The OAuth linking type supports two industry standard OAuth 2.0 flows, the implicit and authorization code flows.
In the implicit code flow, Google opens your authorization endpoint in the user's browser. After successful sign in, you return a long-lived access token to Google. This access token is now included in every request sent from the Assistant to your Action.
In the authorization code flow, you need two endpoints:
- The authorization endpoint, which is responsible for presenting the sign-in UI to your users that aren't already signed in and recording consent to the requested access in the form of a short-lived authorization code.
- The token exchange endpoint, which is responsible for two types of exchanges:
- Exchanges an authorization code for a long-lived refresh token and a short-lived access token. This exchange happens when the user goes through the account linking flow.
- Exchanges a long-lived refresh token for a short-lived access token. This exchange happens when Google needs a new access token because the one it had expired.
Although the implicit code flow is simpler to implement, Google recommends that access tokens issued using the implicit flow never expire, because using token expiration with the implicit flow forces the user to link their account again. If you need token expiration for security reasons, you should strongly consider using the auth code flow instead.
Implement OAuth account linking
Configure the project
To configure your project to use OAuth account linking, follow these steps:
- Open the Actions Console and select the project you want to use.
- Click the Develop tab and choose Account linking.
- Enable the switch next to Account linking.
- In the Account creation section, select No, I only want to allow account creation on my website.
In Linking type, select OAuth and Implicit.
In Client Information:
- Assign a value to Client ID issued by your Actions to Google to identify requests coming from Google.
- Insert the URLs for your Authorization and Token Exchange endpoints.
- Click Save.
Implement your OAuth server
为了支持 OAuth 2.0 隐式流程,您的服务会进行授权 端点。此端点负责 就数据访问征得用户同意。授权端点 向尚未登录的用户显示登录界面,并记录 同意所请求的访问。
当您的 Action 需要调用您的某项授权的 API 时,Google 会使用 此端点来获得用户许可,以在其上调用这些 API 。
由 Google 发起的典型 OAuth 2.0 隐式流会话具有以下特征: 以下流程:
- Google 会在用户的浏览器中打开您的授权端点。通过 如果用户尚未登录,则可以登录,并且授予 Google 访问 通过您的 API 访问其数据(如果尚未授予权限)。
- 您的服务会创建一个访问令牌并将其返回给 通过使用访问令牌将用户的浏览器重定向回 Google, 附件。
- Google 调用您的服务的 API,并使用 。您的服务会验证访问令牌是否向 Google 授予 访问 API 的授权,然后完成 API 调用。
当您的 Action 需要通过 OAuth2 隐式流程执行账号关联时, Google 会通过包含以下内容的请求将用户发送到您的授权端点: 以下参数:
授权端点参数 | |
client_id |
您分配给 Google 的客户 ID。 |
redirect_uri |
此请求的响应发送到的网址。 |
state |
将一个在 重定向 URI。 |
response_type |
要在响应中返回的值的类型。对于 OAuth 2.0 隐式
则响应类型始终为 token 。 |
值, 防止向意外或配置错误的客户端应用授予访问权限:- 确认
是否与您的客户端 ID 匹配 分配给 Google。 - 确认
指定的网址 参数的格式如下:
YOUR_PROJECT_ID 是项目设置页面上的 ID Actions 控制台界面。
- 确认
检查用户是否已登录您的服务。如果用户未登录 中,完成服务的登录或注册流程。
生成 Google 将用于访问您的 API 的访问令牌。通过 访问令牌可以是任何字符串值,但必须唯一地表示 令牌对应的用户和客户端,且不得被猜到。
发送 HTTP 响应,将用户浏览器重定向到相应网址 由
参数指定。添加所有 以下参数:access_token
:原始状态的未修改状态值 请求 以下是生成的网址示例:
Google 的 OAuth 2.0 重定向处理程序将收到访问令牌并确认
值没有更改。在 Google 获得
访问令牌,则 Google 会将该令牌附加到后续调用
作为 AppRequest 的一部分添加到您的 Action。
Start the authentication flow
Use the Account Sign-in helper intent to start the authentication flow. The following code snippets describe how to send a response in Dialogflow and the Actions SDK to use this helper.
const {dialogflow, SignIn} = require('actions-on-google'); const app = dialogflow({ // REPLACE THE PLACEHOLDER WITH THE CLIENT_ID OF YOUR ACTIONS PROJECT clientId: CLIENT_ID, }); // Intent that starts the account linking flow. app.intent('Start Signin', (conv) => { conv.ask(new SignIn('To get your account details')); });
@ForIntent("Start Signin") public ActionResponse text(ActionRequest request) { ResponseBuilder rb = getResponseBuilder(request); return rb.add(new SignIn().setContext("To get your account details")).build(); }
{ "payload": { "google": { "expectUserResponse": true, "richResponse": { "items": [ { "simpleResponse": { "textToSpeech": "PLACEHOLDER" } } ] }, "userStorage": "{\"data\":{}}", "systemIntent": { "intent": "actions.intent.SIGN_IN", "data": { "@type": "", "optContext": "To get your account details" } } } }, "outputContexts": [ { "name": "/contexts/_actions_on_google", "lifespanCount": 99, "parameters": { "data": "{}" } } ] }
Actions SDK:
const {actionssdk, SignIn} = require('actions-on-google');
const app = actionssdk({
clientId: CLIENT_ID,
// Intent that starts the account linking flow.
app.intent('actions.intent.TEXT', (conv) => {
conv.ask(new SignIn('To get your account details'));
public ActionResponse text(ActionRequest request) {
ResponseBuilder rb = getResponseBuilder(request);
return rb.add(new SignIn().setContext("To get your account details")).build();
"expectUserResponse": true,
"expectedInputs": [
"inputPrompt": {
"richInitialPrompt": {
"items": [
"simpleResponse": {
"textToSpeech": "PLACEHOLDER"
"possibleIntents": [
"intent": "actions.intent.SIGN_IN",
"inputValueData": {
"@type": "",
"optContext": "To get your account details"
"conversationToken": "{\"data\":{}}",
"userStorage": "{\"data\":{}}"
Handle data access requests
If the Assistant request contains an access token, first check that the access token is valid (and not expired) and then retrieve the associated user account from your database.