Un banner azzurro con il testo "Newsletter per gli abbonati" in caratteri blu scuro e un'illustrazione di un aereo di carta sulla destra. Il banner include anche il testo "Non ci sono limiti a ciò che puoi fare".

Rispondi all'invito per i prossimi eventi WTM

Un banner blu scuro con una spessa striscia rossa nella parte inferiore. All'interno della striscia rossa del banner è riportato il testo "Oltre la programmazione: pianificare il prossimo passo nella carriera" e il nome dell'oratore, Joedian Reid.

Evento per abbonati WTM

Don't miss this chance to learn from Joedian Reid, a seasoned professional at Google, who has successfully transitioned from software engineering to leadership. In this exclusive talk, she will share her insights and experiences, and help you explore the many career opportunities available for developers.

🗓️ October 12 🕒 7 am (PT)

Un banner blu scuro con una spessa striscia verde brillante nella parte inferiore. Il banner riporta il testo "Navigating Change: A Career Development Panel for Women in Tech" (Navigare nel cambiamento: un panel per lo sviluppo della carriera per le donne nel settore tecnologico) e il testo "Panelists to be confirmed" (Partecipanti da confermare) all'interno della striscia verde.

WTM Ambassador Academy

The tech industry is constantly evolving, and it's essential to stay ahead of the curve in order to succeed. Join us for a panel discussion with seasoned women leaders at Google who will share their tips and advice on how to stay relevant, build resilience, negotiate for yourself, and build a supportive network.

🗓️ October 18 🕒 9 am (GMT)

Novità di Google

Un banner di colore blu acceso con foto di tre persone che parlano latinoamericane al centro, all'interno di un blocco bianco con il testo "Developer Journey". Il banner contiene anche illustrazioni di oggetti e simboli dell'ambiente di sviluppo, come un laptop, un dispositivo mobile e nuvole.

In che modo gli sviluppatori ispanici e latinoamericani utilizzano gli strumenti di Google

Hispanic and Latinx developers are using Google tools to build innovative products, services, and solutions that are making a real difference in the world. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, we spoke with developers from Mexico and Spain to learn more about how they're using Google tools to make a positive impact.

Logo di Founder Fridays

Founder Fridays: branding inclusivo per la tua startup

Join Google leaders, industry experts, and startup founders for a discussion on how to build an inclusive brand that resonates with diverse audiences. Learn about accessible strategies for integrating inclusive marketing principles into your startup framework.

🗓️ October 20 🕒 12 pm (EST)

Una donna asiatica con capelli scuri con mèches e un maglione beige sorride a un'altra donna nelle vicinanze.

Donne fondatrici: coltivare la fiducia in se stesse

Confidence is crucial for female entrepreneurs to succeed. Led by Program Manager, Shiri Sivan, this session will teach you how to cultivate confidence and create plans and strategies that work for you, so you can be ready to take on new opportunities.

🗓️ October 12 🕒 10 am (CST)

Partecipa al Google Workspace Developer Summit

Una donna nera in piedi con in mano un computer. Ha i capelli raccolti in un'acconciatura e indossa una camicia grigia e occhiali mentre guarda lo schermo. Una barra di ricerca in basso a destra simula la ricerca di "Jira" e mostra alcuni risultati.

Chiamare gli sviluppatori in Asia e in Europa

Google Workspace Developer Summit: Learn to build creative and unique solutions for your business or the world at this full-day event for Workspace developers of all levels. Explore new and emerging technologies with the Google Workspace Developer Relations team.

Register to attend in:

Esplora tutti i contenuti didattici disponibili in Google for Developers

Un banner bianco con un'illustrazione astratta colorata di un laptop e un cloud. Il testo "Sto creando per:" è sotto l'illustrazione e quattro riquadri con contorno nero sotto l'illustrazione contengono il testo "Mobile", "Web", "IA" e "Cloud" in blu.

Go deeper on technical topics by exploring collections of related courses, pathways, codelabs, and more! Whether you're a beginner or an expert, there's always something new to learn

⏯ Se te lo sei perso…

Un banner con gradiente blu e verde con il logo Women Techmakers in bianco in basso. Il banner mostra la foto di Neva Joshi che parla durante un evento. Include anche il testo "Lezioni della mia carriera come lead in Google Cloud" e il nome di Neva in basso.

During our last event, Neva Joshi, Data and Analytics Practice Lead at Google Cloud, gave a candid and inspiring talk about her career journey, decision-making process, and how she has learned from her mistakes. The talk was filled with insights, laughter, and a few moments that made us think.

In evidenza dalla community

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

Incontra l'ambasciatrice WTM Mitusha

Mitusha, donna indiana con capelli lunghi castani, sorride alla fotocamera.

Mitusha started her career in biomedical engineering, but she soon discovered her passion for software engineering, especially conversational AI. She is passionate about making a positive impact on the community by giving talks, organizing events, and writing tech blogs.

The Google community has played a significant role in Mitusha's success. She has had the opportunity to give talks at Google Developer Fests and attend the Firebase Summit thanks to Google's support.

When asked about her favorite part of being a WTM Ambassador, Mitusha says: "WTM has been a tremendous source of support, motivating me to step forward and connect with like-minded souls. The most cherished aspect has been forging lifelong friendships with people from across the globe. This experience has transformed me, broadened my horizons, and allowed me to thrive in the tech world.."

Unisciti al nostro server della community degli sviluppatori Google su Discord.

Logo Discord

Connect with fellow developers across our channels, which are dedicated to different technologies, programs, and skills. And join, of course our WTM corner, a private channel for all women in tech!

Want to host your event on the server? Fill out this form.

Ordina oggi stesso il tuo merchandising WTM 🏷️

Immagine di un berretto bianco con il logo WTM.

Show your support for Women Techmakers with our new line of merchandise! To order your WTM merchandise, simply click on the link below that corresponds to your location:

🇺🇸 For US orders, click here.

🌎 For international orders, click here.

Suggerimento prima di partire…

Banner con il testo bianco "Controlla lo stipendio" a sinistra e una foto di una donna che guarda uno schermo a destra.

Ricevi il giusto compenso?

Level up your salary with the CHECK SALARY tool! Discover your earning potential based on your skills, experience, and location. Simply enter your job title, location, and experience level to see a range of salaries for similar positions in your area. Filter by expertise to see how different skills and certifications can affect your earning potential.

Negotiate a better salary, plan your next career move, and live your best financial life!

Una donna messicana sorridente con la pelle marrone chiaro e i capelli ricci, che indossa una camicetta colorata ricamata.

Email sent (with love) by Tania Rodriguez

© 2023 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

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