Google 助理的 Google 登录功能可提供最简单、最轻松的用户体验 为用户和开发者提供账号关联和账号创建功能。你的 Action 在对话期间可以请求访问您用户的 Google 个人资料; 包括用户名称、电子邮件地址和个人资料照片。
个人资料信息可用于打造个性化的用户体验 。如果您在其他平台上有应用,并且这些应用使用 Google 登录功能, 您还可以查找并关联到现有用户的账号、创建新账号、 并建立与用户之间的直接沟通渠道。
若要通过 Google 登录功能执行账号关联,您需要请求用户同意 访问其 Google 个人资料。然后,您可以使用他们个人资料中的信息, 例如其电子邮件地址,以在您的系统中识别用户。
实现 Google 登录账号关联
请按照以下部分中的步骤,将 Google 登录账号关联添加到您的 行动。
如需将项目配置为使用 Google 登录账号关联,请按以下步骤操作:
- 打开 Actions 控制台,并选择一个项目。
- 点击开发标签页,然后选择账号关联。
- 启用账号关联旁边的开关。
- 在“账号创建”部分,选择是。
在关联类型中,选择 Google 登录。
打开客户端信息,并记下 Google 为您的 Action 签发的客户端 ID 的值。
使用账号登录帮助程序 intent 启动身份验证流程。
在用户授权您的操作访问他们的 Google 个人资料后,您将收到 包含用户的 Google 个人资料信息的 Google ID 令牌, 您的操作。
要访问用户的个人资料信息,您需要先验证和解码令牌 执行以下操作:
- 根据您的语言使用 JWT 解码库来解码 令牌,并使用 Google 的公钥(可通过 JWK 获取) 或 PEM 格式)来验证令牌的签名。
- 验证令牌的颁发者(已解码的令牌中的
字段)是否为 且受众(解码令牌中的aud
字段)是 Google 为您的 Action 签发的客户端 ID,该 ID 会分配给您的项目 在 Actions on Google 控制台中操作。
{ "sub": 1234567890, // The unique ID of the user's Google Account "iss": "", // The token's issuer "aud": "", // Client ID assigned to your Actions project "iat": 233366400, // Unix timestamp of the token's creation time "exp": 233370000, // Unix timestamp of the token's expiration time "name": "Jan Jansen", "given_name": "Jan", "family_name": "Jansen", "email": "", // If present, the user's email address "locale": "en_US" }
如果您使用的是适用于 Node.js 的 Actions on Google 客户端库或 Java 客户端库, 它会为您验证和解码令牌,并授予您访问 个人资料内容,如以下代码段所示。请注意,下面的 JSON 分别描述了针对 Dialogflow 和 Actions SDK 的 webhook 请求。
以下代码段使用 Dialogflow 进行登录:
<ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">const {dialogflow, SignIn} = require('actions-on-google'); const app = dialogflow({ // REPLACE THE PLACEHOLDER WITH THE CLIENT_ID OF YOUR ACTIONS PROJECT clientId: CLIENT_ID, }); // Intent that starts the account linking flow. app.intent('Start Signin', (conv) => { conv.ask(new SignIn('To get your account details')); }); // Create a Dialogflow intent with the `actions_intent_SIGN_IN` event. app.intent('Get Signin', (conv, params, signin) => { if (signin.status === 'OK') { const payload = conv.user.profile.payload; conv.ask(`I got your account details, ${}. What do you want to do next?`); } else { conv.ask(`I won't be able to save your data, but what do you want to do next?`); } });
private String clientId = "<your_client_id>"; @ForIntent("Start Signin") public ActionResponse text(ActionRequest request) { ResponseBuilder rb = getResponseBuilder(request); return rb.add(new SignIn().setContext("To get your account details")).build(); } @ForIntent("actions.intent.SIGN_IN") public ActionResponse getSignInStatus(ActionRequest request) { ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request); if (request.isSignInGranted()) { GoogleIdToken.Payload profile = getUserProfile(request.getUser().getIdToken()); responseBuilder.add( "I got your account details, " + profile.get("given_name") + ". What do you want to do next?"); } else { responseBuilder.add("I won't be able to save your data, but what do you want to do next?"); } return; } private GoogleIdToken.Payload getUserProfile(String idToken) { GoogleIdToken.Payload profile = null; try { profile = decodeIdToken(idToken); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error decoding idtoken"); LOGGER.error(e.toString()); } return profile; } private GoogleIdToken.Payload decodeIdToken(String idTokenString) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { HttpTransport transport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(); JacksonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance(); GoogleIdTokenVerifier verifier = new GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder(transport, jsonFactory) // Specify the CLIENT_ID of the app that accesses the backend: .setAudience(Collections.singletonList(clientId)) .build(); GoogleIdToken idToken = verifier.verify(idTokenString); return idToken.getPayload(); }
{ "responseId": "", "queryResult": { "queryText": "", "action": "", "parameters": {}, "allRequiredParamsPresent": true, "fulfillmentText": "", "fulfillmentMessages": [], "outputContexts": [], "intent": { "name": "Get Signin", "displayName": "Get Signin" }, "intentDetectionConfidence": 1, "diagnosticInfo": {}, "languageCode": "" }, "originalDetectIntentRequest": { "source": "google", "version": "2", "payload": { "isInSandbox": true, "surface": { "capabilities": [ { "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT" }, { "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT" }, { "name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO" }, { "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER" } ] }, "inputs": [ { "rawInputs": [], "intent": "", "arguments": [ { "name": "SIGN_IN", "extension": { "@type": "", "status": "OK" } } ] } ], "user": { "idToken": "peJaCGci..." }, "conversation": {}, "availableSurfaces": [ { "capabilities": [ { "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT" }, { "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT" }, { "name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO" }, { "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER" } ] } ] } }, "session": "" }
以下代码段使用 Actions SDK 进行登录:
<ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">const {actionssdk, SignIn} = require('actions-on-google'); const app = actionssdk({ // REPLACE THE PLACEHOLDER WITH THE CLIENT_ID OF YOUR ACTIONS PROJECT clientId: CLIENT_ID, }); // Intent that starts the account linking flow. app.intent('actions.intent.TEXT', (conv) => { conv.ask(new SignIn('To get your account details')); }); // Create an Actions SDK intent with the `actions_intent_SIGN_IN` event. app.intent('actions.intent.SIGN_IN', (conv, params, signin) => { if (signin.status === 'OK') { const payload = conv.user.profile.payload; conv.ask(`I got your account details, ${}. What do you want to do next?`); } else { conv.ask(`I won't be able to save your data, but what do you want to do next?`); } });
private String clientId = "<your_client_id>"; @ForIntent("actions.intent.TEXT") public ActionResponse text(ActionRequest request) { ResponseBuilder rb = getResponseBuilder(request); return rb.add(new SignIn().setContext("To get your account details")).build(); } @ForIntent("actions.intent.SIGN_IN") public ActionResponse getSignInStatus(ActionRequest request) { ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request); if (request.isSignInGranted()) { GoogleIdToken.Payload profile = getUserProfile(request.getUser().getIdToken()); responseBuilder.add( "I got your account details, " + profile.get("given_name") + ". What do you want to do next?"); } else { responseBuilder.add("I won't be able to save your data, but what do you want to do next?"); } return; } private GoogleIdToken.Payload getUserProfile(String idToken) { GoogleIdToken.Payload profile = null; try { profile = decodeIdToken(idToken); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error decoding idtoken"); LOGGER.error(e.toString()); } return profile; } private GoogleIdToken.Payload decodeIdToken(String idTokenString) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { HttpTransport transport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(); JacksonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance(); GoogleIdTokenVerifier verifier = new GoogleIdTokenVerifier.Builder(transport, jsonFactory) // Specify the CLIENT_ID of the app that accesses the backend: .setAudience(Collections.singletonList(this.clientId)) .build(); GoogleIdToken idToken = verifier.verify(idTokenString); return idToken.getPayload(); }
{ "user": { "idToken": "peJaCGci..." }, "device": {}, "surface": { "capabilities": [ { "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT" }, { "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT" }, { "name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO" }, { "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER" } ] }, "conversation": {}, "inputs": [ { "rawInputs": [], "intent": "actions.intent.SIGN_IN", "arguments": [ { "name": "SIGN_IN", "extension": { "@type": "", "status": "OK" } } ] } ], "availableSurfaces": [ { "capabilities": [ { "name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT" }, { "name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT" }, { "name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO" }, { "name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER" } ] } ] }
如需处理数据访问请求,只需验证 Google ID 声明了用户 令牌。以下代码段显示了 展示如何检查 Firestore 数据库中是否已存在用户账号的示例。
<ph type="x-smartling-placeholder">const admin = require('firebase-admin'); const functions = require('firebase-functions'); admin.initializeApp(); const auth = admin.auth(); const db = admin.firestore(); // Save the user in the Firestore DB after successful signin app.intent('Get Sign In', async (conv, params, signin) => { if (signin.status !== 'OK') { return conv.close(`Let's try again next time.`); } const color =[Fields.COLOR]; const {email} = conv.user; if (! && email) { try { = (await auth.getUserByEmail(email)).uid; } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'auth/user-not-found') { throw e; } // If the user is not found, create a new Firebase auth user // using the email obtained from the Google Assistant = (await auth.createUser({email})).uid; } } if ( { conv.user.ref = db.collection('users').doc(; } conv.close(`I saved ${color} as your favorite color for next time.`); }); // Retrieve the user's favorite color if an account exists, ask if it doesn't. app.intent('Default Welcome Intent', async (conv) => { const {payload} = conv.user.profile; const name = payload ? ` ${payload.given_name}` : ''; conv.ask(`Hi${name}!`); // conv.user.ref contains the id of the record for the user in a Firestore DB if (conv.user.ref) { const doc = await conv.user.ref.get(); if (doc.exists) { const color =[Fields.COLOR]; return conv.ask(`Your favorite color was ${color}. ` + 'Tell me a color to update it.'); } } conv.ask(`What's your favorite color?`); });
private class FirestoreManager { private final Firestore db; private final DocumentReference userDocRef; private final String uid; public FirestoreManager(String databaseUrl, String email) throws IOException, FirebaseAuthException { if (FirebaseApp.getApps().isEmpty()) { // Use the application default credentials (works on GCP based hosting). FirebaseOptions options = new FirebaseOptions.Builder() .setCredentials(GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault()) .setDatabaseUrl(databaseUrl) .build(); FirebaseApp.initializeApp(options); } this.db = FirestoreClient.getFirestore(); UserRecord userRecord; try { userRecord = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getUserByEmail(email); } catch (FirebaseAuthException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == FIREBASE_USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR) { UserRecord.CreateRequest createRequest = new UserRecord.CreateRequest().setEmail(email); userRecord = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().createUser(createRequest); } else { throw e; } } uid = userRecord.getUid(); userDocRef = db.collection(FIRESTORE_USERS_PATH).document(uid); } public String readUserColor() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { ApiFuture<DocumentSnapshot> future = userDocRef.get(); // future.get() blocks on response DocumentSnapshot document = future.get(); if (document.exists()) { return document.get(COLOR_KEY).toString(); } else { return ""; } } public Timestamp writeUserColor(String color) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { Map<String, Object> docData = new HashMap<>(); docData.put(COLOR_KEY, color); ApiFuture<WriteResult> future = userDocRef.set(docData); // future.get() blocks on response return future.get().getUpdateTime(); } } @ForIntent("Get Sign In") public ActionResponse getSignIn(ActionRequest request) {"Get sign in intent start."); ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = getResponseBuilder(request); if (request.isSignInGranted()) { String color = request.getConversationData().get(COLOR_KEY).toString(); GoogleIdToken.Payload profile = getUserProfile(request.getUser().getIdToken()); try { FirestoreManager firestoreManager = new FirestoreManager(DATABASE_URL, profile.getEmail()); saveColor(firestoreManager, color); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.toString()); } responseBuilder .add("I saved " + color + " as your favorite color for next time.") .endConversation(); } else { responseBuilder.add("Let's try again next time"); }"Get sign in intent end."); return; } private void saveColor(FirestoreManager firestoreManager, String color) { try { Timestamp updateTime = firestoreManager.writeUserColor(color);"Update time: %s", updateTime.toString())); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.toString()); } }