
Provides access to the Scene Semantics API.



Inherits from: UnityEngine::MonoBehaviour

Public functions

GetSemanticLabelFraction(SemanticLabel queryLabel)
Retrieves the percentage of pixels in the most recent semantics image that are queryLabel.
IsSemanticModeSupported(SemanticMode mode)
Checks whether the provided SemanticMode is supported on this device with the selected camera configuration.
TryGetSemanticConfidenceTexture(ref Texture2D texture)
Attempts to get a texture representing the semantic confidence image corresponding to the current frame.
TryGetSemanticTexture(ref Texture2D texture)
Attempts to get a texture representing the semantic image for the current frame.

Public functions


float GetSemanticLabelFraction(
  SemanticLabel queryLabel

Retrieves the percentage of pixels in the most recent semantics image that are queryLabel.

This call is more efficient than retrieving the image and performing a pixel-wise search for the detected label.

The SemanticLabel to search for within the semantic image for this frame.
The fraction of pixels in the most recent semantic image that contains the query label. This value is in the range 0.0 to 1.0. If no pixels are present with that label, or if an invalid label is provided, this call returns 0.0.


FeatureSupported IsSemanticModeSupported(
  SemanticMode mode

Checks whether the provided SemanticMode is supported on this device with the selected camera configuration.

The current list of supported devices is documented on the ARCore supported devices page.

The desired semantic mode.
Indicates whether the given mode is supported on this device. It will return FeatureSupported.Unknown if the session is still under initialization.


bool TryGetSemanticConfidenceTexture(
  ref Texture2D texture

Attempts to get a texture representing the semantic confidence image corresponding to the current frame.

The texture format is TextureFormat.Alpha8, with each pixel representing the estimated confidence of the corresponding pixel in the semantic image. See the Scene Semantics Developer Guide for more information.

The confidence value is between 0 and 255, inclusive, with 0 representing the lowest confidence and 255 representing the highest confidence in the semantic class prediction.

In order to obtain a valid result from this function, you must set the session's SemanticMode to SemanticMode.Enabled. Use ARSemanticManager.IsSemanticModeSupported(SemanticMode) to query for support for Scene Semantics.

The size of the semantic confidence image is the same size as the image obtained by ARSemanticManager.TryGetSemanticTexture(ref Texture2D).

The semantic confidence image Texture2D to be filled.
True if the semantic confidence image texture was filled. Otherwise, false.


bool TryGetSemanticTexture(
  ref Texture2D texture

Attempts to get a texture representing the semantic image for the current frame.

The texture format is TextureFormat.R8. Each pixel in the image is an 8-bit unsigned integer representing a semantic class label. SemanticLabel is the list of possible pixel labels. See the Scene Semantics Developer Guide for more information.

In order to obtain a valid result from this function, you must set the session's SemanticMode to SemanticMode.Enabled. Use ARSemanticManager.IsSemanticModeSupported(SemanticMode) to query for support for Scene Semantics.

The width of the semantic image is currently 256 pixels. The height of the image depends on the device and will match its display aspect ratio.

The semantic image Texture2D to be filled.
True if the semantic image texture was filled. Otherwise, false.