Iklan native memberikan akses ke objekMediaContent
yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang konten media, yang dapat berupa
video atau gambar. Metode ini juga digunakan untuk mengontrol pemutaran iklan video dan memproses
peristiwa pemutaran. Anda bisa mendapatkan objek MediaContent
dengan memanggil
Objek MediaContent
berisi informasi seperti rasio aspek dan
durasi video. Cuplikan berikut menunjukkan cara mendapatkan rasio aspek dan durasi iklan native.
if (myNativeAd.getMediaContent().hasVideoContent()) {
float mediaAspectRatio = myNativeAd.getMediaContent().getAspectRatio();
float duration = myNativeAd.getMediaContent().getDuration();
if (myNativeAd.getMediaContent().hasVideoContent()) {
val mediaAspectRatio: Float = myNativeAd.getMediaContent().getAspectRatio()
val duration: Float = myNativeAd.getMediaContent().getDuration()
Callback untuk peristiwa video
Untuk menangani peristiwa video tertentu, tulis class yang memperluas class
abstrak, dan panggil
di VideoController
. Kemudian, ganti hanya callback yang Anda inginkan.
.setVideoLifecycleCallbacks(new VideoLifecycleCallbacks() {
/** Called when video playback first begins. */
public void onVideoStart() {
// Do something when the video starts the first time.
Log.d("MyApp", "Video Started");
/** Called when video playback is playing. */
public void onVideoPlay() {
// Do something when the video plays.
Log.d("MyApp", "Video Played");
/** Called when video playback is paused. */
public void onVideoPause() {
// Do something when the video pauses.
Log.d("MyApp", "Video Paused");
/** Called when video playback finishes playing. */
public void onVideoEnd() {
// Do something when the video ends.
Log.d("MyApp", "Video Ended");
/** Called when the video changes mute state. */
public void onVideoMute(boolean isMuted) {
// Do something when the video is muted.
Log.d("MyApp", "Video Muted");
myNativeAd.getMediaContent().getVideoController().setVideoLifecycleCallbacks {
/** Called when video playback first begins. */
override fun onVideoStart() {
// Do something when the video starts the first time.
Log.d("MyApp", "Video Started")
/** Called when video playback is playing. */
override fun onVideoPlay() {
// Do something when the video plays.
Log.d("MyApp", "Video Played")
/** Called when video playback is paused. */
override fun onVideoPause() {
// Do something when the video pauses.
Log.d("MyApp", "Video Paused")
/** Called when video playback finishes playing. */
override fun onVideoEnd() {
// Do something when the video ends.
Log.d("MyApp", "Video Ended")
/** Called when the video changes mute state. */
override fun onVideoMute(boolean isMuted) {
// Do something when the video is muted.
Log.d("MyApp", "Video Muted")