Tingkat coding: Menengah
Durasi: 45 menit
Jenis project: Add-on Google Workspace
- Pahami fungsi solusi.
- Pahami fungsi layanan Apps Script dalam solusi.
- Siapkan lingkungan.
- Siapkan skrip.
- Jalankan skrip.
Tentang solusi ini
Menampilkan informasi, seperti email, nomor telepon, dan departemen, tentang orang yang bekerja sama dengan Anda di organisasi saat Anda bekerja di Google Workspace. Anda dapat melihat informasi ini saat merespons pesan Gmail, mengedit file Google Drive, atau melihat acara Google Kalender.
Cara kerjanya
Skrip mendapatkan alamat email dari pesan, file, atau peristiwa aktif. Bergantung pada konteksnya, ini dapat mencakup penerima pesan Gmail, editor file Drive, dan tamu acara Kalender. Skrip hanya menampilkan informasi untuk alamat email di organisasi Anda.
Layanan Apps Script
Solusi ini menggunakan layanan berikut:
- Layanan lanjutan Directory Admin SDK–Menelusuri orang menggunakan Directory API.
- Layanan dasar–Menggunakan Class sesi untuk membantu memfilter alamat email dan tidak menampilkan pengguna saat ini dalam hasil penelusuran.
- Layanan cache–Menelusuri cache terlebih dahulu saat mencari satu orang dari Directory API.
- Layanan kalender–Jika konteksnya adalah acara Kalender, dapatkan alamat email dari acara yang aktif.
- Layanan kartu–Membuat antarmuka pengguna add-on.
- Layanan Drive–Jika konteksnya adalah file Drive, dapatkan alamat email kolaborator jika pengguna memiliki izin untuk melihatnya di file aktif.
- Layanan Gmail–Jika konteksnya adalah pesan Gmail, dapatkan alamat email dari kolom Kepada, Cc, dan Dari dalam pesan Gmail yang aktif.
- Browser web dengan akses ke internet.
- Akun Google Workspace (Anda mungkin memerlukan persetujuan administrator).
- Project Google Cloud.
Menyiapkan lingkungan Anda
Buka project Cloud Anda di konsol Google Cloud
Jika belum terbuka, buka project Cloud yang ingin Anda gunakan untuk contoh ini:
- Di konsol Google Cloud, buka halaman Select a project.
- Pilih project Google Cloud yang ingin Anda gunakan. Atau, klik Buat project dan ikuti petunjuk di layar. Jika membuat project Google Cloud, Anda mungkin perlu mengaktifkan penagihan untuk project tersebut.
Mengaktifkan Admin SDK API
Panduan memulai ini menggunakan layanan lanjutan Directory Admin SDK API, yang mengakses Admin SDK API.
Sebelum menggunakan Google API, Anda harus mengaktifkannya di project Google Cloud. Anda dapat mengaktifkan satu atau beberapa API dalam satu project Google Cloud.Di project Cloud, aktifkan Admin SDK API.
Mengonfigurasi layar izin OAuth
Add-on Google Workspace memerlukan konfigurasi layar izin. Mengonfigurasi layar izin OAuth add-on akan menentukan apa yang ditampilkan Google kepada pengguna.
- Di konsol Google Cloud, buka Menu > APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen.
- Untuk Jenis pengguna, pilih Internal, lalu klik Buat.
- Isi formulir pendaftaran aplikasi, lalu klik Simpan dan Lanjutkan.
Untuk saat ini, Anda dapat melewati penambahan cakupan dan mengklik Save and Continue. Di masa mendatang, saat membuat aplikasi untuk digunakan di luar organisasi Google Workspace, Anda harus mengubah Jenis pengguna menjadi Eksternal, lalu menambahkan cakupan otorisasi yang diperlukan aplikasi Anda.
- Tinjau ringkasan pendaftaran aplikasi Anda. Untuk melakukan perubahan, klik Edit. Jika pendaftaran aplikasi terlihat OK, klik Kembali ke Dasbor.
Menyiapkan skrip
Membuat project Apps Script
Klik tombol berikut untuk membuka project Apps Script Daftar tim.
Membuka projectKlik Ringkasan
.Di halaman ringkasan, klik Buat salinan .
Menyalin nomor project Cloud
- Di konsol Google Cloud, buka Menu > IAM & Admin > Settings.
- Di kolom Project number, salin nilainya.
Menetapkan project Cloud project Apps Script
- Di project Apps Script yang disalin, klik Project Settings .
- Pada Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project, klik Change project.
- Di GCP project number, tempel nomor project Google Cloud.
- Klik Set project.
Menginstal deployment pengujian
- Di project Apps Script yang disalin, klik Editor .
- Buka file
, lalu klik Jalankan. Saat diminta, izinkan skrip. - Klik Deploy > Test deployments.
- Klik Instal > Selesai.
Jalankan skrip:
- Buka pesan Gmail, acara Kalender, atau file Drive.
- Di sidebar kanan, buka add-on Daftar Tim .
- Jika diminta, izinkan add-on.
- Add-on ini menampilkan informasi tentang anggota tim atau menunjukkan bahwa pesan, peristiwa, atau file tidak memiliki anggota tim.
- Untuk menemukan anggota tim, klik Telusuri orang, lalu masukkan nama atau alamat email. Klik Telusuri.
Meninjau kode
Untuk meninjau kode Apps Script untuk solusi ini, klik Lihat kode sumber di bawah:
Melihat kode sumber
// Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Sample Google Workspace Add-on that displays profile information about people // the user is collaborating with. Collaborators are based on the context -- // recipients of a gmail message, Drive file ACLs, or event attendees. // // Profile information is from the Directory API in the Admin SDK. As a result, // the add-on only shows information for email addresses in the same domain // as as the current user. Different strategies can be used for other use cases, // such as integration with a CRM where the focus may be on external email // addresses/customers. // See https://github.com/contributorpw/lodashgs var _ = LodashGS.load(); /** * Renders the home page for the add-on. Used in all host apps when * no context selected. * * @param {Object} event - current add-on event * @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display */ function onHomePage(event) { var card = buildSearchCard_(); return [card]; } /** * Renders the contextual interface for a Gmail message. * * @param {Object} event - current add-on event * @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display */ function onGmailMessageSelected(event) { var emails = extractEmailsFromMessage_(event); var people = fetchPeople_(emails); if (people.length == 0) { var card = buildSearchCard_("No team members found for current message."); return [card]; } var card = buildTeamListCard_(people) return [card]; } /** * Renders the contextual interface for a calendar event. * * @param {Object} event - current add-on event * @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display */ function onCalendarEventOpen(event) { var emails = extractEmailsFromCalendarEvent_(event); var people = fetchPeople_(emails); if (people.length == 0) { var card = buildSearchCard_("No team members found for current event."); return [card]; } var card = buildTeamListCard_(people) return [card]; } /** * Renders the contextual interface for a selected Drive file. * * @param {Object} event - current add-on event * @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display */ function onDriveItemsSelected(event) { // For demo, only allow single select on files. if (event.drive.selectedItems.length != 1) { var message = "To view team members collaborating on a file, select one file only."; var card = buildSearchCard_(message); return [card]; } var selectedItem = event.drive.selectedItems[0]; if (!selectedItem.addonHasFileScopePermission) { // Need file access to read ACL, ask user to authorize. var authorizeFilesAction = CardService.newAction() .setFunctionName("onAuthorizeDriveFiles") .setLoadIndicator(CardService.LoadIndicator.SPINNER) .setParameters({id: selectedItem.id}); var authorizationMessage = CardService.newTextParagraph() .setText("To view the people on your team the file is shared with, click *Authorize* to grant access."); var authorizeButton = CardService.newTextButton() .setText("Authorize") .setOnClickAction(authorizeFilesAction); var card = CardService.newCardBuilder() .addSection(CardService.newCardSection() .addWidget(authorizationMessage) .addWidget(authorizeButton)) .build(); return [card]; } // Have access, extract ACLs to find co-workers var emails = extractEmailsFromDrivePermissions_(event); var people = fetchPeople_(emails); if (people.length == 0) { var card = buildSearchCard_("No team members found for current file."); return [card]; } var card = buildTeamListCard_(people) return [card]; } /** * Handles the click for requesting drive file access. * * @param {Object} event - current add-on event * @return {ActionResponse} Request to authorize access to a drive item */ function onAuthorizeDriveFiles(event) { var id = event.parameters.id; return CardService.newDriveItemsSelectedActionResponseBuilder() .requestFileScope(id) .build(); } /** * Handles the user search request. * * @param {Object} event - current add-on event * @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display */ function onSearch(event) { if (!event.formInputs || !event.formInputs.query) { var notification = CardService.newNotification() .setText("Enter a query before searching."); return CardService.newActionResponseBuilder() .setNotification(notification) .build(); } var query = event.formInputs.query[0]; var people = queryPeople_(query); if (!people || people.length == 0) { var notification = CardService.newNotification().setText("No people found."); return CardService.newActionResponseBuilder() .setNotification(notification) .build(); } var card = buildTeamListCard_(people); var navigation = CardService.newNavigation().pushCard(card); return CardService.newActionResponseBuilder() .setNavigation(navigation) .build(); } /** * Handles the drill down to view detailed information about a person. * * @param {Object} event - current add-on event * @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display */ function onShowPersonDetails(event) { var person = fetchPerson_(event.parameters.email); var card = buildPersonDetailsCard_(person); return [card] } /** * Builds a card for displaying detailed information about a team member. Currently only shows * a small subset of available information for demo purposes. * * @param {Object} person - User object from the Directory API * @return {Card} Card to display */ function buildPersonDetailsCard_(person) { var photoUrl = person.thumbnailPhotoUrl ? person.thumbnailPhotoUrl : "https://ssl.gstatic.com/s2/profiles/images/silhouette200.png"; var cardHeader = CardService.newCardHeader() .setImageUrl(photoUrl) .setImageStyle(CardService.ImageStyle.CIRCLE) .setTitle(person.name.fullName) if (person.organizations && person.organizations.length) { cardHeader.setSubtitle(person.organizations[0].title); } var section = CardService.newCardSection(); if (person.emails) { person.emails.forEach(function(email) { section.addWidget(CardService.newKeyValue() .setIcon(CardService.Icon.EMAIL) .setContent(email.address)); }); } if (person.phones) { person.phones.forEach(function(phone) { section.addWidget(CardService.newKeyValue() .setIcon(CardService.Icon.PHONE) .setContent(phone.value)); }); } if (person.organizations) { person.organizations.forEach(function(org) { section.addWidget(CardService.newKeyValue() .setIcon(CardService.Icon.MEMBERSHIP) .setContent(org.department)); }); } if (person.locations) { person.locations.forEach(function(location) { var formattedLocation = Utilities.formatString("%s<br>%s", location.area, location.buildingId); section.addWidget(CardService.newKeyValue() .setIcon(CardService.Icon.MAP_PIN) .setContent(formattedLocation)); }); } return CardService.newCardBuilder() .setHeader(cardHeader) .addSection(section) .build(); } /** * Builds a card for displaying a list of people * * @param {Object[]} people - Array of users from the Directory API * @return {Card} Card to display */ function buildTeamListCard_(people) { var resultsSection = CardService.newCardSection(); people.forEach(function(person) { var photoUrl = person.thumbnailPhotoUrl ? person.thumbnailPhotoUrl : "https://ssl.gstatic.com/s2/profiles/images/silhouette200.png"; var title = person.organizations ? person.organizations[0].title : null; var clickAction = CardService.newAction() .setFunctionName("onShowPersonDetails") .setLoadIndicator(CardService.LoadIndicator.SPINNER) .setParameters({email: person.primaryEmail}); var personSummaryWidget = CardService.newKeyValue() .setContent(person.name.fullName) .setIconUrl(photoUrl) .setOnClickAction(clickAction); if (person.organizations && person.organizations.length) { personSummaryWidget.setBottomLabel(person.organizations[0].title); } resultsSection.addWidget(personSummaryWidget); }); return CardService.newCardBuilder() .addSection(resultsSection) .build(); } /** * Builds the search interface for looking up people. * * @param {string} opt_error - Optional message to include (typically when * contextual search failed.) * @return {Card} Card to display */ function buildSearchCard_(opt_error) { var banner = CardService.newImage() .setImageUrl('https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-cloudblog-publish/original_images/Workforce_segmentation_1.png'); var searchField = CardService.newTextInput() .setFieldName("query") .setHint("Name or email address") .setTitle("Search for people"); var onSubmitAction = CardService.newAction() .setFunctionName("onSearch") .setLoadIndicator(CardService.LoadIndicator.SPINNER); var submitButton = CardService.newTextButton() .setText("Search") .setOnClickAction(onSubmitAction); var section = CardService.newCardSection() .addWidget(banner) .addWidget(searchField) .addWidget(submitButton); if (opt_error) { var message = CardService.newTextParagraph() .setText("Note: " + opt_error); section.addWidget(message); } return CardService.newCardBuilder() .addSection(section) .build(); } /** * Extracts email addresses from the selected Gmail message. Grabs all emails * from the to/cc/from headers. * * @param {Object} event - current add-on event * @return {string[]} Array of email addresses. */ function extractEmailsFromMessage_(event) { // Fetch currently selected message var accessToken = event.messageMetadata.accessToken; var messageId = event.messageMetadata.messageId; GmailApp.setCurrentMessageAccessToken(accessToken); var message = GmailApp.getMessageById(messageId); if (!message) { return []; } // Parse/emit any email addresses in the to/cc/from headers var splitEmailsRegexp = /\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[A-Z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}\b/gi; var emails = _.union( message.getTo().match(splitEmailsRegexp), message.getCc().match(splitEmailsRegexp), message.getFrom().match(splitEmailsRegexp) ); // Remove any +suffixes in the user name portion to get the canonical email var normalizeRegexp = /(.*)\+.*@(.*)/; emails = emails.map(function(email) { return email.replace(normalizeRegexp, "$1@$2"); }); return filterAndSortEmails_(emails); } /** * Extracts email addresses from the selected Drive item. Grabs all emails * from the file ACLs (if user has permission to view them.) * * @param {Object} event - current add-on event * @return {string[]} Array of email addresses. */ function extractEmailsFromDrivePermissions_(event) { // Make sure just 1 file selected. if (event.drive.selectedItems.length != 1) { return []; } var itemId = event.drive.selectedItems[0].id; var emails = []; var item = Drive.Files.get(itemId, {fields: "owners, sharingUser"}); if (item.sharingUser) { emails.push(item.sharingUser.emailAddress); } if (item.owners) { item.owners.forEach(function(owner) { emails.push(owner.emailAddress); }); } try { var permissions = Drive.Permissions.list(itemId, {fields: '*'}); if (permissions) { permissions.permissions.forEach(function(permission) { if (permission.type != 'domain') { emails.push(permission.emailAddress); } }); } } catch (e) { // Ignore inability to fetch permissions, may not have access console.warn(e); } return filterAndSortEmails_(emails) } /** * Extracts email addresses from the selected calendar event (attendees.) * * @param {Object} event - current add-on event * @return {string[]} Array of email addresses. */ function extractEmailsFromCalendarEvent_(event) { if (!event.calendar || !event.calendar.attendees) { return []; } var emails = event.calendar.attendees.map(function(attendee) { return attendee.email; }); return filterAndSortEmails_(emails); } /** * Filter email addresses to include only those in the same * domain and excluding the current user. * * @param {string[]} emails - Array of email addresses * @return {string[]} */ function filterAndSortEmails_(emails) { if (!emails) { return []; } var userEmail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(); var domain = userEmail.slice(userEmail.indexOf('@') + 1); emails = emails.filter(function(email) { return _.endsWith(email, domain) && email != userEmail; }); emails = _.uniq(emails); return emails.sort(); } /** * Look up one or more people from the Directory API. May omit items * if email addresses aren't valid domain users. * * @param {string[]} emails - Array of email addresses to fetch * @return {Object[]} Array of user objects. */ function fetchPeople_(emails) { if (!emails || emails.length == 0) { return []; } return emails.map(fetchPerson_).filter(function(item) { return item != null && item.primaryEmail; }); } /** * Look up a single person from the Directory API. * * @param {string} email - Email addresses to fetch * @return {Object} User object or null if not a valid user */ function fetchPerson_(email) { if (!email) { return null; } // Check cache first var person = CacheService.getUserCache().get(email); if (person && person.primaryEmail) { return JSON.parse(person); } try { person = AdminDirectory.Users.get( email, { projection: 'full', viewType: 'domain_public'}); CacheService.getUserCache().put(email, JSON.stringify(person)); return person; } catch (e) { // Ignore error, may not be valid domain user anymore. console.warn(e); } return null; } /** * Search for people from the Directory API by name or email address. * * @param {string} query - Name or email address to search for. * @return {Object[]} Array of user objects. */ function queryPeople_(query) { try { var options = { query: query, maxResults: 10, customer: 'my_customer', projection: 'full', viewType: 'domain_public' }; var results = AdminDirectory.Users.list(options); var cacheValues = results.users.reduce(function(map, person) { map[person.primaryEmail] = JSON.stringify(person); return map; }, {}); CacheService.getUserCache().putAll(cacheValues); return results.users; } catch (e) { // Ignore error console.warn(e); } return []; }
{ "timeZone": "America/Denver", "dependencies": { "enabledAdvancedServices": [{ "userSymbol": "Drive", "serviceId": "drive", "version": "v3" }, { "userSymbol": "AdminDirectory", "serviceId": "admin", "version": "directory_v1" }], "libraries": [{ "userSymbol": "LodashGS", "libraryId": "1SQ0PlSMwndIuOAgtVJdjxsuXueECtY9OGejVDS37ckSVbMll73EXf2PW", "version": "5" }] }, "exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER", "oauthScopes": [ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user.readonly", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.addons.execute", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.addons.current.message.metadata", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.addons.execute", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.addons.current.event.read", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.addons.metadata.readonly", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file" ], "urlFetchWhitelist": [], "runtimeVersion": "V8", "addOns": { "common": { "name": "Team List", "logoUrl": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/system/1x/people_black_24dp.png", "layoutProperties": { "primaryColor": "#4285f4", "secondaryColor": "#ea4335" }, "homepageTrigger": { "runFunction": "onHomePage", "enabled": true }, "universalActions": [{ "label": "Feedback", "openLink": "https://github.com/googleworkspace/add-ons-samples/issues" }], "openLinkUrlPrefixes": [ "https://github.com/googleworkspace/add-ons-samples/" ] }, "gmail": { "contextualTriggers": [{ "unconditional": { }, "onTriggerFunction": "onGmailMessageSelected" }] }, "drive": { "homepageTrigger": { "runFunction": "onHomePage", "enabled": true }, "onItemsSelectedTrigger": { "runFunction": "onDriveItemsSelected" } }, "calendar": { "homepageTrigger": { "runFunction": "onHomePage", "enabled": true }, "eventOpenTrigger": { "runFunction": "onCalendarEventOpen" }, "currentEventAccess": "READ" } } }
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