The list below shows common use cases for this method. Hover over a use case to see its description, or click on a use case to load sample parameter values in the APIs Explorer. You can open the fullscreen APIs Explorer to see code samples that dynamically update to reflect the parameter values entered in the Explorer.
The table below shows common use cases for this method. You can click on a use case name to load sample parameter values in the APIs Explorer. Or you can see code samples for a use case in the fullscreen APIs Explorer by clicking on the code icon below a use case name. In the fullscreen UI, you can update parameter and property values and the code samples will dynamically update to reflect the values you enter.
This method has one common use case, which is described below. The buttons below the description populate the APIs Explorer with sample values or open the fullscreen APIs Explorer to show code samples that use those values. The code samples also dynamically update if you change the values.
Report type | Use case |