GMSMapViewOptions Class Reference

GMSMapViewOptions Class Reference


This class defines initialization-time options for GMSMapView.


CGRect frame
 Initial frame for the view.
 Initial camera position.
 The mapID for advanced map usage.
UIColor * backgroundColor
 Specifies the background color of the map view, which displays whenever the map tiles are not fully loaded.
UIScreen * screen
 The screen the view will be used on.

Property Documentation

- (CGRect) frame [read, write, assign]

Initial frame for the view.

Defaults to CGRectZero.

- (GMSCameraPosition*) camera [read, write, assign]

Initial camera position.

Defaults to nil.

- (GMSMapID*) mapID [read, write, assign]

The mapID for advanced map usage.

Defaults to nil.

- (UIColor*) backgroundColor [read, write, assign]

Specifies the background color of the map view, which displays whenever the map tiles are not fully loaded.

This is required because GMSMapView ignores the inherited mutable backgroundColor. The color is displayed on the background of the map. Defaults to a light grey color.

- (UIScreen*) screen [read, write, assign]

The screen the view will be used on.

Defaults to the main screen. Should be set to the CarPlay screen if this map view is to be used with CarPlay.