Um banner azul claro com o texto "Newsletter para assinantes" em fonte azul claro e uma ilustração de um avião de papel à direita. O banner também tem o texto "Não há limites para o que você pode fazer" e o mês de distribuição.

Seja uma embaixadora do programa Women Techmakers!

Banner anunciando o lançamento das inscrições para embaixadoras do programa Women Techmakers. O banner tem um plano de fundo azul com uma listra branca que contém a ilustração de um megafone azul e o texto "As inscrições dos embaixadores estão ativas" ao lado do logotipo do Women Techmakers.

Junte-se a nós e construa um mundo de tecnologia próspero para mulheres.

We're looking for passionate leaders to join our global network of Women Techmakers Ambassadors. Ready to make a difference?

What you'll do:

  • Organize events, speak at conferences, or create content to inspire others.

  • Mentor the next generation of tech leaders.


  • Network: Connect with hundreds of like-minded women worldwide.

  • Lead with Google's support: Organize events, speak, create content, or mentor – all with Google's backing.

  • Upskill: Gain knowledge through exclusive Google talks and workshops.

  • Get recognized: Shine a light on your achievements and contributions.

Are you the ideal candidate?

  • You have 1+ years of experience running community activities (events, workshops, etc.).

  • You have a background in technology and an interest in Google's offerings.

  • You're passionate about achieving gender equity in tech.

Confirme sua presença na série de liderança da Ambassadors Academy.

Orsolya, embaixadora do Women Techmakers, com cabelo ruivo, sorri com confiança para a câmera. A imagem promove um evento intitulado "The Recipe to Confidence" organizado pela Women Techmakers.

Aumente sua confiança: uma receita para o sucesso! 📈💪

Join us for a free session led by Orsolya Batiz, Software Engineer at Google. In this 45-minute workshop, you'll unlock the secrets to building confidence in the workplace.

📅 May 3rd, 2024 🕒 9:00 am

O que está acontecendo no Google

Gráfico animado com formas geométricas coloridas girando e o texto "É hora de E/S. Inscreva-se para receber notícias, atualizações e inovações de IA do Google. O logotipo do Google I/O aparece em preto no canto inferior esquerdo.

Os detalhes do programa Google I/O já estão disponíveis. 

Get a sneak peek at this year’s 150+ sessions and learning content covering mobile, web, multiplatform development, and more!

Google for Startups: mulheres fundadoras

Um grupo diverso de mulheres conversando.

Apresentamos a coorte de 5o Google for Startups Accelerator.

From healthcare to HR to predicting agricultural supply chain disruptions, these startups are all using data-driven insights, and leveraging the power of AI and ML to solve complex challenges in their industries. We can’t wait to work alongside them over the next 10 weeks and help accelerate their growth journey.

Uma mulher ouve atentamente outra mulher,sorrindo.

Workshop de gerenciamento de tempo

Join the Google for Startups Women Founders for a time management workshop and master your schedule to unlock your full potential! This workshop will equip you to carve out essential time for deep thinking, recuperation, and tackling your priority projects.recuperation, and priority projects.

📅 May 16th, 2024 🕒 9:00 am (PST)

 Banner para o podcast People of AI com o logotipo e uma foto do convidado do episódio à direita.

Mergulhe fundo no Gemma: o podcast The People of AI ️

Listen to the People of AI Podcast for a fascinating episode featuring Kathleen Kenealy, a Software Engineer at Google DeepMind, renowned for her research on the next generation of large language models.

Tune in to discover insights into the future of AI and the transformative role Gemma plays in shaping it

Selo circular com o texto "Build with AI" em letras brancas em um fundo geométrico preto e amarelo.

Crie com IA no Discord!

The Build With AI community has officially moved to Discord, becoming your central hub for all things AI discussions and chats!

Excited to participate in online Build With AI events? Look no further than the Events section within the Google Developer Community server on Discord. All virtual events organized by Google developers as part of this campaign will be listed there, making it easy for you to find and join!

Join the Discord server here and dive into the world of AI with a passionate community!

Logotipo do Google AI Hackathon

Ajude a moldar o futuro com a IA generativa no hackathon de IA do Google.

Craft innovative applications using Google's powerful tools. Artists, writers, and coders can all join – design anything from stunning visuals to cutting-edge tech. Leverage their resources and compete for up to $50,000 in prizes for the most impressive creations, user-friendly apps, and valuable feedback on the tools.

Don't wait, register by May 3, 2024!

Conteúdo de aprendizado atualizado para melhorar suas habilidades.

Ilustração de uma mulher trabalhando em um computador. Ela é cercada por vários ícones que representam conceitos de inteligência artificial.

Cresça com o Google: fundamentos da IA do Google

Looking to get hands-on experience with generative AI tools? Learn from experts at Google and get essential AI skills to boost your productivity with Google AI Essentials, zero experience required!

Selo circular com uma planta azul ilustrada.

Aprenda a usar ferramentas digitais para procurar emprego

Comece a aprender

Conduct a successful job search using digital tools with this free course from Grow with Google.

Logotipo do Gemini

Um tour pelo Gemini Code Assist (anteriormente Duet AI) para desenvolvedores

Comece a aprender

Get familiar with how you can use Gemini Chat and inline code assistance to generate code, understand code and more.

 Ilustração de um diagrama de Venn com três círculos 3D sobrepostos em um fundo verde. Os círculos se conectam com botões vetoriais em seus pontos sobrepostos.

Crie um aplicativo da Web moderno de arquitetura de três camadas com o Cloud Run

Comece a aprender

Learn how to build a multi-tier web application with a Golang backend running on Cloud Run and using a CloudSQL database.

Destaques do embaixador

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

Conheça a WTM Ambassador Sarwat ✨

Retrato de Sarwat, uma mulher paquistanesa sorrindo em frente ao logotipo do Google.

Electrical engineering grad, Sarwat found her passion in data science through community work and curiosity. By graduation, she had a strong network and a clear vision, thanks to a supportive community. She's also the Co-Manager for Google Developer Groups (GDG) Islamabad.

In 2023, Sarwat and her team made a significant impact through their International Women's Day conference, which featured the intersex and specially-abled communities as attendees and speakers. The event was the first of its kind in the region, gaining recognition from 35 local and international publications, exemplifying the kind of lasting impact they strive for.

For women and girls in tech, Sarwat offers a powerful message: Persistence and self-belief are key. Ignore negativity, focus on your goals, and remember – your biggest competition is your past self. Be your own cheerleader!

Mapa da história do Women Techmakers

Mapa mostrando a rede global de embaixadoras do programa Women Techmakers, ilustrado como um grupo diverso de pessoas posicionadas em um mapa de acordo com seus respectivos países.

Inspire-se com as histórias dos embaixadores do WTM em todo o mundo!

Google Maps Platform and Women Techmakers launched a first-of-its-kind interactive story map on International Women's Day. Explore the inspiring journeys of WTM Ambassadors worldwide! New stories are added as the program grows, making it a lasting source of empowerment.

Foto de Nikiya sorrindo para a câmera.

História de sucesso do Google Cloud: a jornada da Nikiya

Introducing Nikiya Simpson, a Master student, a full stack engineer, and a mom of three out of Little Rock Arkansas. Watch this Google Cloud Credentials Success Story video to hear her discuss how the Women Techmakers Ambassadors program played a key role in her path to becoming a Google Cloud certified full-stack engineer.

Espaço dos Embaixadores

Dive into the Ambassadors Corner – your gateway to content, resources, and open doors to contribute, volunteer, or work with WTM Ambassadors across the globe

  • Polina Ruvinsky (US) launched Hype HQ, a platform for women to build visibility for their initiatives and support each other! Get noticed & empower others! Hype HQ is FREE during the beta period!

  • Veruska Anconitano (Portugal) offers a chance to beta test InclusivitEasy, a new multilingual inclusive language checker! Help shape the future of communication & get early access. Sign up here.

  • Loveleen Kaur, Twinkle Mehta, Amanpreet Kaur, Richa Thakur, and Anuradha Chawla (India) led a discussion about the significance of perfection, originality, and soft skills in the tech industry. Witness how they're shaping the future of tech at Lovely Professional University. Watch the recap here.

Banner do evento: "Introdução no campo da IA" na quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2024, às 9h (Horário do Pacífico). Ashley, uma mulher com cabelos claros, aparece no lado direito do banner com o título dela abaixo da foto.

Perdeu o mais recente evento para membros com Ashley Oldacre?

Don't worry, you can still experience it! Relive the conversation where Ashley dives deep into the exciting world of AI, especially for women who are curious to explore its potential.

Dica antes de sair...

Construa seu futuro com o Google

Construa seu futuro com o Google!

Explore scholarships, programs, apprenticeships, internships, and resources – all designed to help you thrive, no matter your stage.

From business to cutting-edge tech, we've got you covered.

Your feedback matters. Please tell us what you think of our newsletters and events so we can make them even better 👇

© 2024 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

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