Add text and images to cards

This page explains how to add and format text and images to cards.

To learn more about building cards, see Build cards for Google Chat apps.

Use the Card Builder to design and preview messaging and user interfaces for Chat apps:

Open the Card Builder


A Google Chat app that's enabled for interactive features. To create an interactive Chat app, complete one of the following quickstarts based on the app architecture that you want to use:

Add images or icons

This section explains how to add visual elements to cards such as images, image components, and icons.

Add an image

Image widget displays a PNG or JPG image hosted on an HTTPS URL. The displayed image's width fills the entire width of the displayed card, and its height adjusts to maintain the image's aspect ratio. The Image widget supports onclick actions that occur when users click the image. Example of onclick actions include:

  • Open a hyperlink with OpenLink, such as a hyperlink to the Google Chat developer documentation,
  • Run an action that runs a custom function, like calling an API.

The Image widget has the following limitations:

  • Only PNG and JPG images are supported.
  • The host URL must be HTTPS.
  • To ensure performant cards, maximum recommended image size is 2MB.

The following is a card consisting of an Image widget. It displays the Google Chat developer documentation landing page image. When users click the image, the Google Chat developer documentation opens in a new tab.

Add an image component

The Image widget is an image with limited styling. An imageCompent widget lets you apply cropStyle and borderStyle to an image.

The following example shows two images in a grid where one of the images is cropped:

You can adjust the shape of an image component by applying a cropStyle. There are several shapes to apply to an image:

  • Use SQUARE to apply a square crop.
  • Use CIRCLE to apply a circular crop.
  • Use RECTANGLE_CUSTOM to apply a rectangular crop with a custom aspect ratio. For example, you can use RECTANGLE_4_3 to apply a rectangular crop with a 4:3 aspect ratio.

The following example shows five images in a grid with a different cropStyle applied to each image:

Add an icon

The Icon widget represents either a built-in icon or custom icon. You add icons to cards to do any of the following:

  • Display a standalone icon.
  • Display an icon in front of related text, as part of a DecoratedText widget.
  • Display an icon as an interactive button, as part of a ButtonList widget.

The following is a card consisting of an Icon component with a built-in icon:

The following table lists the built-in icons that are available for card messages:


Add text to a card

This section explains how to add and format text in a card.

Add a paragraph of formatted text

The TextParagraph widget displays a paragraph of text with optional HTML formatting. When setting the text content of these widgets, just include the corresponding HTML tags. For more information about which HTML tags are supported, see Format text that appears in cards.

For example, the following formatting is available for paragraph text:

  • Display bold, underlined, or italicized text with HTML <b>, <u>, <i> tags.
  • Link to websites with HTML <a href="">hyperlinks</a>.
  • Add some color with HTML <font color="#ea9999">font tags</font>.

Each TextParagraph widget renders as a new paragraph, and can be thought of as similar to an HTML <p> tag.

The following is a card consisting of two TextParagraph widgets used to display two paragraphs with simple HTML formatting:

Add a collapsible text paragraph

The collapsible text paragraphs let users reveal more information on demand. This widget is perfect for presenting lengthy content or additional details that can be explored when selected, creating a dynamic and interactive user experience.

Display text with decorative elements

The DecoratedText widget displays text with optional layout and capabilities. For example:

  • Display an icon in front of the text with startIcon.
  • Show a title before the text with topLabel.
  • Add a clickable button with button or switchable toggle with switchControl.

Use the DecoratedText widget when you need to present information in an easy-to-consume and interactive way. The widget is perfect for use cases such as contact cards, order status updates, and work ticket notifications.

The DecoratedText widget supports simple text HTML formatting. When setting the text content of these widgets, just include the corresponding HTML tags. For more information about which HTML tags are supported, see Card text formatting.

The following is a card consisting of a DecoratedText widget used to display contact details, such as email address, online status, phone number, and website:


When a Google Chat app or card returns an error, the Chat interface surfaces a message saying "Something went wrong." or "Unable to process your request." Sometimes the Chat UI doesn't display any error message, but the Chat app or card produces an unexpected result; for example, a card message might not appear.

Although an error message might not display in the Chat UI, descriptive error messages and log data are available to help you fix errors when error logging for Chat apps is turned on. For help viewing, debugging, and fixing errors, see Troubleshoot and fix Google Chat errors.