Animiertes GIF mit dem WTM-Logo und dem Text „Mitgliedernewsletter“

Einladung zum Kamingespräch „Women in AI/ML“

Bild eines vertikalen Banners mit Farbverlauf Auf dem Banner ist der Titel der Veranstaltung „Die Kraft von KI/ML: 3 Frauen, die die Zukunft gestalten“ zu sehen. Das Banner enthält außerdem die Uhrzeit und das Datum der Veranstaltung sowie die Fotos und Titel der Redner.

Drei Google-Mitarbeitende, die KI und ML neu gestalten

Join us on Thursday, June 15 at 9 am (PST) for a 1-hour fireside chat with trailblazing women in the AI/ML industry.

Moderated by Joana Carrasqueira, our speakers will share their personal experiences, insights, and advice on how to succeed in this rapidly growing field.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best and brightest in the industry!

Werde WTM-Ambassador!

Eine Illustration einer Frau mit verschiedenen Elementen um sie herum und dem Google Cloud-Logo

Bewerbungsfrist endet am 30. Juni

Become a Women Techmakers Ambassador and empower women in tech in your community!

As a Women Techmakers Ambassador, you can:

  • Empower the global tech community through events, public speaking, content creation, and mentorship.

  • Grow your network and connect with other women in tech from around the world.

  • Thrive in the tech industry by gaining access to exclusive resources and opportunities.

Gruppenfoto von sieben Women Techmakers-Botschafterinnen, die auf einer Couch hinter einem Schild mit dem Women Techmakers-Logo sitzen

Die globale Wirkung von WTM-Botschaftern

From Canada to Vietnam to Pakistan, WTM celebrated International Women's Day 2023 with events and activities to inspire and empower women in tech.

Read how
Houda Kaddioui, Sarwat Rizvi, and Ngọc Võ celebrated International Women's Day this year in their local communities.

Gruppenfoto der Women Techmakers-Community in einem Auditorium auf der Google I/O-Konferenz.

Über 300 WTM-Botschafter auf der Google I/O

This year, over 300 Women Techmakers attended Google I/O. The event was a great opportunity for WTM to connect with other women in tech, learn about new technologies, and network with Googlers.

Gain access to opportunities like these by becoming a WTM Ambassador!

Aktuelles bei Google

Bild einer abstrakten Illustration, die die Komponenten der Internetsicherheit von Google zeigt. Die Abbildung enthält Bilder von der Bestätigung der Identität, Sicherheitswarnungen, Passwörtern und WLAN.  Der Ton der Illustration ist informativ und lehrreich.

Cybersecurity-Zertifikat von Google

Gain in-demand cybersecurity skills with a Google Professional Certificate. Learn how to identify and mitigate common risks, threats, and vulnerabilities, and prepare for a career in cybersecurity.

The Google Professional Certificate in Cybersecurity is a self-paced, online program that teaches you the skills you need to be a successful cybersecurity analyst.

Bild einer indischen Frau, die an ihrem Computer arbeitet. Sie schaut auf den Bildschirm und tippt. Auf dem Bild steht der Text „Google for Startups Accelerator Women Founders: Bewerben Sie sich bis zum 4. Juni“.

Google for Startups

Applications are open through June 4 for women founders in India looking to grow and scale their businesses! This 3-month program offers mentorship, workshops, resources, and networks to help you succeed.

Bild mit weißem Hintergrund, dem Text „Women Founders“ und dem Google for Startups-Logo

Leitfaden zu „Personen + KI“

Join us on June 15 at 10 am (CST) to learn how to make human-centered AI product decisions. The People & AI Guidebook will help you ensure that your AI investments make a big impact and put the customer first.

Bild einer abstrakten, bunten Illustration einer Frau, die auf einem Globus steht. Die Frau arbeitet an einem Laptop und ist von verschiedenen Formen und Farben umgeben. Der Text „Become a leader at your university“ (Anführer an Ihrer Universität werden) wird in der Mitte des Bildes angezeigt und das Logo von Google Developer Student Clubs oben.

Möchten Sie Leiter eines Google Developer Student Clubs werden?

GDSC Leads are passionate leaders at their universities dedicated to helping their peers learn and connect. As a Lead you will get the opportunity to attend educational events hosted by Google, apply learnings to build solutions for real local or global issues, gain mentorship from Google - and more!

Check out the regional deadlines and apply:

  • India - Closed

  • Europe - May 31

  • South Korea - June 14

  • Pakistan - June 8

  • Middle East and North Africa - June 10

  • Japan - June 15

  • North America, Australia & New Zealand, ASEAN, Pakistan, Sub-Saharan Africa, Turkey, Central Asia and Caucasus, Taiwan and Hong Kong - June 30

  • Europe - September 21

⏯ Falls du es verpasst hast…

Bild eines Flyers für eine vergangene Veranstaltung mit dem Titel „Accelerate your Career with Polaris“. Auf dem Flyer steht der Text „mit Jonika Hoomes, Program Manager bei Google“ und der Call-to-Action „Aufzeichnung ansehen“. Das WTM-Logo wird unten links angezeigt.

WTM-Veranstaltung: Mit Polaris Ihre Karriere beschleunigen

Jonika Hoomes, Global Program Manager at Google and Founder of Integralis Leadership Executive coaching, explored the Polaris coaching approach in a 1-hour chat.

In this session, Jonika shared her insights on how to pursue work that aligns with your values and brings you happiness. She also discussed how to reclaim an identity that is uniquely your own and find joy in your work and your journey.


Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes. Fill out this form if you want to be featured next!

Wir stellen vor: WTM-Ambassador Iuliana ✨

Schwarz-Weiß-Foto von Juliana, einer kaukasischen Frau mit kurzen, blonden Haaren. Sie blickt in die Kamera und hat den Kopf leicht zur Seite geneigt.

Juliana is a Senior Data and Optimization Strategist at Media.Monks and a Technical Marketing Specialist. She is passionate about solving puzzles, figuring out the answers to tricky problems, and uncovering hidden insights.

Juliana has always worked in tech. Her first job was actually "selling the internet" over the phone back in 2011. At the time, she didn't realize how much the internet would change in the years to come. These changes have also led to the development of new technologies and techniques, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Juliana is excited to be part of this transformation and to be able to use her skills to help businesses make better decisions.

In her spare time, she hosts the "Standard Deviation Podcast", a resource for anyone interested in learning more about digital analytics and technical marketing through interviews with top industry leaders to gather their insights on the latest trends and best practices.

When asked what do you wish every woman who is interested in getting into tech industry knew, she said: "That even though it might seem hard at first glance, behind everything there is an amazing and supporting community out there for you, to support you, empower you and guide you through becoming the best YOU."

Tipp, bevor du dich auf den Weg machst...

Bild einer lustigen Unterschrift mit einer Frau, die Ukulele spielt. Die Unterschrift enthält außerdem die Kontaktdaten und Nutzernamen in sozialen Medien der Frau.  Die Signatur ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür, wie Humor und Kreativität eine Signatur hervorheben können.

Das Geheimnis leistungsstarker E-Mail-Signaturen

Your email signature is often the last thing someone sees before they delete your email, so it's important to make sure it's powerful and effective.

Here are a few tips to help you create a winning email signature.

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