WebP Container Specification


WebP is an image format that uses either (i) the VP8 key frame encoding to compress image data in a lossy way or (ii) the WebP lossless encoding. These encoding schemes should make it more efficient than older formats, such as JPEG, GIF, and PNG. It is optimized for fast image transfer over the network (for example, for websites). The WebP format has feature parity (color profile, metadata, animation, etc.) with other formats as well. This document describes the structure of a WebP file.

The WebP container (that is, the RIFF container for WebP) allows feature support over and above the basic use case of WebP (that is, a file containing a single image encoded as a VP8 key frame). The WebP container provides additional support for the following:

  • Lossless Compression: An image can be losslessly compressed, using the WebP Lossless Format.

  • Metadata: An image may have metadata stored in Exchangeable Image File Format (Exif) or Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) format.

  • Transparency: An image may have transparency, that is, an alpha channel.

  • Color Profile: An image may have an embedded ICC profile as described by the International Color Consortium.

  • Animation: An image may have multiple frames with pauses between them, making it an animation.


It is RECOMMENDED to use the following types when referring to the WebP container:

Container Format NameWebP
Filename Extension.webp
Uniform Type Identifierorg.webmproject.webp

Terminology & Basics

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 RFC 2119 RFC 8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

A WebP file contains either a still image (that is, an encoded matrix of pixels) or an animation. Optionally, it can also contain transparency information, a color profile and metadata. We refer to the matrix of pixels as the canvas of the image.

Bit numbering in chunk diagrams starts at 0 for the most significant bit ('MSB 0'), as described in RFC 1166.

Below are additional terms used throughout this document:

Code that reads WebP files is referred to as a reader, while code that writes them is referred to as a writer.
A 16-bit, little-endian, unsigned integer.
A 24-bit, little-endian, unsigned integer.
A 32-bit, little-endian, unsigned integer.
A four-character code (FourCC) is a uint32 created by concatenating four ASCII characters in little-endian order. This means 'aaaa' (0x61616161) and 'AAAA' (0x41414141) are treated as different FourCCs.
An unsigned integer field storing values offset by -1, for example, such a field would store value 25 as 24.
Used to describe the FourCC and Chunk Size header of individual chunks, where 'ABCD' is the FourCC for the chunk. This element's size is 8 bytes.

RIFF File Format

The WebP file format is based on the RIFF (Resource Interchange File Format) document format.

The basic element of a RIFF file is a chunk. It consists of:

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                         Chunk FourCC                          |
|                          Chunk Size                           |
:                         Chunk Payload                         :
Chunk FourCC: 32 bits
ASCII four-character code used for chunk identification.
Chunk Size: 32 bits (uint32)
The size of the chunk in bytes, not including this field, the chunk identifier, or padding.
Chunk Payload: Chunk Size bytes
The data payload. If Chunk Size is odd, a single padding byte -- which MUST be 0 to conform with RIFF -- is added.

Note: RIFF has a convention that all-uppercase chunk FourCCs are standard chunks that apply to any RIFF file format, while FourCCs specific to a file format are all lowercase. WebP does not follow this convention.

WebP File Header

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|      'R'      |      'I'      |      'F'      |      'F'      |
|                           File Size                           |
|      'W'      |      'E'      |      'B'      |      'P'      |
'RIFF': 32 bits
The ASCII characters 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F'.
File Size: 32 bits (uint32)
The size of the file in bytes, starting at offset 8. The maximum value of this field is 2^32 minus 10 bytes and thus the size of the whole file is at most 4 GiB minus 2 bytes.
'WEBP': 32 bits
The ASCII characters 'W', 'E', 'B', 'P'.

A WebP file MUST begin with a RIFF header with the FourCC 'WEBP'. The file size in the header is the total size of the chunks that follow plus 4 bytes for the 'WEBP' FourCC. The file SHOULD NOT contain any data after the data specified by File Size. Readers MAY parse such files, ignoring the trailing data. As the size of any chunk is even, the size given by the RIFF header is also even. The contents of individual chunks are described in the following sections.

Simple File Format (Lossy)

This layout SHOULD be used if the image requires lossy encoding and does not require transparency or other advanced features provided by the extended format. Files with this layout are smaller and supported by older software.

Simple WebP (lossy) file format:

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                                                               |
|                    WebP file header (12 bytes)                |
|                                                               |
:                        'VP8 ' Chunk                           :

'VP8 ' Chunk:

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                      ChunkHeader('VP8 ')                      |
|                                                               |
:                           VP8 data                            :
VP8 data: Chunk Size bytes
VP8 bitstream data.

Note that the fourth character in the 'VP8 ' FourCC is an ASCII space (0x20).

The VP8 bitstream format specification is described in VP8 Data Format and Decoding Guide. Note that the VP8 frame header contains the VP8 frame width and height. That is assumed to be the width and height of the canvas.

The VP8 specification describes how to decode the image into Y'CbCr format. To convert to RGB, Recommendation BT.601 SHOULD be used. Applications MAY use another conversion method, but visual results may differ among decoders.

Simple File Format (Lossless)

Note: Older readers may not support files using the lossless format.

This layout SHOULD be used if the image requires lossless encoding (with an optional transparency channel) and does not require advanced features provided by the extended format.

Simple WebP (lossless) file format:

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                                                               |
|                    WebP file header (12 bytes)                |
|                                                               |
:                         'VP8L' Chunk                          :

'VP8L' Chunk:

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                      ChunkHeader('VP8L')                      |
|                                                               |
:                           VP8L data                           :
VP8L data: Chunk Size bytes
VP8L bitstream data.

The current specification of the VP8L bitstream can be found at WebP Lossless Bitstream Format. Note that the VP8L header contains the VP8L image width and height. That is assumed to be the width and height of the canvas.

Extended File Format

Note: Older readers may not support files using the extended format.

An extended format file consists of:

  • A 'VP8X' Chunk with information about features used in the file.

  • An optional 'ICCP' Chunk with a color profile.

  • An optional 'ANIM' Chunk with animation control data.

  • Image data.

  • An optional 'EXIF' Chunk with Exif metadata.

  • An optional 'XMP ' Chunk with XMP metadata.

  • An optional list of unknown chunks.

For a still image, the image data consists of a single frame, which is made up of:

For an animated image, the image data consists of multiple frames. More details about frames can be found in the Animation section.

All chunks necessary for reconstruction and color correction, that is, 'VP8X', 'ICCP', 'ANIM', 'ANMF', 'ALPH', 'VP8 ', and 'VP8L', MUST appear in the order described earlier. Readers SHOULD fail when chunks necessary for reconstruction and color correction are out of order.

Metadata and unknown chunks MAY appear out of order.

Rationale: The chunks necessary for reconstruction should appear first in the file to allow a reader to begin decoding an image before receiving all of the data. An application may benefit from varying the order of metadata and custom chunks to suit the implementation.

Extended WebP file header:

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                                                               |
|                   WebP file header (12 bytes)                 |
|                                                               |
|                      ChunkHeader('VP8X')                      |
|                                                               |
|Rsv|I|L|E|X|A|R|                   Reserved                    |
|          Canvas Width Minus One               |             ...
...  Canvas Height Minus One    |
Reserved (Rsv): 2 bits
MUST be 0. Readers MUST ignore this field.
ICC profile (I): 1 bit
Set if the file contains an 'ICCP' Chunk.
Alpha (L): 1 bit
Set if any of the frames of the image contain transparency information ("alpha").
Exif metadata (E): 1 bit
Set if the file contains Exif metadata.
XMP metadata (X): 1 bit
Set if the file contains XMP metadata.
Animation (A): 1 bit
Set if this is an animated image. Data in 'ANIM' and 'ANMF' Chunks should be used to control the animation.
Reserved (R): 1 bit
MUST be 0. Readers MUST ignore this field.
Reserved: 24 bits
MUST be 0. Readers MUST ignore this field.
Canvas Width Minus One: 24 bits
1-based width of the canvas in pixels. The actual canvas width is 1 + Canvas Width Minus One.
Canvas Height Minus One: 24 bits
1-based height of the canvas in pixels. The actual canvas height is 1 + Canvas Height Minus One.

The product of Canvas Width and Canvas Height MUST be at most 2^32 - 1.

Future specifications may add more fields. Unknown fields MUST be ignored.


An animation is controlled by 'ANIM' and 'ANMF' Chunks.

'ANIM' Chunk:

For an animated image, this chunk contains the global parameters of the animation.

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                      ChunkHeader('ANIM')                      |
|                                                               |
|                       Background Color                        |
|          Loop Count           |
Background Color: 32 bits (uint32)
The default background color of the canvas in [Blue, Green, Red, Alpha] byte order. This color MAY be used to fill the unused space on the canvas around the frames, as well as the transparent pixels of the first frame. The background color is also used when the Disposal method is 1.


  • The background color MAY contain a non-opaque alpha value, even if the Alpha flag in the 'VP8X' Chunk is unset.

  • Viewer applications SHOULD treat the background color value as a hint and are not required to use it.

  • The canvas is cleared at the start of each loop. The background color MAY be used to achieve this.

Loop Count: 16 bits (uint16)
The number of times to loop the animation. If it is 0, this means infinitely.

This chunk MUST appear if the Animation flag in the 'VP8X' Chunk is set. If the Animation flag is not set and this chunk is present, it MUST be ignored.

'ANMF' Chunk:

For animated images, this chunk contains information about a single frame. If the Animation flag is not set, then this chunk SHOULD NOT be present.

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                      ChunkHeader('ANMF')                      |
|                                                               |
|                        Frame X                |             ...
...          Frame Y            |   Frame Width Minus One     ...
...             |           Frame Height Minus One              |
|                 Frame Duration                |  Reserved |B|D|
:                         Frame Data                            :
Frame X: 24 bits (uint24)
The X coordinate of the upper left corner of the frame is Frame X * 2.
Frame Y: 24 bits (uint24)
The Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the frame is Frame Y * 2.
Frame Width Minus One: 24 bits (uint24)
The 1-based width of the frame. The frame width is 1 + Frame Width Minus One.
Frame Height Minus One: 24 bits (uint24)
The 1-based height of the frame. The frame height is 1 + Frame Height Minus One.
Frame Duration: 24 bits (uint24)
The time to wait before displaying the next frame, in 1-millisecond units. Note that the interpretation of the Frame Duration of 0 (and often <= 10) is defined by the implementation. Many tools and browsers assign a minimum duration similar to GIF.
Reserved: 6 bits
MUST be 0. Readers MUST ignore this field.
Blending method (B): 1 bit

Indicates how transparent pixels of the current frame are to be blended with corresponding pixels of the previous canvas:

  • 0: Use alpha-blending. After disposing of the previous frame, render the current frame on the canvas using alpha-blending (see below). If the current frame does not have an alpha channel, assume the alpha value is 255, effectively replacing the rectangle.

  • 1: Do not blend. After disposing of the previous frame, render the current frame on the canvas by overwriting the rectangle covered by the current frame.

Disposal method (D): 1 bit

Indicates how the current frame is to be treated after it has been displayed (before rendering the next frame) on the canvas:

  • 0: Do not dispose. Leave the canvas as is.

  • 1: Dispose to the background color. Fill the rectangle on the canvas covered by the current frame with the background color specified in the 'ANIM' Chunk.


  • The frame disposal only applies to the frame rectangle, that is, the rectangle defined by Frame X, Frame Y, frame width, and frame height. It may or may not cover the whole canvas.

  • Alpha-blending:

    Given that each of the R, G, B, and A channels is 8 bits, and the RGB channels are not premultiplied by alpha, the formula for blending 'dst' onto 'src' is:

    blend.A = src.A + dst.A * (1 - src.A / 255)
    if blend.A = 0 then
      blend.RGB = 0
      blend.RGB =
          (src.RGB * src.A +
           dst.RGB * dst.A * (1 - src.A / 255)) / blend.A
  • Alpha-blending SHOULD be done in linear color space, by taking into account the color profile of the image. If the color profile is not present, standard RGB (sRGB) is to be assumed. (Note that sRGB also needs to be linearized due to a gamma of ~2.2.)

Frame Data: Chunk Size bytes - 16

Consists of:

Note: The 'ANMF' payload, Frame Data, consists of individual padded chunks, as described by the RIFF file format.


 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                      ChunkHeader('ALPH')                      |
|                                                               |
|Rsv| P | F | C |     Alpha Bitstream...                        |
Reserved (Rsv): 2 bits
MUST be 0. Readers MUST ignore this field.
Preprocessing (P): 2 bits

These informative bits are used to signal the preprocessing that has been performed during compression. The decoder can use this information to for example, dither the values or smooth the gradients prior to display.

  • 0: No preprocessing.
  • 1: Level reduction.

Decoders are not required to use this information in any specified way.

Filtering method (F): 2 bits

The filtering methods used are described as follows:

  • 0: None.
  • 1: Horizontal filter.
  • 2: Vertical filter.
  • 3: Gradient filter.

For each pixel, filtering is performed using the following calculations. Assume the alpha values surrounding the current X position are labeled as:

 C | B |
 A | X |

We seek to compute the alpha value at position X. First, a prediction is made depending on the filtering method:

  • Method 0: predictor = 0
  • Method 1: predictor = A
  • Method 2: predictor = B
  • Method 3: predictor = clip(A + B - C)

where clip(v) is equal to:

  • 0 if v < 0,
  • 255 if v > 255, or
  • v otherwise

The final value is derived by adding the decompressed value X to the predictor and using modulo-256 arithmetic to wrap the [256..511] range into the [0..255] one:

alpha = (predictor + X) % 256

There are special cases for the left-most and top-most pixel positions. For example, the top-left value at location (0, 0) uses 0 as the predictor value. Otherwise:

  • For horizontal or gradient filtering methods, the left-most pixels at location (0, y) are predicted using the location (0, y-1) just above.
  • For vertical or gradient filtering methods, the top-most pixels at location (x, 0) are predicted using the location (x-1, 0) on the left.
Compression method (C): 2 bits

The compression method used:

  • 0: No compression.
  • 1: Compressed using the WebP lossless format.
Alpha bitstream: Chunk Size bytes - 1

Encoded alpha bitstream.

This optional chunk contains encoded alpha data for this frame. A frame containing a 'VP8L' Chunk SHOULD NOT contain this chunk.

Rationale: The transparency information is already part of the 'VP8L' Chunk.

The alpha channel data is stored as uncompressed raw data (when the compression method is '0') or compressed using the lossless format (when the compression method is '1').

  • Raw data: This consists of a byte sequence of length = width * height, containing all the 8-bit transparency values in scan order.

  • Lossless format compression: The byte sequence is a compressed image-stream (as described in "WebP Lossless Bitstream Format") of implicit dimensions width x height. That is, this image-stream does NOT contain any headers describing the image dimensions.

    Rationale: The dimensions are already known from other sources, so storing them again would be redundant and prone to error.

    Once the image-stream is decoded into Alpha, Red, Green, Blue (ARGB) color values, following the process described in the lossless format specification, the transparency information must be extracted from the green channel of the ARGB quadruplet.

    Rationale: The green channel is allowed extra transformation steps in the specification -- unlike the other channels -- that can improve compression.

Bitstream (VP8/VP8L)

This chunk contains compressed bitstream data for a single frame.

A bitstream chunk may be either (i) a 'VP8 ' Chunk, using 'VP8 ' (note the significant fourth-character space) as its FourCC, or (ii) a 'VP8L' Chunk, using 'VP8L' as its FourCC.

The formats of 'VP8 ' and 'VP8L' Chunks are as described in sections Simple File Format (Lossy) and Simple File Format (Lossless) respectively.

Color Profile

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                      ChunkHeader('ICCP')                      |
|                                                               |
:                       Color Profile                           :
Color Profile: Chunk Size bytes
ICC profile.

This chunk MUST appear before the image data.

There SHOULD be at most one such chunk. If there are more such chunks, readers MAY ignore all except the first one. See the ICC Specification for details.

If this chunk is not present, sRGB SHOULD be assumed.


Metadata can be stored in 'EXIF' or 'XMP ' Chunks.

There SHOULD be at most one chunk of each type ('EXIF' and 'XMP '). If there are more such chunks, readers MAY ignore all except the first one.

The chunks are defined as follows:

'EXIF' Chunk:

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                      ChunkHeader('EXIF')                      |
|                                                               |
:                        Exif Metadata                          :
Exif Metadata: Chunk Size bytes
Image metadata in Exif format.

'XMP ' Chunk:

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                      ChunkHeader('XMP ')                      |
|                                                               |
:                        XMP Metadata                           :
XMP Metadata: Chunk Size bytes
Image metadata in XMP format.

Note that the fourth character in the 'XMP ' FourCC is an ASCII space (0x20).

Additional guidance about handling metadata can be found in the Metadata Working Group's "Guidelines for Handling Metadata".

Unknown Chunks

A RIFF chunk (described in the RIFF File Format section) whose FourCC is different from any of the chunks described in this document, is considered an unknown chunk.

Rationale: Allowing unknown chunks gives a provision for future extension of the format and also allows storage of any application-specific data.

A file MAY contain unknown chunks:

Readers SHOULD ignore these chunks. Writers SHOULD preserve them in their original order (unless they specifically intend to modify these chunks).

Canvas Assembly from Frames

Here we provide an overview of how a reader MUST assemble a canvas in the case of an animated image.

The process begins with creating a canvas using the dimensions given in the 'VP8X' Chunk, Canvas Width Minus One + 1 pixels wide by Canvas Height Minus One + 1 pixels high. The Loop Count field from the 'ANIM' Chunk controls how many times the animation process is repeated. This is Loop Count - 1 for nonzero Loop Count values or infinite if the Loop Count is zero.

At the beginning of each loop iteration, the canvas is filled using the background color from the 'ANIM' Chunk or an application-defined color.

'ANMF' Chunks contain individual frames given in display order. Before rendering each frame, the previous frame's Disposal method is applied.

The rendering of the decoded frame begins at the Cartesian coordinates (2 * Frame X, 2 * Frame Y), using the top-left corner of the canvas as the origin. Frame Width Minus One + 1 pixels wide by Frame Height Minus One + 1 pixels high are rendered onto the canvas using the Blending method.

The canvas is displayed for Frame Duration milliseconds. This continues until all frames given by 'ANMF' Chunks have been displayed. A new loop iteration is then begun, or the canvas is left in its final state if all iterations have been completed.

The following pseudocode illustrates the rendering process. The notation VP8X.field means the field in the 'VP8X' Chunk with the same description.

VP8X.flags.hasAnimation MUST be TRUE
canvas ← new image of size VP8X.canvasWidth x VP8X.canvasHeight with
         background color ANIM.background_color or
         application-defined color.
loop_count ← ANIM.loopCount
dispose_method ← Dispose to background color
if loop_count == 0:
  loop_count = ∞
frame_params ← nil
next chunk in image_data is ANMF MUST be TRUE
for loop = 0..loop_count - 1
  clear canvas to ANIM.background_color or application-defined color
  until eof or non-ANMF chunk
    frame_params.frameX = Frame X
    frame_params.frameY = Frame Y
    frame_params.frameWidth = Frame Width Minus One + 1
    frame_params.frameHeight = Frame Height Minus One + 1
    frame_params.frameDuration = Frame Duration
    frame_right = frame_params.frameX + frame_params.frameWidth
    frame_bottom = frame_params.frameY + frame_params.frameHeight
    VP8X.canvasWidth >= frame_right MUST be TRUE
    VP8X.canvasHeight >= frame_bottom MUST be TRUE
    for subchunk in 'Frame Data':
      if subchunk.tag == "ALPH":
        alpha subchunks not found in 'Frame Data' earlier MUST be
        frame_params.alpha = alpha_data
      else if subchunk.tag == "VP8 " OR subchunk.tag == "VP8L":
        bitstream subchunks not found in 'Frame Data' earlier MUST
          be TRUE
        frame_params.bitstream = bitstream_data
    apply dispose_method.
    render frame with frame_params.alpha and frame_params.bitstream
      on canvas with top-left corner at (frame_params.frameX,
      frame_params.frameY), using Blending method
    canvas contains the decoded image.
    Show the contents of the canvas for
    frame_params.frameDuration * 1 ms.
    dispose_method = frame_params.disposeMethod

Example File Layouts

A lossy-encoded image with alpha may look as follows:

+- VP8X (descriptions of features used)
+- ALPH (alpha bitstream)
+- VP8 (bitstream)

A lossless-encoded image may look as follows:

+- VP8X (descriptions of features used)
+- VP8L (lossless bitstream)
+- XYZW (unknown chunk)

A lossless image with an ICC profile and XMP metadata may look as follows:

+- VP8X (descriptions of features used)
+- ICCP (color profile)
+- VP8L (lossless bitstream)
+- XMP  (metadata)

An animated image with Exif metadata may look as follows:

+- VP8X (descriptions of features used)
+- ANIM (global animation parameters)
+- ANMF (frame1 parameters + data)
+- ANMF (frame2 parameters + data)
+- ANMF (frame3 parameters + data)
+- ANMF (frame4 parameters + data)
+- EXIF (metadata)