Un banner azul claro con el texto "Membership Newsletter" en fuente azul claro y una ilustración de un avión de papel a la derecha. El banner también incluye el texto "No hay límite para lo que puedes hacer" y el mes de distribución.

Usa la IA para construir un futuro mejor.

Un GIF muestra el logotipo de Women Techmakers, una "W" formada por fragmentos de código, enmarcado por un diagrama de flujo y papel rasgado. El logotipo se anima con fotos e imágenes en rotación.

Únete a nuestro hackatón She Builds AI.

Develop an AI-powered project that addresses real-world challenges faced by women and girls worldwide. Imagine creating:

  • An app that combats online harassment using natural language processing.

  • A tool that highlights pay gaps through machine learning.

  • An educational platform that personalizes learning for girls in STEM.

The possibilities are endless!

Adquiere habilidades para el futuro: Ella crea IA

Hay una foto grupal de Women Techmakers en el centro del banner, rodeada de fragmentos de código que incluyen importaciones para las bibliotecas de os y google.generativeai, y una llamada a función para generar texto.

Gemma: Capacitación sobre la familia de modelos abiertos de Google

Join us for the last training of our She Builds AI campaign! This session will equip you with the knowledge and skills to introduce their community to both the fundamentals of and the latest developments around Gemma, Google's family of open LLMs!

📅 November 6th 🕘9 am (CEST)

RSVP here

⏯️ Watch our previous training sessions on demand!

Profundiza tus conocimientos sobre la IA con Experience AI

Una imagen colorida con el texto "Experiencia de IA" en letras grandes y blancas. Las palabras "Google DeepMind" y "Raspberry Pi Foundation" aparecen debajo en letras blancas más pequeñas, separadas por una línea vertical. El fondo es un patrón blanco de líneas y puntos interconectados en varios colores.

Una experiencia educativa para los jóvenes

Experience AI is an educational program that introduces teachers and students (11-14) to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Developed by Raspberry Pi and Google DeepMind, it offers resources to support teachers and ignite young people's passion for AI.

Learn to understand and shape AI, develop critical thinking, and find solutions. Join WTM Ambassadors and be part of the AI revolution! 👇

WTM Partner News

Una imagen con un fondo negro y texto verde que dice "Meet Us In Houston Nov 13-16" en letras grandes en negrita, seguido de "AFROTECH CONFERENCE" en letras más pequeñas y la URL del sitio web "AFROTECHCONFERENCE.COM" en la fuente más pequeña.

Nos vemos en AFROTECH 2024.

Network with thousands of Black professionals, hear from 50+ speakers, and explore the latest tech trends at AFROTECH 2024!

See you in Houston, November 13-16th!

El logotipo de AnitaB Org está en el extremo superior de la imagen. Debajo, se muestra la frase "HELP IMPROVE THE STATE OF TECH" sobre un fondo de gradiente azul. A la derecha, hay una foto de una mujer negra que lleva un collar colorido y una camisa blanca.

Usa tu voz: Encuesta de TechEES

The Technical Equity Experience Study (TechEES) highlights the challenges faced by women and non-binary people in tech. Let's demand change! Take 10-15 minutes to take the survey for a chance to win a Tango gift card.

Qué sucede en Google

El logotipo de Women in AI, una “W” estilizada con bloques coloridos, aparece junto a una ilustración de una mujer con un sari rojo y amarillo que mira hacia el usuario.

La Cumbre de Mujeres en IA 2024 regresa el 3 de diciembre.

Join us to explore the latest in AI innovation, developer tools, and real-world applications. Connect with fellow AI enthusiasts and learn from industry experts.

Google’s Women in AI Summit is the successor event to the Women in ML Symposium, retaining the same goal of connecting all those enthusiastic about the exciting space of AI!

El texto "IA para el impacto" se muestra en azul y negro, con un pequeño ícono de estrella amarilla a la izquierda de la "A".

Hackatón de IA para el impacto

Calling all women coders and developers in APAC! Join the AI for Impact Hackathon and harness the power of AI to create positive change. Use Google Cloud's GenAI tools, including Gemini, Vertex AI, and Gemini Code Assist, to develop innovative solutions for pressing social issues. Win exciting prizes and showcase your talent globally!

En la imagen, se muestran Gus y Ashley uno al lado del otro. El fondo es negro con formas y líneas de colores. El texto "People of AI Season 4" está en la parte superior, seguido de la pregunta "Are you a person of AI?" en una fuente blanca grande. El logotipo de People of AI se encuentra en la esquina inferior izquierda.

People of AI: Ya está disponible la temporada 4

Join hosts Ashley Oldacre and Gus Martins for the exciting Season 4 launch of the People of AI podcast! Learn how people from diverse backgrounds are using AI, from researchers and developers to everyday individuals. Discover how to become a part of this exciting field and stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

Un gráfico con el texto "DevFest" en negrita, rodeado de un ícono de globo terráqueo y tres líneas curvas. Debajo, hay un botón con el texto "Únete a nosotros", seguido de "Google Developer Groups" y "2024". Hay tres círculos azules en la parte inferior.

Únete a DevFest 2024

Get ready for DevFest, the global developer conference! Network with fellow developers, learn about the latest tools, and hear from Google experts.

This year, we're focusing on Responsible AI to build a better future for everyone.

Una mujer está sentada en medio de un círculo con otra mujer mientras chatea. Se ve relajada y divertida. Lleva una camisa azul y un suéter beige.

Café de mentoría de la comunidad

Join the Google for Startups Women Founder Community's Mentorship Cafe on November 7th. Get personalized advice from industry experts in design, technology, leadership, product, marketing, and more. Register now and take your startup to the next level!

Un logotipo blanco de Discord sobre un fondo azul. El logotipo es un control blanco estilizado con dos ojos.

Google Developers en Discord

The Google Developers Discord is now the main hub for Startup School: Gen AI chats and discussions! Keep an eye on the "Events list" in the Google developer community Discord server. Also, check out the #startup-school-gen-ai channel to connect with others, discuss topics, and network.

Recursos de capacitación y aprendizaje nuevos

Ilustración en forma de nube con edificios y una bicicleta en el interior. Los edificios representan diferentes tipos de empresas y organizaciones. Los cables y los cuadrados conectan los edificios entre sí y con la nube, lo que simboliza la conectividad y la transformación digital.

Cómo crear tu currículum

Comenzar a aprender

Learn how to craft the perfect resume for your summer internship with Google recruiters Arely and Juliana. Get tips on structure, quantifying achievements, and tailoring your resume.

Una ilustración colorida con íconos que representan varias apps de Google Workspace, como Gmail, Documentos de Google, Hojas de cálculo de Google, Calendario de Google y Google Keep.

Google Workspace para desarrolladores

Comenzar a aprender

Build intelligent apps and workflows with Google Workspace. Learn how to integrate, customize, and extend Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Meet, and more.

Ilustración isométrica de un smartphone que muestra una app para dispositivos móviles. La pantalla de la app muestra una lista de elementos y un ícono de mapa. El smartphone está conectado a una nube con un ícono de llama, que representa un servidor. También hay íconos que representan la configuración, las estrellas y una moneda.

Gemini Pro Vision y FCM/FIAM

Comenzar a aprender

Discover the power of Gemini Pro Vision with the Gemini API. Explore multimodal input and output, and learn how to use FCM and FIAM for Android messaging.

Lo más destacado de los embajadores

Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.

Retrato de Genica, una mujer que sonríe a la cámara.

Conoce a la embajadora de WTM Genica Sy ✨

Genica, a UX designer by day and augmented reality artist by night, defied convention by transitioning from a successful marketing career to the world of tech!

With unwavering determination, she embraced the challenges of returning to school and immersed herself in the world of programming and UX design.

Her journey as a mother in tech has given Genica a unique perspective on the challenges women face in balancing career and family. She is passionate about breaking down barriers and creating a more equitable workplace for women in technology. By sharing her experiences and advocating for fair practices, she aims to empower the next generation of women in tech!

As a WTM Ambassador, Genica is dedicated to fostering a supportive community for women in tech, inspiring young girls to pursue STEM fields, and breaking down gender stereotypes. Through her work, she hopes to create a future where everyone has the opportunity to succeed in technology.

Learn more about her journey in this Medium article: Breaking into UX Design: My Journey from a Non-Tech Career to a Women Techmakers Ambassador.


Dive into the Ambassadors Corner – your gateway to content, events, resources, and open doors to contribute, volunteer, or work with WTM Ambassadors across the globe!

  • Dive into Infrastructure as Code with Terraform: Ivy Wang (Germany) has authored a comprehensive book on Terraform. Explore the power of IaC and why Terraform is the industry standard. Buy it now.

  • Craft the Perfect Resume: Mandy Meindersma (US) shares her expertise with a customizable Canva resume template. Canva Resume Template

  • Master Java Object-Oriented Programming: Sharon Tanya Daniel (Kenya) provides a clear explanation of classes, methods, inheritance, and encapsulation. Read the article.

  • Transform Your AI Projects with Team Topologies: Roberta Lingnau de Oliveira (Brazil) explores how Team Topologies can revolutionize generative AI integration. Read the article

La imagen incluye el texto "CREATEHER FEST" en letras blancas sobre un fondo púrpura. El fondo está lleno de varias formas abstractas en 3D en tonos de morado.

CreateHER Fest: Build the Future of Tech!

Join WTM Ambassador Adriann Guy and her team for CreateHER Fest, an immersive 3-phased journey to equip you with the skills and confidence to innovate in AI, AR/VR, and blockchain. Participate in the:

  • Learn-a-thon (Dec 9-15): Master foundational skills in cutting-edge tech.

  • Ide-a-thon (Feb 28-Mar 2): Brainstorm and develop groundbreaking ideas.

  • Hackathon (Mar 3-8): Build your vision into reality!

Don't miss this chance to shape the future of tech!

En la imagen, se muestra el texto “MENTOR ME COLLECTIVE presenta... TECH & TULIPS' en una fuente elegante. Debajo, se muestran los detalles del evento: "8 de noviembre de 2024 a las 5 p.m. (hora del este)" y la ubicación, "Wix Playground" en la ciudad de Nueva York. La imagen también incluye los logotipos de Wix Studio y Women Techmakers.

Tecnología y tulipanes: florece donde estés plantada

Calling all NYC women in tech! Join WTM Ambassador Madona Wambua at the Tech & Tulips event on November 8th, 5 PM EST.

Hosted by Mentor Me Collective and Jibu Labs, this is an empowering event designed to celebrate your achievements and inspire future growth in a safe space fosters creativity and connection.

Join for thought-provoking conversations with like-minded woman and individuals.

Space is limited! Don't miss this chance to cultivate your personal and professional journey.

Sugerencia antes de irte…

Una madre y su hija pequeña hacen yoga juntas y se divierten

Cuidado personal de fin de año 🤲

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? You're not alone. This time of year can be tough. Remember, it's okay to take a break and prioritize your mental health.

Google has introduced self-assessment tools for conditions like PTSD and depression, often used by healthcare professionals. These tools can provide valuable insights and help you understand your mental health. Take a moment for yourself and check out these helpful tools!

Your feedback matters. Please tell us what you think of our newsletters and events so we can make them even better 👇

© 2024 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

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