GoogleRidesharingConsumer Framework Reference


@protocol GMTCMapViewSession <NSObject>
 * Returns the current session state. The possible state can be referenced from
 * `GMTCMapViewSessionState`.
@property(nonatomic, nullable, weak) __kindof id<GMTCMapViewSessionDelegate> delegate;

 * Returns the current session state. The possible state can be referenced from
 * `GMTCMapViewSessionState`.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) GMTCMapViewSessionState state;

/** Returns the host map view of the current session. */
@property(nonatomic, nullable, weak, readonly) GMTCMapView *hostMapView;

/** Called by a `GMTCMapView` instance when the session has been added to it. */
- (void)didAddToMapView:(GMTCMapView *)mapView;

/** Called by a `GMTCMapView` instance when the session has been removed from it. */
- (void)didRemoveFromMapView:(GMTCMapView *)mapView;
