GIF ilustrado com o logotipo do WTM e o texto "Membership Newsletter"

Confirme sua presença no próximo evento de associação

Imagem de um banner vertical com um plano de fundo em gradiente. O banner mostra o título, a data e a hora do evento, além da foto e do título de Kim.

Join us for an inspiring event with Google Machine Learning Products expert, Priya Ponnapalli. Explore the power of AI & ML, network with female experts, and learn how to leverage these technologies for innovation.

📅 Mark your calendar on August 17 at 7 am (PT), and explore these cutting-edge technologies, with Priya as our guide!

Conheça os novos embaixadores do WTM 2023-2024

We are thrilled to welcome our newest group of Women Techmakers Ambassadors!

This year we had a record number of applications to the program. These Ambassadors represent our newest group of global leaders who are passionate about giving back to their communities and dedicated to building a world where all women can thrive in tech. While the application won't open again until 2024, you can always learn more about the Ambassador program.

Congratulations to our new Ambassadors - we can't wait to see all you will accomplish!

Compre seus produtos do WTM 🏷️

Imagem de um boné branco e uma sacola com o logotipo da WTM.

Agora disponível para pedidos internacionais!

Order our new WTM merch today and show your support for the program.

🇺🇸 For US orders, click here.

🌎 For international orders, click here.

Participe do servidor da comunidade do Google Developers no Discord.

Logotipo da Discord

Connect with fellow developers across our channels dedicated to different technologies, programs and skills (check out our new channel with tips for writers!) and leverage the platform to promote your events and content.

There’s also (obviously!) a WTM corner and a private channel for all women in tech!

Join our WTM Discord channel

O que está acontecendo no Google

Um banner amarelo com três fotos de desenvolvedoras. O logotipo do Google para Desenvolvedores está no canto inferior esquerdo.

Comemoração das colaboradoras da Google Dev Library em IA/ML

Women have made remarkable progress in advancing AI/ML technology through their contributions to open source projects. They have developed and maintained tools, algorithms, and frameworks that enable researchers, developers, and businesses to create and implement cutting edge AI/ML solutions.

To celebrate those achievements, Google Dev Library has featured outstanding contributions from developers worldwide, providing an opportunity to showcase a celebrate women developers who are working on AI/ML projects.

Uma ilustração colorida com figuras geométricas e o texto "Solution Challenge Demo Day" no canto esquerdo

Solution Challenge: Dia de demonstração de 2023

Mark your calendars on August 3 📆 and witness the incredible work of students from Google Developer Student Clubs as they use Google tech to drive progress towards the UN's Sustainable Development Goals! 🌎

Esta imagem mostra um banner com o texto "Reconhecimento de soletração por IA" no lado esquerdo. No lado direito, há uma mão fazendo algo em linguagem de sinais americana (ASL, na sigla em inglês) com vetores em cima dela simulando a leitura por IA.

Competição de reconhecimento de soletração em ASL

Join a new competition by Kaggle to make an impact on the Deaf community while improving your ML skills. Create models with TensorFlow Lite to enable faster text entry on cell phones for the AI Fingerspelling Recognition contest.

Banner com estética de videogame dos anos 80 representando o espaço. Tem naves espaciais voando, um astronauta e a Lua. O texto "The Arcade" está em amarelo no centro da imagem, e o logotipo do Google Cloud está logo abaixo.

The Arcade: habilidades em nuvem sem custo

Learn cloud skills like computing, application development, big data & AI/ML for no cost! And earn digital badges & points to use towards claiming swag prizes and Google Cloud goodies. It's all in The Arcade. No quarters needed - play now!

⏯ Caso não tenha notado...

Imagem de um banner horizontal com um plano de fundo em gradiente. O banner apresenta o título do evento, a hora e a data do evento, a foto e o título de Kims, junto com o texto "Assista ao replay"

Evento do WTM: seis coisas que eu gostaria que me dissessem quando me tornei engenheiro de software

Relive our wonderful conversation with former actress and Senior Software Engineer at Google, Kim Swennen, as she shared the things she wishes she had known when she pivoted from her career as a Hollywood actrees to engineering. During this 1-hour e ngaging conversation, Kim discussed topics such as knowing when to black-box things, the fact that things will break, impostor syndrome, and much more!

Destaques da comunidade

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

Conheça o Embaixador do WTM Sunny ✨

Uma foto de Angel, uma mulher negra com um coque na cabeça e cabelos longos trançados e pretos. Ela está olhando para a câmera com um sorriso caloroso no rosto e os olhos brilhando.

Sunny Zhu is, in her own words, a 'statistics geek' with over a decade of experience in the tech industry. She currently works as the ESG Data & Analytics Lead at Indeed, in New York and thinks of herself as the bridge that connects data with people.

Sunny is a strong believer that data science is for everyone, and she is passionate about translating complicated data into clear business strategies and execution plans.

As a Women Techmakers Ambassador, a BetterUp certified coach, and POINT Speaker, she is committed to making the field more accessible to women and other underrepresented groups by providing mentorship and being a frequent speaker at data conferences.

When asked what advice she would give to women who are interested in getting into tech, Sunny said: "Who you are is more important than what you do. Your work does not determine your worth. Be the change you want to see in the world!"

Dica antes de você sair...

Uma jovem negra de cabelo curto e óculos de leitura está sentada à mesa, olhando para o laptop enquanto escreve em um caderno. Ela está sorrindo e usando fones de ouvido. A foto captura a energia concentrada e criativa dela enquanto trabalha no projeto.

Notícias: a autofala negativa não tem benefícios

By now, we all know that negative self-talk is bad for us. But, what's the alternative? The key is self-compassion. Learn more about the role of self-compassion at work in this article and explore howallowing yourself to be vulnerable and displaying self-kindness with a growth mindset, can be way more beneficial for your growth and well-being.

Email sent by Tania Rodriguez

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