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Ultimo aggiornamento 2023-04-15 UTC.
[null,null,["Ultimo aggiornamento 2023-04-15 UTC."],[[["Ad inspector is an in-app overlay that lets authorized devices analyze test ad requests in real time within a mobile app, included with Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.0.0 and higher."],["It enables inspection of ad units, third-party adapters, mediation waterfalls, and bidding details, helping identify and resolve ad serving issues."],["Launching ad inspector can be done through gestures configured in AdMob, programmatically using the provided API, or from the debug menu."],["Single ad source testing allows developers to isolate and verify individual ad sources for bidding or waterfall mediation."],["Advanced debugging features include sharing ad requests and responses, decoding third-party bidding parameters, and copying entire debugging outputs in JSON format."]]],[]]