Setiap slide dalam presentasi dapat berisi sejumlah elemen halaman, yang masing-masing merupakan salah satu dari:
Halaman ini berfokus pada cara menambahkan bentuk ke slide, serta cara menambahkan teks ke bentuk tersebut.
Bentuk adalah elemen halaman seperti persegi panjang, busur, panah, kotak teks, atau jenis bentuk lain yang ditentukan. Saat membuat bentuk, Anda menentukan:
- Jenis bentuknya, menggunakan salah satu jenis bentuk yang telah ditentukan
- Properti elemen halaman: ukuran, transformasi, dan ID slide "induk" yang berisi
- ID objek unik (opsional)
Properti halaman transform
menentukan cara bentuk dirender di halaman,
termasuk lokasi dan penskalaannya.
Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang transformasi,
lihat Menentukan Ukuran dan Memosisikan Elemen Halaman.
Teks dan bentuk
Teks dapat muncul di slide dengan salah satu dari dua cara berikut:
- Dalam bentuk
- Dalam sel dalam tabel
Anda menyisipkan teks ke dalam bentuk atau sel tabel menggunakan permintaan insertText.
Semua setelan penyesuaian otomatis teks pada bentuk akan otomatis dinonaktifkan oleh permintaan yang dapat memengaruhi cara teks menyesuaikan dengan bentuk.
Contoh berikut menambahkan kotak teks persegi ke slide yang ada dan menyisipkan beberapa teks ke dalamnya.
Apps Script
/** * Create a new square textbox, using the supplied element ID. * @param {string} presentationId * @param {string} pageId * @returns {*} */ function createTextboxWithText(presentationId, pageId) { const elementId = 'MyTextBox_01'; const pt350 = { magnitude: 350, unit: 'PT' }; const requests = [ { createShape: { objectId: elementId, shapeType: 'TEXT_BOX', elementProperties: { pageObjectId: pageId, size: { height: pt350, width: pt350 }, transform: { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, translateX: 350, translateY: 100, unit: 'PT' } } } }, // Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. { insertText: { objectId: elementId, insertionIndex: 0, text: 'New Box Text Inserted!' } } ]; // Execute the request. try { const createTextboxWithTextResponse = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({ requests: requests }, presentationId); const createShapeResponse = createTextboxWithTextResponse.replies[0].createShape; console.log('Created textbox with ID: %s', createShapeResponse.objectId); return createTextboxWithTextResponse; } catch (err) { // TODO (Developer) - Handle exception console.log('Failed with error: %s', err.error); } };
// Create a new square text box, using a supplied object ID. textBoxId := "MyTextBox_01" pt350 := slides.Dimension{ Magnitude: 350, Unit: "PT", } requests := []*slides.Request{{ // Create a new square text box, using a supplied object ID. CreateShape: &slides.CreateShapeRequest{ ObjectId: textBoxId, ShapeType: "TEXT_BOX", ElementProperties: &slides.PageElementProperties{ PageObjectId: slideId, Size: &slides.Size{ Height: &pt350, Width: &pt350, }, Transform: &slides.AffineTransform{ ScaleX: 1.0, ScaleY: 1.0, TranslateX: 350.0, TranslateY: 100.0, Unit: "PT", }, }, }, }, { // Insert text into the box, using the object ID given to it. InsertText: &slides.InsertTextRequest{ ObjectId: textBoxId, InsertionIndex: 0, Text: "New Box Text Inserted", }, }} // Execute the requests. body := &slides.BatchUpdatePresentationRequest{ Requests: requests, } response, err := slidesService.Presentations.BatchUpdate(presentationId, body).Do() if err != nil { log.Printf("Unable to create text box. %v", err) } fmt.Printf("Created text box with ID: %s", response.Replies[0].CreateShape.ObjectId)
import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /* Class to demonstrate the use of Slides Create Textbox API */ public class CreateTextboxWithText { /** * Create a new square textbox, using the specified id. * * @param presentationId - id of the presentation. * @param slideId - id of the slide. * @param textBoxId - id for the textbox. * @return textbox id * @throws IOException - if credentials file not found. */ public static BatchUpdatePresentationResponse createTextBoxWithText( String presentationId, String slideId, String textBoxId) throws IOException { /* Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment. TODO(developer) - See for guides on implementing OAuth2 for your application. */ GoogleCredentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(SlidesScopes.PRESENTATIONS)); HttpRequestInitializer requestInitializer = new HttpCredentialsAdapter( credentials); // Create the slides API client Slides service = new Slides.Builder(new NetHttpTransport(), GsonFactory.getDefaultInstance(), requestInitializer) .setApplicationName("Slides samples") .build(); // Create a new square text box, using a supplied object ID. List<Request> requests = new ArrayList<>(); Dimension pt350 = new Dimension().setMagnitude(350.0).setUnit("PT"); requests.add(new Request() .setCreateShape(new CreateShapeRequest() .setObjectId(textBoxId) .setShapeType("TEXT_BOX") .setElementProperties(new PageElementProperties() .setPageObjectId(slideId) .setSize(new Size() .setHeight(pt350) .setWidth(pt350)) .setTransform(new AffineTransform() .setScaleX(1.0) .setScaleY(1.0) .setTranslateX(350.0) .setTranslateY(100.0) .setUnit("PT"))))); // Insert text into the box, using the object ID given to it. requests.add(new Request() .setInsertText(new InsertTextRequest() .setObjectId(textBoxId) .setInsertionIndex(0) .setText("New Box Text Inserted"))); BatchUpdatePresentationResponse response = null; try { // Execute the requests. BatchUpdatePresentationRequest body = new BatchUpdatePresentationRequest().setRequests(requests); response = service.presentations().batchUpdate(presentationId, body).execute(); CreateShapeResponse createShapeResponse = response.getReplies().get(0).getCreateShape(); System.out.println("Created textbox with ID: " + createShapeResponse.getObjectId()); } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) { // TODO(developer) - handle error appropriately GoogleJsonError error = e.getDetails(); if (error.getCode() == 404) { System.out.printf("Presentation not found with id '%s'.\n", presentationId); } else { throw e; } } return response; } }
function createTextboxWithText(presentationId, pageId, callback) { // Create a new square textbox, using the supplied element ID. const elementId = 'MyTextBox_01'; const pt350 = { magnitude: 350, unit: 'PT', }; const requests = [{ createShape: { objectId: elementId, shapeType: 'TEXT_BOX', elementProperties: { pageObjectId: pageId, size: { height: pt350, width: pt350, }, transform: { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, translateX: 350, translateY: 100, unit: 'PT', }, }, }, }, // Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. { insertText: { objectId: elementId, insertionIndex: 0, text: 'New Box Text Inserted!', }, }]; // Execute the request. try { gapi.client.slides.presentations.batchUpdate({ presentationId: presentationId, requests: requests, }).then((createTextboxWithTextResponse) => { const createShapeResponse = createTextboxWithTextResponse.result.replies[0].createShape; console.log(`Created textbox with ID: ${createShapeResponse.objectId}`); if (callback) callback(createTextboxWithTextResponse.result); }); } catch (err) { document.getElementById('content').innerText = err.message; return; } }
/** * Adds a textbox with text to a slide. * @param {string} presentationId The presentation ID. * @param {string} pageId The page to add the textbox to. */ async function createTextboxWithText(presentationId, pageId) { const {GoogleAuth} = require('google-auth-library'); const {google} = require('googleapis'); const auth = new GoogleAuth({ scopes: '', }); const service = google.slides({version: 'v1', auth}); const elementId = 'MyTextBox_01'; const pt350 = { magnitude: 350, unit: 'PT', }; const requests = [ { createShape: { objectId: elementId, shapeType: 'TEXT_BOX', elementProperties: { pageObjectId: pageId, size: { height: pt350, width: pt350, }, transform: { scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, translateX: 350, translateY: 100, unit: 'PT', }, }, }, }, // Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. { insertText: { objectId: elementId, insertionIndex: 0, text: 'New Box Text Inserted!', }, }, ]; // Execute the request. try { const createTextboxWithTextResponse = await service.presentations.batchUpdate({ presentationId, resource: {requests}, }); const createShapeResponse =[0].createShape; console.log(`Created textbox with ID: ${createShapeResponse.objectId}`); return; } catch (err) { // TODO (developer) - Handle exception throw err; } }
use Google\Client; use Google\Service\Slides\BatchUpdatePresentationRequest; use Google\Service\Slides; use Google\Service\DriveFile; use Google\Service\Slides\Request; function createTextboxWithText($presentationId, $pageId) { /* Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment. TODO(developer) - See for guides on implementing OAuth2 for your application. */ $client = new Google\Client(); $client->useApplicationDefaultCredentials(); $client->addScope(Google\Service\Drive::DRIVE); $slidesService = new Google_Service_Slides($client); try { // Create a new square textbox, using the supplied element ID. $elementId = "MyTextBoxxxx_01"; $pt350 = array('magnitude' => 350, 'unit' => 'PT'); $requests = array(); $requests[] = new Google_Service_Slides_Request(array( 'createShape' => array( 'objectId' => $elementId, 'shapeType' => 'TEXT_BOX', 'elementProperties' => array( 'pageObjectId' => $pageId, 'size' => array( 'height' => $pt350, 'width' => $pt350 ), 'transform' => array( 'scaleX' => 1, 'scaleY' => 1, 'translateX' => 350, 'translateY' => 100, 'unit' => 'PT' ) ) ) )); // Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. $requests[] = new Google_Service_Slides_Request(array( 'insertText' => array( 'objectId' => $elementId, 'insertionIndex' => 0, 'text' => 'New Box Text Inserted!' ) )); // Execute the requests. $batchUpdateRequest = new Google_Service_Slides_BatchUpdatePresentationRequest(array( 'requests' => $requests )); $response = $slidesService->presentations->batchUpdate($presentationId, $batchUpdateRequest); $createShapeResponse = $response->getReplies()[0]->getCreateShape(); printf("Created textbox with ID: %s\n", $createShapeResponse->getObjectId()); return $response; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Message: ' . $e->getMessage(); } }
import google.auth from googleapiclient.discovery import build from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError def create_textbox_with_text(presentation_id, page_id): """ Creates the textbox with text, the user has access to. Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment. TODO(developer) - See for guides on implementing OAuth2 for the application. """ creds, _ = google.auth.default() # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member try: service = build("slides", "v1", credentials=creds) # Create a new square textbox, using the supplied element ID. element_id = "MyTextBox_10" pt350 = {"magnitude": 350, "unit": "PT"} requests = [ { "createShape": { "objectId": element_id, "shapeType": "TEXT_BOX", "elementProperties": { "pageObjectId": page_id, "size": {"height": pt350, "width": pt350}, "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": 350, "translateY": 100, "unit": "PT", }, }, } }, # Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. { "insertText": { "objectId": element_id, "insertionIndex": 0, "text": "New Box Text Inserted!", } }, ] # Execute the request. body = {"requests": requests} response = ( service.presentations() .batchUpdate(presentationId=presentation_id, body=body) .execute() ) create_shape_response = response.get("replies")[0].get("createShape") print(f"Created textbox with ID:{(create_shape_response.get('objectId'))}") except HttpError as error: print(f"An error occurred: {error}") return error return response if __name__ == "__main__": # Put the presentation_id, Page_id of slides whose list needs # to be submitted. create_textbox_with_text( "12SQU9Ik-ShXecJoMtT-LlNwEPiFR7AadnxV2KiBXCnE", "Myfirstpage" )
# Create a new square textbox, using the supplied element ID. element_id = 'MyTextBox_01' pt350 = { magnitude: '350', unit: 'PT' } requests = [ { create_shape: { object_id_prop: element_id, shape_type: 'TEXT_BOX', element_properties: { page_object_id: page_id, size: { height: pt350, width: pt350 }, transform: { scale_x: '1', scale_y: '1', translate_x: '350', translate_y: '100', unit: 'PT' } } } }, # Insert text into the box, using the supplied element ID. { insert_text: { object_id_prop: element_id, insertion_index: 0, text: 'New Box Text Inserted!' } } ] # Execute the request. req = requests) response = slides_service.batch_update_presentation( presentation_id, req ) create_shape_response = response.replies[0].create_shape puts "Created textbox with ID: #{create_shape_response.object_id}"
Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang cara mengontrol ukuran dan posisi bentuk, lihat Ukuran dan Posisi Bentuk.