WebP Gallery

This gallery page is best viewed with a browser that supports WebP, such as Google Chrome, Opera and others.

If you don't have access to Google Chrome, you may download the images on your local drive to use with other products that support WebP.

Sample Image Files in JPEG and WebP and the PNG Source

The table below shows scaled JPEG (on the left) and WebP images (on the right) side-by-side for comparison. Since browsers exist that support WebP natively, we no longer place WebP images in a PNG container as we did at launch. Image file sizes are exact. Clicking on the JPEG and WebP thumbnails will open the large images in a new tab

File sizes below the thumbnails correspond to the files sizes of the images viewed when clicking the thumbnails. The WebP images are more than 30% smaller than the JPEG ones.



"Nærøyfjorden, Norway - from Breiskrednosi. UNESCO World Heritage" 1

JPEG file size: 43.84 KB
WebP Image
WebP file size: 29.61 KB
"Kayaker at Ekstremsportveko 2010, Voss". 2

JPEG file size: 86.25 KB
WebP Image
WebP file size: 59.18 KB
Frame 10 of the "Parkrun" sequence 3

JPEG file size: 297.05 KB
WebP Image
WebP file size: 198.38 KB
Image: "A Wild Cherry (Prunus avium) in flower" 4

JPEG file size: 251.03 KB
WebP Image
WebP file size: 172.82 KB
Image: Fire breathing "Jaipur Maharaja Brass Band" Chassepierre Belgium 5

JPEG file size: 120.78 KB
WebP Image
WebP file size: 80.76 KB

Image Credits

The images on this page come from a number of different sources. We have selected some delightful and rich pictures to showcase qualities of WebP.

Credits for the images above are listed here in order.

1 "Nærøyfjorden, Norway - from Breiskrednosi. UNESCO World Heritage"
Image Author: Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Reproduced with permission of the author.
PNG source
Blog post by author with comparison of JPEG and WebP. Mouse hover activates examples.
2 "Kayaker at Ekstremsportveko 2010, Voss"
Image Author: Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Reproduced with permission of the author.
PNG source
Blog post by author with comparison of JPEG and WebP. Mouse hover activates examples.
3 Frame 10 of the "Parkrun" sequence
Image Producer: Lars Haglund, SVT Sveriges Television AB
Reproduced with permission of producer
PNG source
4 Image: "A Wild Cherry (Prunus avium) in flower"
Image Author: Benjamin Gimmel
PNG source
Photo licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
5 Image: Fire breathing "Jaipur Maharaja Brass Band" Chassepierre Belgium
Author: Luc Viatour
PNG source
Photo licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Author website at www.lucnix.be

Reproducing the Images

For the sake of reproducibility and to demonstrate the use of some WebP compression parameters, we describe here the exact steps involved when generating the images in this gallery.


To convert and rescale the source pictures, we used a recent version of ImageMagick's tool named convert, available at https://www.imagemagick.org. The version information reads:

Version: ImageMagick 6.5.7-8 2010-12-02 Q16 https://www.imagemagick.org

For JPEG compression, we used the version 8b of IJG's reference encoder, available at https://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v8b.tar.gz.

The version information reads:

Independent JPEG Group's CJPEG, version 8b  16-May-2010
Copyright (C) 2010, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding

Generating the Source PNG Pictures

First, the JPEG sources are converted losslessly to PNG format simply using:

convert in.jpg out.png

Then, the large source images are rescaled to a smaller width of 1024 pixels using the following command:

convert in.png -depth 16 -gamma 0.454545 -filter lanczos -resize 1024 -gamma 2.2 -depth 8 out.png

to produce the final set of source PNG images.

Compressing to JPEG Format

JPEG's encoder (cjpeg) takes input images in PPM format. We use convert to generate them. The complete conversion sequence is then:

convert in.png tmp.ppm
cjpeg -optimize -quality 80 -outfile out.jpg tmp.ppm

which produces optimized JPEG files with a quality factor of 80.

Compressing to WebP Format

We targeted a 30% file size reduction compared to the optimized JPEG files. Thus, we explicitly specified the target sizes for each picture. Additionally, we set ad-hoc values for the filtering strength for each picture, thanks to the -f option of the cwebp tool. The amplitude of the spatial noise shaping is also reinforced for some pictures by use of the -sns option. The exact command lines used read:

cwebp -m 6 -f 50 -size 31500 1.png -o 1.webp
cwebp -m 6 -f 20 -sns 100 -size 62000 2.png -o 2.webp
cwebp -m 6 -sns 90 -size 213000 3.png -o 3.webp
cwebp -m 6 -f 40 -size 181000 4.png -o 4.webp
cwebp -m 6 -f 40 -size 89000 5.png -o 5.webp

Overall, the resulting WebP files provided a global saving of 32% compared to the JPEG file sizes.

Note that the WebP thumbnails used on this page are also smaller by 26% compared to their JPEG equivalent.