
Enumerates Hotels and Local feed data issues.

FEED_DATA_ISSUE_UNKNOWN The value is unknown in this version.
NO_DATA_ISSUE No data issues found.
DUPLICATE_ADDRESS The address is the same as another property in the Hotel List Feed.
MISSING_PHYSICAL_STREET_ADDRESS The provided address appears to contain a postal box instead of a physical street address.
MISSING_STREET_NAME The address does not appear to contain a street name.
MISSING_STREET_NUMBER The address does not appear to contain a street number.
MISSING_ADDRESS The address does not appear to contain a street number, street name, or supported country code.
MISSING_COUNTRY An invalid but recognized country code was provided.
INVALID_POSTAL_CODE The address contains an invalid postal code.
INVALID_POSTAL_CODE_SUFFIX The address contains an invalid postal code suffix.
UNEXPECTED_POSTAL_CODE_SUFFIX The address contains a postal code suffix when unsupported by the country's postal code system.
UNEXPECTED_POSTAL_CODE The address contains a postal code when unsupported by the country's postal code system.
INVALID_AMENITIES The name and value at 'listing.content.attributes.attr' is either unsupported or has an invalid value.
INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS The email at 'listing.content.attributes.attr[name='email']' is not a valid email address.
DUPLICATE_LATLONG The latitude/longitude pair is the same as another property in the Hotel List Feed.
LATLONG_INCONSISTENT_WITH_ADDRESS The latitude/longitude pair provided for the address is more than 500 meters away from the Google latitude/longitude generated from the address.
MISSING_LATLONG A valid pair of latitude/longitude fields is missing and Google latitude/longitude generation is disabled.
COULD_NOT_GEOCODE A valid pair of latitude/longitude fields is missing and Google could not generate them from the address.
MISSING_HOTEL_NAME No hotel name is provided.
HOTEL_NAME_EMPTY An empty or whitespace only name is provided, but no valid name.
INVALID_HOTEL_NAME An invalid name is provided, but no valid name.
HOTEL_NAME_TOO_LONG The hotel name exceeds 200 characters.
PARSE_ERROR_IN_XML Google encountered an error while importing your Hotel List Feed.
UNEXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE_IN_XML Google encountered an unknown error while importing your Hotel List Feed.
DUPLICATE_PHONE_NUMBER The phone number you provided for this property is the same as the phone number for another property. More than one listing in the Hotel List Feed cannot have the same phone number.
MISSING_PHONE_NUMBER No valid phone number for this property found.
MISSING_VOICE_PHONE_NUMBER Only invalid or fax phone numbers found.
INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER_FORMAT The phone number format is not valid.
INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER The phone number is not valid.
INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER_COUNTRY_CODE The country code of the phone number is not valid.
PHONE_NUMBER_TOO_LONG The phone number contains too many digits.
PHONE_NUMBER_TOO_SHORT The phone number contains has too few digits.
INVALID_WEBSITE_URL The specified content.attributes.attr[name='website'] element is not a valid URL.
ADWORDS_ATTRIBUTE_TOO_LONG The category or content.attributes.client_attr[name='hotel_brand'] element exceeds 70 Unicode characters, and/or content.attributes.client_attr[name='custom_*'] exceeds 100 Unicode characters.
FLAGGED_DUE_TO_SUSPICIOUS_METADATA Contact your account manager for details.
NOT_ENOUGH_IMAGES_PROVIDED Vacation rental properties must have at least five feed images. Eight or more images are strongly recommended; having fewer than 8 may impact performance (such as impressions and clicks).
IMAGE_PROCESSING_IN_PROGRESS The images for this vacation rental property are still being processed.
CANNOT_FETCH_IMAGES The images for this property cannot be fetched. Please check that the image URLs are valid (e.g. do not give a 404 error) and that the domain hosting the image URLs does not block crawling of these images in its robots.txt file or X-Robots-Tag HTTP Header.
INCOMPATIBLE_IMAGE_SIZE_OR_LOW_QUALITY The images provided for this property do not meet Google's requirements due to dimensions, size, or automated quality signals. Please ensure that the images are less than 10 MB large, less than 4K pixels wide, and less than 4K pixels tall. Please check additional guidance outlined at the Property listing image requirements
MISSING_LANG_IN_RAW_LISTING Deprecated Issue Vacation rental raw listing is missing a language field.
IS_HOTEL Vacation rental listing has been characterized as a hotel and not a vacation rental.
MISSING_REQ_ATTR Vacation rental listing is missing a required attribute.
MISSING_NAME Vacation rental listing is missing a name.
MISSING_LANG_IN_NAME Vacation rental listing name is missing a language field.
VR_NAME_TOO_LONG Vacation rental listing name is too long.
NAME_AND_DESCRIPTION_ABUSE_VERIFIED Vacation rental listing's name or description is verfied to contain content that violates Google's content policy.
TEST_PROPERTY Vacation rental listing is a test property.


NON_VR_ACCOMMODATION_TYPE Listing that is sent as a vacation rental is suspected to be a non-vacation rental accommodation type, such as a hotel, hostel, etc.
BRAND_NAME_TOO_LONG Vacation rental listing brand name is too long.

Google no longer requires brand names; this issue no longer occurs.

REVIEW_MISSING_VISIT_TIMESTAMP This listing has a review that is missing a visit timestamp and the timestamp is required in the listing's country. The review should include "servicedate" if using XML markup or "contentReferenceTime" if using schema.org.
VR_ADDRESS_MISSING An address should be added to this listing.

The provided address is invalid. Review address requirements on the dev guide. Debugging suggestions:

  1. Confirm the address does not contain redundant information such as the country in both addr1 and country_code.
  2. Use Google Maps to confirm if the address is formatted correctly for its region.
  3. Use a plus code if the address continues to be invalid.

Deprecated: Replaced with more specifc errors or VR_ADDRESS_INVALID. Google detected that the provided address for this listing is incomplete. For example, it may be missing a unit number.

VR_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE_NO_STREET_NAME The provided address is missing a street name.
VR_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE_NO_STREET_NUMBER The provided address is missing a street number.
VR_ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE_NO_UNIT_NUMBER The provided address is missing a unit number.
VR_ADDRESS_LATLONG_MISMATCH The provided address and lat/long data for this listing doesn't match.
INVALID_REVIEW_RATING Vacation rental listing has an invalid review rating.
INVALID_CHECKIN_FORMAT Vacation rental listing has an invalid check-in format.
INVALID_CHECKOUT_FORMAT Vacation rental listing has an invalid check-out format.
INTERNAL_BLOCKLIST This listing is in an internal blocklist. Contact your account manager for help.
VR_LIVE_ON_GOOGLE_INACTIVE_ERROR The "Live on Google" setting for this Vacation Rental is set to false. Note: once "Live on Google" is set to true, it will take a few days for this error to disappear.
VR_XML_FAILED_PARSING This listing's XML failed to parse. Please fix the XML associated with this listing.
VR_ZIP_FILE_CORRUPT A listing that indicates the that feed ZIP file is corrupt. Please ensure the ZIP file is valid.
VR_PENDING_INITIAL_PROCESSING Vacation rental listing is undergoing initial processing.
VR_PENDING_WEBSITE_CRAWLING Vacation rental listing has a website link that is still undergoing crawling.
VR_BRAND_MISSING_LANDING_PAGE The brand of this vacation rental property doesn't have a landing page. Contact your account manager for details.
VR_INVALID_ROOM_TYPE The room type is invalid. Private rooms and shared rooms are part of shared accommodations, which are not currently supported on the platform.