ライトブルーのフォントで「メンバーシップ ニュースレター」と書かれたライトブルーのバナー。右側には紙飛行機のイラストが描かれている。バナーには、「できることに制限はありません」というテキストと、配信月も表示されます。

⏯️ その他の最新情報


ウェルビーイング スーパーパワーを解き放つ

Learn from Tabbassum Gupta, Effectiveness Lead for Wellbeing in Google Cloud, as she shares insights on navigating the challenges of the tech industry.

赤いブレザーを着た女性、Alejandra が微笑んでいる顔写真。

型を破る: 多面的な自分を受け入れよう

Discover how to balance your personal and professional life with Alejandra Paz, Technical Account Manager at Google, who shared practical tips on leveraging technology to empower your many roles.

WTM の 60 秒動画で学びましょう。✨

帽子をかぶった女性、Debi Cabrera が、Looker と生成 AI の使用方法について説明しています。

Debi Cabrera による Looker と生成 AI

Discover how Looker utilizes generative AI and open-source extensions to unlock hidden insights, streamline workflows, and empower data-driven decisions.

Google の最新情報

2 月 4 日が応募期限の Cloud AI アクセラレータを宣伝する Google for Startups バナー。

北米の AI 主導の #スタートアップの皆様へ 🚀?

Applications for the Google for Startups Cloud AI Accelerator cohort are now open! Learn more about the 10 week program and apply today!

Need inspiration to apply? Watch the replay of the Google for Startups Accelerator: Canada Demo Day 2024 on demand! Learn and get inspired with these 14 startups: Watch here

2025 年のスタートは女性起業家と共に!

緑色のソファに静かに座っている、ヒジャブを着た女性、Soukayana のポートレート。

パーソナル ブランディングの基盤


This interactive workshop led by Soukayna Ikhiche, will help you develop a compelling personal brand, focusing on leveraging LinkedIn as a powerful tool for growth and visibility. 

茶色の長い髪の女性、Elinor の顔写真。

パーソナル ブランディングの詳細


In this session, speaker and ex-LinkedIn lead, Elinor Honigstein, will dive deeper into Personal Branding tactics and will guide us through our own personal brands and how to maximize your LinkedIn platform use.

明るい青色の背景に ImageFX のロゴ。ロゴは、デジタル画像の操作を連想させるピクセル化されたデザインの「FX」をモチーフにしています。ロゴの下に「Transform your ideas from text to images」というタグラインが表示されます。

Google ImageFX のご紹介

Powered by Imagen3, transforming your ideas from text to images has never been so easy with the latest version of ImageFX. Start creating images with a powerful interface to quickly and safely explore image generation.

Google デベロッパー グループのロゴ

デベロッパー ウィザード様、メリー クリスマス!

Discord に移動する

As 2024 draws to a close, we wanted to take a moment to extend our deepest gratitude for your incredible contributions to our Google developer community on Discord. Your support, enthusiasm, and incredible ideas have been the fuel that's powered us forward.

Thank you for inspiring us, and looking forward to a bright new year together.


Google Quantum AI のロゴ。Coursera で提供されている、量子コンピューティングに関する包括的な無料コースです。

Google Quantum AI で量子コンピューティングをマスターする

Ready to dive into the quantum world? Enroll in our free, comprehensive course and learn the fundamentals of quantum computing. You'll explore topics like quantum bits, quantum gates, and quantum algorithms!


Google Cloud ウィークリーを視聴する

...and get your head in the cloud! ☁️ Get the essential cloud technology updates from these expert-led sessions.

緑色の葉が茂ったガラス製の 3D キューブ。キューブは透明なので、内部の植物の細部まで見ることができます。背景は薄いグレーです。

AI の詳細を学び、2025 年をスタートさせましょう

Become a master of prompt engineering and AI agent development at the Cloud Technical Series on 23 January.

動画プレーヤーを示す再生ボタンが付いたウェブブラウザ ウィンドウのスケッチ風アイコン。

生成 AI 集中コース


Level: Beginner

Google's 5-Day Gen AI Intensive Course is now available as a free, self-paced learning program for anyone interested in learning all about the fundamental technologies and techniques behind AI. 💻

稲妻アイコンとリストが表示されたブラウザ ウィンドウを描いたカラフルなイラスト。周囲には、グラフ、速度計、棒グラフなどのパフォーマンス指標を表すアイコンがあります。

ウェブ パフォーマンスについて学ぶ


Level: Beginner

This course is designed for those new to web performance, a vital aspect of the user experience. It covers key web performance concepts and techniques for improving performance.

ショッピング カートのアイコンと、小売のおすすめシステムを表す相互接続された色付きのボックスを示すカラフルな図。

Kubernetes でマイクロサービス ベースの e コマース ウェブ アプリケーションを構築する


Level: Intermediate

Learn how to build a distributed, scalable ecommerce web app using microservices on Kubernetes.


Every month, we spotlight the contributions WTM Ambassadors are making to their community. Get inspired by their stories and successes.


WTM Amira Gamal Yassin をご紹介します ✨

Amira Yassin, a talented Master's student at Nile University, Egypt, is passionate about using technology to solve real-world problems. With a strong background in data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, she's dedicated to empowering women in tech.

As a Women Techmakers Ambassador from Upper Egypt, Amira has made a significant impact on her community, inspiring over 1,000 women through workshops, mentorship programs, and community-building initiatives.

Amira believes that every woman deserves a place in tech and encourages others to embrace their potential, and her advice for aspiring women in tech is: "Believe in yourself and your abilities. Seek out supportive communities, and never hesitate to ask for help. There's a place for you in the tech industry."

アンバサダー コーナー

Dive into the Ambassadors Corner – your gateway to content, events, resources, and open doors to contribute, volunteer, or work with WTM Ambassadors across the globe!

CreateHER Fest と Learn-a-thon への招待状。Women Techmakers のロゴと、2025 年 1 月から 2 月の開催日が記載されています。

CreateHER Fest: 学習イベントが開催されます

Level up in 2025 with CreateHER Fest's Learn-a-thon, and dive into the world of AI/ML, AR/VR, and Blockchain. With hands-on workshops and expert-led sessions, you'll gain the skills to innovate and thrive in tech.

All online. All you.

  • Roya Kandalan (US) WTM Ambassador and Google Developer Expert, has shared an app code on GitHub to help you fine-tune Gemini using Vertex AI. Check it out.

  • Anna Muzykina (Germany) shares that together, we can uplift and support each other in the tech community. Let’s mentor, motivate, and make space for women to thrive in Google Developer Group Ahlen! Join here.

  • Roberta Lingnau de Oliveira (Brazil) shares "Building Bridges: How Team Topologies Can Transform Generative AI Integration". Read it here.

  • Nikita JItendra Desale (US) Unlock the power of efficient data migration! Learn how to leverage Google Cloud's Storage Transfer Service today! 🚀 Read here.




Mentorship is a powerful tool for growth and development. A mentor can offer guidance, support, and encouragement, helping you navigate your career and personal life.

Celebrate Mentoring Day on January 17th! Take this opportunity to connect with a mentor or become one yourself!

Your feedback matters. Please tell us what you think of our newsletters and events so we can make them even better 👇

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