通过演示和 Colab 实验,您可以详细了解 Privacy Sandbox API。
我们提供了许多 Privacy Sandbox API 演示。大多数示例都需要您熟悉相关 API,因此,如果您尚未阅读文档,请查看我们列出的链接以及演示。
演示和 Colab
Protected Audience API
The demo uses the Protected Audience API to join ad interest groups on two advertiser sites, and then initiates an on-device auction to select an ad for display on a publisher site.
Topics API
借助 Topics API,用户的设备会根据用户的活动,观察和记录用户似乎感兴趣的主题。然后,该 API 允许调用方(例如广告技术平台)访问这些主题,而无需透露与用户活动相关的其他信息。以下资源提供了该 API 实际运作的示例。
有关“Google 搜索上的主题”的资源
- 标头演示:这是推荐的、性能更出色的方法。
- JavaScript 演示:如果您无法修改标头,请使用 JavaScript Topics 方法。
- Topics API colab:试用 Chrome 用于根据主机名推断主题的 TensorFlow Lite 模型。
- 适用于网络的 Topics 文档:详细了解 Topics 的运作方式和实现方法。
Android 主题的资源
- 示例应用:请参阅 Kotlin 示例应用或 Java 示例应用,以便了解如何进行集成。
- Topics API colab:针对主题分类器模型测试不同的应用信息组合。
- 适用于 Android 的 Topics 文档:了解 Topics 在 Android 上的运作方式。
Attribution Reporting
The Attribution Reporting API enables advertisers and ad tech providers to measure conversions for ad clicks and views, ads in a third-party iframe, and ads in a first-party context. In this demo an advertiser uses an ad tech provider to run their ads on a publisher site.
Noise Lab
When aggregatable reports are batched by a collector and processed by the aggregation service, random data is added to the resulting summary reports in order to protect user privacy. Use Noise Lab to experiment with different values to see the impact of noise.
汇总服务负责解密和合并从可汇总报告中收集的数据、添加噪声,以及返回最终摘要报告。这一切都是在可信执行环境 (TEE) 中完成的。
Shared Storage
The Shared Storage API provides storage that can be used cross-site, meaning you store a value at one domain, then read the value from another domain. You can set data freely, but are restricted in how you get data out of storage. This demo illustrates how it works.
Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) allows developers to opt a cookie into partitioned storage, with separate cookie jars per top-level site, improving user privacy and security. This demo illustrates how it works.
Related Website Sets
Related Website Set 是公司用来声明网站关系的一种方式,可让浏览器出于特定目的允许有限的第三方 Cookie 访问。Chrome 会根据这些声明的关系决定何时允许或拒绝网站在第三方环境中访问其 Cookie。
- 演示
- 提交内容 JSON 生成器。此工具可生成提交 Related Website Sets (RWS) 所需的 JSON 资源。
- 文档
Permissions Policy
Permissions Policy allows the developer to control the browser features available to a page, its iframes, and subresources, by declaring a set of policies for the browser to enforce. This demo lets you try out the available policies.
User Agent Reduction
User-Agent reduction minimizes the identifying information shared in the User-Agent string, which may be used for passive fingerprinting. Resource requests have a reduced User-Agent header now and the return values from certain Navigator interfaces are reduced. This demo lets you experiment with the new UA string values.
私密状态令牌 API
借助 Private State Token API,网站可以向其信任的用户颁发加密令牌,此令牌稍后可在其他地方使用。用户的浏览器安全地存储令牌,之后可在其他环境中兑换这些令牌,以确认用户的真实性。查看此演示中的 API。
Privacy Sandbox Demos Framework
Privacy Sandbox Demos framework offers cookbook recipes, sample code, and demo applications, based on Privacy Sandbox APIs. These are intended to aid businesses and developers in adapting their applications and the businesses they support to a web ecosystem without third-party cookies.
Use case | Description | APIs |
Retargeting / Remarketing | How to show relevant ads to a user who has researched a brand or product online. | Protected Audience API Fenced Frame |
Single-touch conversion Attribution | How to measure conversion after seeing ads on a news site and buying a product on an online shopping site. | Attribution Reporting API |
Instream VAST video ad in a Protected Audience single-seller auction | Provides details on a temporary solution allowing Top Level embedded video players access to the VAST XML URL. | Protected Audience API |
Instream VAST video ad in a Protected Audience sequential auction setup | Shows one of the ways that VAST XMLs can be handled in a Protected Audience sequential auction setup when the ad is rendered in an iframe. | Protected Audience API |