requested payment.
     * @throws JSONException
     * @see [TransactionInfo](https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object.TransactionInfo)
    private fun getTransactionInfo(price: String): JSONObject {
        return JSONObject().apply {
            put("totalPrice", price)
            put("totalPriceStatus", "FINAL")
            put("countryCode", Constants.COUNTRY_CODE)
            put("currencyCode", Constants.CURRENCY_CODE)

     * An object describing information requested in a Google Pay payment sheet
     * @return Payment data expected by your app.
     * @see [PaymentDataRequest](https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object.PaymentDataRequest)
    fun getPaymentDataRequest(priceCemts: Long): JSONObject? {
        return try {
            baseRequest.apply {
                put("allowedPaymentMethods", JSONArray().put(cardPaymentMethod()))
                put("transactionInfo", getTransactionInfo(priceCemts.centsToString()))
                put("merchantInfo", merchantInfo)

                // An optional shipping address requirement is a top-level property of the
                // PaymentDataRequest JSON object.
                val shippingAddressParameters = JSONObject().apply {
                    put("phoneNumberRequired", false)
                    put("allowedCountryCodes", JSONArray(listOf("US", "GB")))
                put("shippingAddressParameters", shippingAddressParameters)
                put("shippingAddressRequired", true)
        } catch (e: JSONException) {

 * Converts cents to a string format accepted by [PaymentsUtil.getPaymentDataRequest].
 * @param cents value of the price.
fun Long.centsToString() = BigDecimal(this)
        .setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)


此示例 Activity 假设您的布局中含有 id 特性为 googlepay_button 的 Google Pay 付款按钮。

 * Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.activity;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.Html;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Toast;

import com.google.android.gms.common.api.Status;
import com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.databinding.ActivityCheckoutBinding;
import com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.util.PaymentsUtil;
import com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.R;
import com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.util.Json;
import com.google.android.gms.tasks.OnCompleteListener;
import com.google.android.gms.tasks.Task;
import com.google.android.gms.wallet.AutoResolveHelper;
import com.google.android.gms.wallet.IsReadyToPayRequest;
import com.google.android.gms.wallet.PaymentData;
import com.google.android.gms.wallet.PaymentDataRequest;
import com.google.android.gms.wallet.PaymentsClient;

import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Optional;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;

 * Checkout implementation for the app
public class CheckoutActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

  // Arbitrarily-picked constant integer you define to track a request for payment data activity.
  private static final int LOAD_PAYMENT_DATA_REQUEST_CODE = 991;

  private static final long SHIPPING_COST_CENTS = 90 * PaymentsUtil.CENTS_IN_A_UNIT.longValue();

  // A client for interacting with the Google Pay API.
  private PaymentsClient paymentsClient;

  private ActivityCheckoutBinding layoutBinding;
  private View googlePayButton;

  private JSONArray garmentList;
  private JSONObject selectedGarment;

   * Initialize the Google Pay API on creation of the activity
   * @see Activity#onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // Set up the mock information for our item in the UI.
    try {
      selectedGarment = fetchRandomGarment();
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("The list of garments cannot be loaded");

    // Initialize a Google Pay API client for an environment suitable for testing.
    // It's recommended to create the PaymentsClient object inside of the onCreate method.
    paymentsClient = PaymentsUtil.createPaymentsClient(this);

   * Handle a resolved activity from the Google Pay payment sheet.
   * @param requestCode Request code originally supplied to AutoResolveHelper in requestPayment().
   * @param resultCode  Result code returned by the Google Pay API.
   * @param data        Intent from the Google Pay API containing payment or error data.
   * @see <a href="https://developer.android.com/training/basics/intents/result">Getting a result
   * from an Activity</a>
  public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    switch (requestCode) {
      // value passed in AutoResolveHelper
        switch (resultCode) {

          case Activity.RESULT_OK:
            PaymentData paymentData = PaymentData.getFromIntent(data);

          case Activity.RESULT_CANCELED:
            // The user cancelled the payment attempt

          case AutoResolveHelper.RESULT_ERROR:
            Status status = AutoResolveHelper.getStatusFromIntent(data);

        // Re-enables the Google Pay payment button.

  private void initializeUi() {

    // Use view binding to access the UI elements
    layoutBinding = ActivityCheckoutBinding.inflate(getLayoutInflater());

    // The Google Pay button is a layout file – take the root view
    googlePayButton = layoutBinding.googlePayButton.getRoot();
        new View.OnClickListener() {
          public void onClick(View view) {

  private void displayGarment(JSONObject garment) throws JSONException {
        String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "$%.2f", garment.getDouble("price")));

    final String escapedHtmlText = Html.fromHtml(
        garment.getString("description"), Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT).toString();
        escapedHtmlText, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT));

    final String imageUri = String.format("@drawable/%s", garment.getString("image"));
    final int imageResource = getResources().getIdentifier(imageUri, null, getPackageName());

   * Determine the viewer's ability to pay with a payment method supported by your app and display a
   * Google Pay payment button.
   * @see <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/wallet/
   * PaymentsClient.html#isReadyToPay(com.google.android.gms.wallet.
   * IsReadyToPayRequest)">PaymentsClient#IsReadyToPay</a>
  private void possiblyShowGooglePayButton() {

    final Optional<JSONObject> isReadyToPayJson = PaymentsUtil.getIsReadyToPayRequest();
    if (!isReadyToPayJson.isPresent()) {

    // The call to isReadyToPay is asynchronous and returns a Task. We need to provide an
    // OnCompleteListener to be triggered when the result of the call is known.
    IsReadyToPayRequest request = IsReadyToPayRequest.fromJson(isReadyToPayJson.get().toString());
    Task<Boolean> task = paymentsClient.isReadyToPay(request);
        new OnCompleteListener<Boolean>() {
          public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Boolean> task) {
            if (task.isSuccessful()) {
            } else {
              Log.w("isReadyToPay failed", task.getException());

   * If isReadyToPay returned {@code true}, show the button and hide the "checking" text. Otherwise,
   * notify the user that Google Pay is not available. Please adjust to fit in with your current
   * user flow. You are not required to explicitly let the user know if isReadyToPay returns {@code
   * false}.
   * @param available isReadyToPay API response.
  private void setGooglePayAvailable(boolean available) {
    if (available) {
    } else {
      Toast.makeText(this, R.string.googlepay_status_unavailable, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

   * PaymentData response object contains the payment information, as well as any additional
   * requested information, such as billing and shipping address.
   * @param paymentData A response object returned by Google after a payer approves payment.
   * @see <a href="https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/
   * object#PaymentData">PaymentData</a>
  private void handlePaymentSuccess(PaymentData paymentData) {

    // Token will be null if PaymentDataRequest was not constructed using fromJson(String).
    final String paymentInfo = paymentData.toJson();
    if (paymentInfo == null) {

    try {
      JSONObject paymentMethodData = new JSONObject(paymentInfo).getJSONObject("paymentMethodData");
      // If the gateway is set to "example", no payment information is returned - instead, the
      // token will only consist of "examplePaymentMethodToken".

      final JSONObject tokenizationData = paymentMethodData.getJSONObject("tokenizationData");
      final String token = tokenizationData.getString("token");
      final JSONObject info = paymentMethodData.getJSONObject("info");
      final String billingName = info.getJSONObject("billingAddress").getString("name");
          this, getString(R.string.payments_show_name, billingName),

      // Logging token string.
      Log.d("Google Pay token: ", token);

    } catch (JSONException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("The selected garment cannot be parsed from the list of elements");

   * At this stage, the user has already seen a popup informing them an error occurred. Normally,
   * only logging is required.
   * @param statusCode will hold the value of any constant from CommonStatusCode or one of the
   *                   WalletConstants.ERROR_CODE_* constants.
   * @see <a href="https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/wallet/
   * WalletConstants#constant-summary">Wallet Constants Library</a>
  private void handleError(int statusCode) {
    Log.e("loadPaymentData failed", String.format("Error code: %d", statusCode));

  public void requestPayment(View view) {

    // Disables the button to prevent multiple clicks.

    // The price provided to the API should include taxes and shipping.
    // This price is not displayed to the user.
    try {
      double garmentPrice = selectedGarment.getDouble("price");
      long garmentPriceCents = Math.round(garmentPrice * PaymentsUtil.CENTS_IN_A_UNIT.longValue());
      long priceCents = garmentPriceCents + SHIPPING_COST_CENTS;

      Optional<JSONObject> paymentDataRequestJson = PaymentsUtil.getPaymentDataRequest(priceCents);
      if (!paymentDataRequestJson.isPresent()) {

      PaymentDataRequest request =

      // Since loadPaymentData may show the UI asking the user to select a payment method, we use
      // AutoResolveHelper to wait for the user interacting with it. Once completed,
      // onActivityResult will be called with the result.
      if (request != null) {

    } catch (JSONException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("The price cannot be deserialized from the JSON object.");

  private JSONObject fetchRandomGarment() {

    // Only load the list of items if it has not been loaded before
    if (garmentList == null) {
      garmentList = Json.readFromResources(this, R.raw.tshirts);

    // Take a random element from the list
    int randomIndex = Math.toIntExact(Math.round(Math.random() * (garmentList.length() - 1)));
    try {
      return garmentList.getJSONObject(randomIndex);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("The index specified is out of bounds.");

此示例文件可建立适合建立 IsReadyToPayRequestPaymentDataRequest 的 JSON 对象。

 * Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.util;

import android.app.Activity;

import com.google.android.gms.samples.wallet.Constants;
import com.google.android.gms.wallet.PaymentsClient;
import com.google.android.gms.wallet.Wallet;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.Optional;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

 * Contains helper static methods for dealing with the Payments API.
 * <p>Many of the parameters used in the code are optional and are set here merely to call out their
 * existence. Please consult the documentation to learn more and feel free to remove ones not
 * relevant to your implementation.
public class PaymentsUtil {

  public static final BigDecimal CENTS_IN_A_UNIT = new BigDecimal(100d);

   * Create a Google Pay API base request object with properties used in all requests.
   * @return Google Pay API base request object.
   * @throws JSONException
  private static JSONObject getBaseRequest() throws JSONException {
    return new JSONObject().put("apiVersion", 2).put("apiVersionMinor", 0);

   * Creates an instance of {@link PaymentsClient} for use in an {@link Activity} using the
   * environment and theme set in {@link Constants}.
   * @param activity is the caller's activity.
  public static PaymentsClient createPaymentsClient(Activity activity) {
    Wallet.WalletOptions walletOptions =
        new Wallet.WalletOptions.Builder().setEnvironment(Constants.PAYMENTS_ENVIRONMENT).build();
    return Wallet.getPaymentsClient(activity, walletOptions);

   * Gateway Integration: Identify your gateway and your app's gateway merchant identifier.
   * <p>The Google Pay API response will return an encrypted payment method capable of being charged
   * by a supported gateway after payer authorization.
   * <p>TODO: Check with your gateway on the parameters to pass and modify them in Constants.java.
   * @return Payment data tokenization for the CARD payment method.
   * @throws JSONException
   * @see <a href=
   * "https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object#PaymentMethodTokenizationSpecification">PaymentMethodTokenizationSpecification</a>
  private static JSONObject getGatewayTokenizationSpecification() throws JSONException {
    return new JSONObject() {{
      put("type", "PAYMENT_GATEWAY");
      put("parameters", new JSONObject() {{
        put("gateway", "example");
        put("gatewayMerchantId", "exampleGatewayMerchantId");

   * {@code DIRECT} Integration: Decrypt a response directly on your servers. This configuration has
   * additional data security requirements from Google and additional PCI DSS compliance complexity.
   * <p>Please refer to the documentation for more information about {@code DIRECT} integration. The
   * type of integration you use depends on your payment processor.
   * @return Payment data tokenization for the CARD payment method.
   * @throws JSONException
   * @see <a
   * href="https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object#PaymentMethodTokenizationSpecification">PaymentMethodTokenizationSpecification</a>
  private static JSONObject getDirectTokenizationSpecification()
      throws JSONException, RuntimeException {
        || Constants.DIRECT_TOKENIZATION_PUBLIC_KEY.isEmpty()
        || Constants.DIRECT_TOKENIZATION_PUBLIC_KEY == null
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Please edit the Constants.java file to add protocol version & public key.");
    JSONObject tokenizationSpecification = new JSONObject();

    tokenizationSpecification.put("type", "DIRECT");
    JSONObject parameters = new JSONObject(Constants.DIRECT_TOKENIZATION_PARAMETERS);
    tokenizationSpecification.put("parameters", parameters);

    return tokenizationSpecification;

   * Card networks supported by your app and your gateway.
   * <p>TODO: Confirm card networks supported by your app and gateway & update in Constants.java.
   * @return Allowed card networks
   * @see <a
   * href="https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object#CardParameters">CardParameters</a>
  private static JSONArray getAllowedCardNetworks() {
    return new JSONArray(Constants.SUPPORTED_NETWORKS);

   * Card authentication methods supported by your app and your gateway.
   * <p>TODO: Confirm your processor supports Android device tokens on your supported card networks
   * and make updates in Constants.java.
   * @return Allowed card authentication methods.
   * @see <a
   * href="https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object#CardParameters">CardParameters</a>
  private static JSONArray getAllowedCardAuthMethods() {
    return new JSONArray(Constants.SUPPORTED_METHODS);

   * Describe your app's support for the CARD payment method.
   * <p>The provided properties are applicable to both an IsReadyToPayRequest and a
   * PaymentDataRequest.
   * @return A CARD PaymentMethod object describing accepted cards.
   * @throws JSONException
   * @see <a
   * href="https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object#PaymentMethod">PaymentMethod</a>
  private static JSONObject getBaseCardPaymentMethod() throws JSONException {
    JSONObject cardPaymentMethod = new JSONObject();
    cardPaymentMethod.put("type", "CARD");

    JSONObject parameters = new JSONObject();
    parameters.put("allowedAuthMethods", getAllowedCardAuthMethods());
    parameters.put("allowedCardNetworks", getAllowedCardNetworks());
    // Optionally, you can add billing address/phone number associated with a CARD payment method.
    parameters.put("billingAddressRequired", true);

    JSONObject billingAddressParameters = new JSONObject();
    billingAddressParameters.put("format", "FULL");

    parameters.put("billingAddressParameters", billingAddressParameters);

    cardPaymentMethod.put("parameters", parameters);

    return cardPaymentMethod;

   * Describe the expected returned payment data for the CARD payment method
   * @return A CARD PaymentMethod describing accepted cards and optional fields.
   * @throws JSONException
   * @see <a
   * href="https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object#PaymentMethod">PaymentMethod</a>
  private static JSONObject getCardPaymentMethod() throws JSONException {
    JSONObject cardPaymentMethod = getBaseCardPaymentMethod();
    cardPaymentMethod.put("tokenizationSpecification", getGatewayTokenizationSpecification());

    return cardPaymentMethod;

   * An object describing accepted forms of payment by your app, used to determine a viewer's
   * readiness to pay.
   * @return API version and payment methods supported by the app.
   * @see <a
   * href="https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object#IsReadyToPayRequest">IsReadyToPayRequest</a>
  public static Optional<JSONObject> getIsReadyToPayRequest() {
    try {
      JSONObject isReadyToPayRequest = getBaseRequest();
          "allowedPaymentMethods", new JSONArray().put(getBaseCardPaymentMethod()));

      return Optional.of(isReadyToPayRequest);

    } catch (JSONException e) {
      return Optional.empty();

   * Provide Google Pay API with a payment amount, currency, and amount status.
   * @return information about the requested payment.
   * @throws JSONException
   * @see <a
   * href="https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object#TransactionInfo">TransactionInfo</a>
  private static JSONObject getTransactionInfo(String price) throws JSONException {
    JSONObject transactionInfo = new JSONObject();
    transactionInfo.put("totalPrice", price);
    transactionInfo.put("totalPriceStatus", "FINAL");
    transactionInfo.put("countryCode", Constants.COUNTRY_CODE);
    transactionInfo.put("currencyCode", Constants.CURRENCY_CODE);
    transactionInfo.put("checkoutOption", "COMPLETE_IMMEDIATE_PURCHASE");

    return transactionInfo;

   * Information about the merchant requesting payment information
   * @return Information about the merchant.
   * @throws JSONException
   * @see <a
   * href="https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object#MerchantInfo">MerchantInfo</a>
  private static JSONObject getMerchantInfo() throws JSONException {
    return new JSONObject().put("merchantName", "Example Merchant");

   * An object describing information requested in a Google Pay payment sheet
   * @return Payment data expected by your app.
   * @see <a
   * href="https://developers.google.com/pay/api/android/reference/object#PaymentDataRequest">PaymentDataRequest</a>
  public static Optional<JSONObject> getPaymentDataRequest(long priceCents) {

    final String price = PaymentsUtil.centsToString(priceCents);

    try {
      JSONObject paymentDataRequest = PaymentsUtil.getBaseRequest();
          "allowedPaymentMethods", new JSONArray().put(PaymentsUtil.getCardPaymentMethod()));
      paymentDataRequest.put("transactionInfo", PaymentsUtil.getTransactionInfo(price));
      paymentDataRequest.put("merchantInfo", PaymentsUtil.getMerchantInfo());

      /* An optional shipping address requirement is a top-level property of the PaymentDataRequest
      JSON object. */
      paymentDataRequest.put("shippingAddressRequired", true);

      JSONObject shippingAddressParameters = new JSONObject();
      shippingAddressParameters.put("phoneNumberRequired", false);

      JSONArray allowedCountryCodes = new JSONArray(Constants.SHIPPING_SUPPORTED_COUNTRIES);

      shippingAddressParameters.put("allowedCountryCodes", allowedCountryCodes);
      paymentDataRequest.put("shippingAddressParameters", shippingAddressParameters);
      return Optional.of(paymentDataRequest);

    } catch (JSONException e) {
      return Optional.empty();

   * Converts cents to a string format accepted by {@link PaymentsUtil#getPaymentDataRequest}.
   * @param cents value of the price in cents.
  public static String centsToString(long cents) {
    return new BigDecimal(cents)
        .divide(CENTS_IN_A_UNIT, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)
        .setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)