Glossário do Sandbox de privacidade

Os artigos e a documentação do Sandbox de privacidade pressupõem o conhecimento de conceitos de privacidade, publicidade e desenvolvimento da Web. Este glossário explica os principais termos.

Leilão de anúncios (API Protected Audience)

In the Protected Audience API, an ad auction is run by a seller (likely to be an SSP or maybe the publisher itself), in JavaScript code in the browser on the user's device, to sell ad space on a site that displays ads.

Criativo do anúncio, criativo

Ad creative refers to the contents of the ad served to users. Creatives can be images, videos, audio, and other formats. Creatives live within an ad space, and are served by ad tech within line items.

Ad Exchange

Uma troca de anúncios é uma plataforma para automatizar a compra e a venda de inventário de anúncios de várias redes de publicidade.

Inventário de anúncios, espaço publicitário

Ad inventory space is the space or spaces for ads that are available from a site that sells ad space.

Plataforma de publicidade (adtech)



An advertiser is a company that pays to advertise its products.

Contabilização de relatórios agregáveis



Orçamento de contabilidade de relatórios agregáveis

References to the budget that ensures individual reports are not processed more than once.

Relatórios agregáveis



Serviço de agregação

Um serviço operado por adtech que processa relatórios agregáveis para criar um relatório de resumo.

Leia mais sobre o histórico do serviço de agregação em nosso texto explicativo e na lista completa de termos.

Chamador de API

An API caller is an entity, such as an app, a third-party SDK, or a website, that makes a request to the Topics API to access a user's interests.


Um mecanismo para autenticar a identidade do software, geralmente com hashes criptográficos ou assinaturas. Para a proposta de serviço de agregação, o atestado corresponde ao código executado no serviço de agregação operado pela adtech com o código de código aberto.

Leia mais sobre atestados.




O Blink é o mecanismo de renderização usado pelo Chrome, desenvolvido como parte do projeto Chromium.


A buyer is a party bidding for ad space in an ad auction, likely to be a DSP, or maybe the advertiser itself. Ad space buyers own and manage interest groups.

Publishers make ad inventory available through marketplaces called ad exchanges, and buyers compete in real time through a DSP for the opportunity to place their advertisement.

Learn about ad space buyers in the Protected Audience API.


O Chromium é um projeto de navegador da Web de código aberto. O Chrome, o Microsoft Edge, o Opera e outros navegadores são baseados no Chromium.

Conversão de clique (CTC)

A click-through conversion is a conversion attributed to an ad that was clicked.

Taxa de cliques (CTR)

The click-through rate is the ratio of users who click on an ad, having seen it.

See also impression.

Vinculação de contribuições

Aggregatable reports may contain an arbitrary number of counter increments. For example, a report may contain a count of products that a user has viewed on an advertiser's site. The sum of increments in all aggregatable reports related to a single source event must not exceed a given limit, such as L1=2^16 (65,536).

Learn more in the aggregatable reports explainer.


A conversion is the completion of some desired goal following action by a user.

For example, a conversion may occur with the purchase of a product or sign-up for a newsletter after clicking an ad that links to the advertiser's site.

A cookie is a small piece of textual data that websites can store on a user's browser. Cookies can be used by a website to save information associated with a user (or a reference to data stored on the website's backend servers) as the user moves across the web.

For example, an online store can retain shopping cart details even if a user is not logged in, or the site could record the user's browsing activity on their site. See First-party cookie and Third-party cookie.



Dados grosseiros

Coarse data refers to limited information provided by Attribution Reporting API event-level reports. This is limited to 3 pieces of conversion data for clicks and 1 piece for views. Specific, granular conversion data (such as specific prices of items and timestamps) are not included.

Plataforma de gerenciamento de dados (DMP, na sigla em inglês)

A data management platform is software used to collect and manage data relevant for advertisers. These platforms help advertisers and publishers identify audience segments, which can then be used for campaign targeting.

Learn more about DMPs.

Plataforma de demanda (DSP)

A demand-side platform is an ad tech service used to automate ad purchasing. DSPs are used by advertisers to buy ad impressions across a range of publisher sites.

Privacidade diferencial

Differential privacy refers to techniques to allow sharing of information about a dataset to reveal patterns of behaviour without revealing private information about individuals or whether they belong to the dataset.


Domínio. Consulte Domínio de nível superior e eTLD.


Entropy, in the privacy domain, is a measure of how much an item of data reveals individual identity.

Data entropy is measured in bits. The more that data reveals identity, the higher its entropy value.

Data can be combined to identify an individual, but it can be difficult to work out whether new data adds to entropy. For example, knowing a person is from Australia doesn't reduce entropy if you already know the person is from Kangaroo Island.


In the Topics API, an epoch is the period of time during which the browser infers topics for a user based on their browsing activity. It is currently set to one week.

eTLD, eTLD+1

eTLDs are effective top-level domains (TLD), which are defined by the Public Suffix List.

For example:

Effective TLDs are what allow to be a different site from The eTLD in this case is, and the whole site name (, is known as the eTLD+1.

See also Top-Level Domain.

Relatório no nível do evento

Os relatórios de evento associam um determinado clique ou visualização do anúncio (no lado do anúncio) aos dados do lado da conversão. Para preservar a privacidade do usuário limitando a combinação de identidades de usuário entre sites, os dados de conversão são muito limitados e têm ruído.

API Federated Credential Management (FedCM)

Federated Credential Management API is a proposal for a privacy-preserving approach to federated identity services. This will allow users to log into sites without sharing their personal information with the identity service or the site.

FedCM was previously known as WebID, and is still in development in the W3C.

Identidade federada (login federado)

Federated identity is a third-party platform to allow a user to sign in to a website, without requiring the site to implement their own identity service.

Frame isolado

A (<fencedframe>) is a proposed HTML element for embedded content, similar to an iframe. Unlike iframes, a fenced frame restricts communication with its embedding context to allow the frame access to cross-site data without sharing it with the embedding context.

Some Privacy Sandbox APIs may require select documents to render within a fenced frame. Learn more about the Fenced Frames proposal.

Técnicas de impressão digital

Fingerprinting encompasses techniques to identify and track the behaviour of individual users.

Fingerprinting uses mechanisms that users aren't aware of and can't control.

Superfície de impressão digital

A fingerprinting surface is something that can be used (probably in combination with other surfaces) to identify a particular user or device.

For example, the navigator.userAgent() JavaScript method and the User-Agent HTTP request header provide access to a fingerprinting surface (the User-Agent string).

Integração própria


例如,您正在阅读的网页位于 网站上,其中包含从该网站请求的资源。针对这些第一方资源的请求称为“第一方请求”。当您在此网站上存储的 中的 Cookie 称为第一方 Cookie


第一方 Cookie 是指当用户访问网站时网站存储的 Cookie。

例如,网店可能会要求浏览器存储一个 Cookie,以便为未登录的用户保留购物车详细信息。另请参阅第三方 Cookie


Intent to Experiment (I2E) é o anúncio de um plano para disponibilizar um novo recurso Blink aos usuários para teste, geralmente em um teste de origem.


A intent para estender o experimento (I2EE, na sigla em inglês) é um anúncio de um plano para estender a duração de um teste de origem.


Intent to Prototype (I2P) is the first stage in developing a new feature in Blink. The announcement is posted to the blink-dev mailing list with a link to the proposal for discussion.


intent to Ship (I2S) 是一项计划公告,旨在说明我们计划在稳定版 Chrome 中向用户提供 Blink 的新功能。



  • 观看广告。另请参阅点击率
  • 广告位:网页上可展示广告的 HTML 标记(通常是 <div> 标记)。广告位构成广告资源

Publicidade com base em interesses (IBA)

Interest-based advertising (IBA) is a form of personalized advertising in which an ad is selected for a user based on their interests, inferred from the user's activity: the sites they've recently visited on the web, or the apps they used on Android. This is different from contextual advertising, which aims to match ads to the content the user is viewing.

Grupo de interesse

In the Protected Audience API, formerly FLEDGE, an interest group represents a group of people with a common interest, corresponding to a remarketing list.

Every interest group has an owner. Different types of owners will create different types of interest groups with different use cases.


Inventory is the ad slots available on a site. Ad slots are the HTML markup (usually <div> tags) where ads can be displayed.


k-匿名性用于衡量数据集内的匿名性。如果您具有 k 匿名性,则无法与数据集中的 k-1 个其他个体区分开来。也就是说,k 个人具有相同的信息(包括您在内)。

Ruído e escalonamento

Statistical noise that is added to summary reports during the aggregation process to preserve privacy and ensure the final reports provide anonymized measurement information.

Read more about additive noise mechanism, which is drawn from Laplace distribution.

Valor de uso único

Um valor de uso único é um número arbitrário usado apenas uma vez em comunicação criptográfica.




Teste de origem

Origin trials are trials that provide access to a new or experimental feature, to make it possible to build functions that users can try out for a limited time before the feature is made available to everyone.

When Chrome offers an origin trial for a feature, an origin can be registered for the trial to allow the feature for all users on that origin, without requiring users to toggle flags or switch to an alternative build of Chrome (though they may need to upgrade). Origin trials allow developers to build demos and prototypes using new features. The trials help Chrome engineers understand how new features are used, and how they may interact with other web technologies.

Find out more: Getting started with Chrome's origin trials.

Superfície passiva

Passive surfaces are fingerprinting surfaces—such as User-Agent strings, IP addresses, and Accept-Language headers—that are available to every website, whether the site asks for them or not.

Passive surfaces can easily consume a site's privacy budget.

The Privacy Sandbox initiative proposes replacing passive surfaces with active ways to get specific information, for example using Client Hints a single time to get the user's language rather than having an Accept-Language header for every response to every server.

API Protected Audience

Protected Audience API 是 FLEDGE API 的新名称。


No contexto do Sandbox de privacidade, um editor é um site com espaço publicitário pago para mostrar anúncios.


O alcance representa o número total de pessoas que veem um anúncio ou que visitam uma página da Web que exibe o anúncio.

Lances em tempo real (RTB)

Real-time bidding refers to an automated auction for buying and selling ad impressions on websites, completed during page load.


Remarketing is the practice of advertising to people who've already visited your site on other sites.

For example, an online store could show ads for a toy sale to people who previously viewed toys on their site.

Origem do relatório

接收可汇总报告的实体,也就是您或调用了 Attribution Reporting API 的广告技术平台。可汇总的报告会从用户设备发送到与报告来源关联的知名网址。报告来源是在注册期间指定的。

Fator de dimensionamento

Scaling factor, in the context of the Attribution Reporting API, refers an amount by which you choose to multiply an aggregatable value. Scaling impacts the effect of noise and your contribution budget.


O vendedor é quem faz um leilão de anúncios, provavelmente é uma SSP ou talvez o próprio editor.

ID compartilhado

A computed value that consists of shared_info, reporting_origin, destination_site (for Attribution Reporting API only), source_registration-time (for Attribution Reporting API only), scheduled_report_time, and version.

Multiple reports that share the same attributes in the shared_info field should have the same shared ID. Shared IDs play an important role within Aggregatable Report Accounting.

Read more about Trusted Servers.


Um site equivale a um eTLD+1 com um esquema (protocolo).

Consulte também Domínio de nível superior.

Particionamento de armazenamento

Storage partitioning is a mechanism in Chrome to prevent certain types of side-channel cross-site tracking, Chrome is partitioning storage and communications APIs in third-party contexts.

Storage partitioning prevents a site from joining data across different sites to track the user across the web.

Relatório do resumo

Attribution Reporting API 和 Private Aggregation API 报告类型。摘要报告包含汇总的用户数据,并且可能包含添加了噪声的详细转化数据。摘要报告由汇总报告组成。与事件级报告相比,这些报告具有更高的灵活性,并提供更丰富的数据模型,对于转化价值等某些用例尤其如此。

Plataforma de fornecimento, plataforma de venda

A supply-side platform is an ad tech service used to automate selling ad inventory. SSPs allow publishers to offer their inventory (empty rectangles where ads will go) to multiple ad exchanges, DSPs, and networks. This enables a wide range of potential buyers to bid for ad space.


Superfície. Consulte Superfície de impressão digital e Superfície passiva.

Third party refers to resources served from a domain that's different from the website you're visiting.

For example, a website might use analytics code from (via JavaScript), fonts from (via a link element) and a video from (in an iframe). See also First-party.

A third-party cookie is a cookie stored by a third-party service.

For example, a video website might include a Watch Later button in their embedded player to allow a user to add a video to their wishlist without forcing them to navigate to the video site.

See also First-party cookie.

Domínio de nível superior (TLD)

Top-level domains such as .com and .org are listed in the Root Zone Database.

See also eTLD, site.


A topic is a human-readable topic of interest of a user and is part of the Topics taxonomy.

Taxonomia de temas

The Topics taxonomy is a public, human-curated, human-readable hierarchy of categories that the Topics API uses to represent users' interests.

Ambiente de execução confiável (TEE)

Uma configuração segura de hardware e software de computador que permite que partes externas verifiquem as versões exatas do software em execução na máquina sem medo de exposição. Os TEEs permitem que terceiros verifiquem se o software faz exatamente o que o fabricante afirma.

Para saber mais sobre os TEEs usados para as propostas do Sandbox de privacidade, leia a explicação dos serviços da API Protected Audience e a explicação do serviço de agregação.

Dicas de cliente HTTP do user agent (UA-CH)

User-agent client hints provide specific pieces of the User-Agent string on explicit request. This helps reduce passive surfaces in the User-Agent string which may lead to user identification or covert tracking.

UA-CH is sometimes referred to as "Client Hints."

String do user agent

A user-agent string is an HTTP header used by servers and network peers to request identifying information about an application, operating system, vendor, or version of a user agent. The User-Agent string broadcasts a large string of data, which is problematic for user privacy. User-Agent reduction is proposed to remove sensitive information and reduce passive fingerprinting.


.well-known is a file used to add redirects to a website from standardized URLs.

For example, password managers can make it easier for users to update passwords if a website sets a redirect from /.well-known/change-password to the change password page of the site.

In addition, it can be useful to access policy or other information about a host before making a request. For example, robots.txt tells web crawlers which pages to visit and which pages to ignore. IETF RFC8615 outlines a standardized way to make site-wide metadata accessible in standard locations in a /.well-known/ subdirectory.

See a list of recommendations for .well-known at


A worklet allows you to run specific JavaScript functions and return information back to the requester. Within a worklet, you can execute JavaScript but you cannot interact or communicate with the outside page.

Worklets are used to store and extract data with the Shared Storage API.