API reference - ARCore for iOS

API reference for ARCore SDK for iOS.


GARAnchor ARCore anchor class.
GARAnchor(CloudAnchors) Category adding Cloud Anchor functionality to GARAnchor.
GARAnchor(Geospatial) Category adding Geospatial Anchor functionality to GARAnchor.
GARAugmentedFace Object that holds face mesh and transform data for detected face.
GARAugmentedFaceFrame Object that holds all relevant information for an Augmented Faces frame during which face detection was run.
GARAugmentedFaceMesh Object that holds face mesh and transform data for a detected face.
GARAugmentedFaceRegionType Defines face regions to query the transforms for.
GARAugmentedFaceSession ARCore Augmented Face Session.
GARAugmentedFaceSessionDelegate Delegate that outputs a GARAugmentedFaceFrame for the passed in CVPixelBufferRefs.
GARAugmentedFaceSessionErrorCode Possible codes for NSError's generated by a GARAugmentedFaceSession.
GARCloudAnchorMode Describes the desired behavior of the ARCore Cloud Anchor API.
GARCloudAnchorState Result status of a Cloud Anchor hosting or resolving operation.
GARCreateAnchorOnRooftopFuture A handle to an async operation initiated by a call to createAnchorWithCoordinate:altitudeAboveRooftop:eastUpSouthQAnchor:completionHandler:error: (GARSession(Geospatial)).
GARCreateAnchorOnTerrainFuture A handle to an async operation initiated by a call to createAnchorWithCoordinate:altitudeAboveTerrain:eastUpSouthQAnchor:completionHandler:error: (GARSession(Geospatial)).
GAREarth Provides localization ability in Geospatial coordinates.
GAREarthState Describes the current state of GAREarth, containing the possible values of GAREarth.earthState.
GARFeatureMapQuality Possible values returned by estimateFeatureMapQualityForHosting:error: (GARSession(CloudAnchors)).
GARFrame ARCore frame class.
GARFrame(Geospatial) Category adding Geospatial functionality to GARFrame.
GARFrame(Semantics) Category adding Semantics functionality to GARFrame.
GARFramePair Container class for an ARFrame and its corresponding GARFrame.
GARFutureState The state of an async operation.
GARGeospatialMode Describes the desired behavior of ARCore Geospatial API features and capabilities.
GARGeospatialTransform A representation of a global transform including location, orientation, altitude, and accuracy estimates.
GARHostCloudAnchorFuture A handle to an async operation launched by a call to hostCloudAnchor:TTLDays:completionHandler:error: (GARSession(CloudAnchors)).
GARIndexTriangle Struct to hold indices that represent a triangle.
GARMesh Object that holds geometry mesh and transform data for GARStreetscapeGeometry.
GARResolveCloudAnchorFuture A handle to an async operation launched by a call to resolveCloudAnchorWithIdentifier:completionHandler:error: (GARSession(CloudAnchors)).
GARRooftopAnchorState Describes the state of an asynchronous operation launched by createAnchorWithCoordinate:altitudeAboveRooftop:eastUpSouthQAnchor:completionHandler:error: (GARSession(Geospatial)).
GARSemanticLabel Defines the labels the Scene Semantics API is able to detect and maps human-readable names to per-pixel semantic labels.
GARSemanticMode Describes the behavior of the Scene Semantics API.
GARSession ARCore session class.
GARSession(CloudAnchors) Category adding Cloud Anchor functionality to GARSession.
GARSession(Geospatial) Category adding Geospatial functionality to GARSession.
GARSession(Semantics) Category adding Scene Semantics functionality to GARSession.
GARSessionConfiguration Configuration for a GARSession.
GARSessionConfiguration(CloudAnchors) Category adding Cloud Anchor functionality to GARSessionConfiguration.
GARSessionConfiguration(Geospatial) Category adding Geospatial functionality to GARSessionConfiguration.
GARSessionConfiguration(Semantics) Category adding Scene Semantics functionality to GARSessionConfiguration.
GARSessionDelegate Delegate for receiving callbacks from a GARSession.
GARSessionErrorCode Possible codes for NSErrors generated by a GARSession.
GARStreetscapeGeometry GARStreetscapeGeometry represents a portion of nearby building or terrain geometry.
GARStreetscapeGeometryMode Describes the behavior of the Geospatial Streetscape Geometry API.
GARStreetscapeGeometryQuality Describes the quality of a GARStreetscapeGeometry's mesh.
GARStreetscapeGeometryRaycastResult The result returned from |raycastStreetscapeGeometry:direction:error:| containing the transform of the hit location, the distance from the camera, and the geometry which was hit.
GARStreetscapeGeometryType Describes the type of a Streetscape Geometry.
GARTerrainAnchorState Describes the state of an asynchronous operation launched by createAnchorWithCoordinate:altitudeAboveTerrain:eastUpSouthQAnchor:completionHandler:error: (GARSession(Geospatial)).
GARTrackingState Possible tracking states for trackable objects, including GARAnchor.
GARVPSAvailability The result of checkVPSAvailabilityAtCoordinate:completionHandler: (GARSession(Geospatial)).
GARVPSAvailabilityFuture A handle to an async operation initiated by a call to checkVPSAvailabilityAtCoordinate:completionHandler: (GARSession(Geospatial)).
GARVertex Struct to hold vertex coordinates.
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