Ordering Redirect Platform Policies

The following platform policies apply to the Ordering Redirect integration.

Data Access, Ranking, and Termination

Overview of Actions Center data access

We collect information from our users when users click through an Action Link via Google. Our Privacy Policy provides more detail on the information we collect, why we collect it, and how users can update, manage, export, and delete user information. For purposes of fulfilling a user order or other user requests, we may share such information with the partner, to be used in accordance with the privacy policy. Usage metrics may also be shared with the partner and their merchants for the respective integrations.

We also collect data from our partners to enable their merchant services on the Actions Center. The information we collect includes merchant and service listings and descriptions, availability, location, pricing, and other information relevant to the service. We may use this information to improve Google products and services.


How provider ranking works

When multiple food ordering providers offer the same services for a given merchant, we present all partners to the users, allowing users to select which ordering provider they prefer. Google ranks all partner providers based on a consistent set of criteria across one ordering program. A number of ranking factors apply including high-quality menus, merchant preferences, and other relevant ordering data.

In order to avoid duplication of services offered via the Actions Center, the Actions Center will remove some duplicative Place Actions links if integrations from the same partners already exist. Some exceptions may apply to specific partners due to technical reasons.

How providers referral ranking works

Actions Center refers eligible Business Profile merchants to sign up with Actions Center partners when appropriate. The list of partners shown to each merchant may be limited to a subset that fit on screen and are randomized. Merchants can select an expanded view to see the full list of partners.

Grounds for termination

We will restrict, suspend, or (where a policy is violated) terminate a partner due to errors. Such errors may include high technical error rates, failing health checks, and poor data quality.

Partners can also be suspended from the platform if they are not adhering to a policy or have a significant number of merchants/services violating a policy. In such instances, we may disable the entire integration instead of on a service by service or merchant by merchant basis.

Content Quality Standards

Partners must maintain good merchant and service data quality content. The Actions Center may turn off the service, merchant, or integration if we find errors in the quality that would negatively degrade the user experience.

Merchant Name & Address

  • Merchant name must accurately reflect the legal business name the merchant is operating under.
  • Merchant address must accurately reflect the place in which the merchant conducts the service and holds ownership of (no booth renters).

Partner Brand

  • Partner brand name must accurately reflect the legal business name the partner is operating under.
  • Partner logo must be the one that officially relates to the brand name.
  • Partner must not provide brand names or logos that could mislead end users of their relationship with the merchant.

Merchant and service eligibility

Review the following merchants and services eligibility criteria before beginning an integration. If you have a specific use case that you think should be evaluated for an exception, reach out to your Google business development contact.

Merchant eligibility criteria

For a merchant to be eligible for the Actions Center, they must have a physical location with an address that matches one in the Google Maps database.

Supported Countries

The following table lists the countries supported by the Ordering Redirect integration. This list is updated periodically, check back here to stay up to date.

Country Country Code
Aland AX
Andorra AD
Anguilla AI
Argentina AR
Aruba AW
Australia AU
Austria AT
Bahrain BH
Belgium BE
Brazil BR
British Virigin Islands VG
Bulgaria BG
Canada CA
Cayman Islands KY
Chile CL
Christmas Island CX
Colombia CO
Cook CK
Croatia HR
Curaçao CW
Czech Republic CZ
Denmark DK
Estonia EE
Falkland FK
Faroe Islands FO
Finland FI
France FR
French Polynesia PF
Germany DE
Gibraltar GI
Greece GR
Greenland GL
Guam GU
Hong Kong HK
Hungary HU
India IN
Indonesia ID
Ireland IE
Isle of Man IM
Israel(*EN UI only) IL
Italy IT
Japan JP
Latvia LV
Lithuania LT
Luxembourg LU
Malaysia MY
Malta MT
Martinique MQ
Mexico MX
Montserrat MS
Netherlands NL
New Caledonia NC
New Zealand NZ
Niue NU
Northern Mariana Islands MP
Norway NO
Panama PA
Peru PE
Philippines PH
Poland PL
Portugal PT
Puerto Rico PR
Russia RU
Saint Helena SH
Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM
Samoa WS
San Marino SM
Singapore SG
Sint Maarten SX
South Africa ZA
South Korea KR
Spain ES
Svalbard SJ
Sweden SE
Switzerland CH
Taiwan TW
Thailand TH
Tokelau TK
Turkey TR
Turks TC
United Arab Emirates (*EN UI only) AE
United Kingdom GB
United States US
Uruguay UY
US Virgin Islands VI
Vatican City VA
Vietnam VN
Wallis WF

Notes and exceptions

  1. We recommend you check with the Actions Center support team prior to planning to launch payments in a country as there may be country specific requirements.
  2. For Israel, price must be in local currency (ILS). Item price must be in increments of 0.10 (eg. 50.10, 50.20, 50.30) and not be in other increments (eg. 50.12, 50.22).
  3. Service feeds and Real-time updates are live in US, UK, CA, AU, DE, and JP. However, we encourage partners to send this data in advance of expanding the experience to additional countries.

Support and Maintenance Guidelines

The following guidelines apply to Support and Maintenance.

Integration Maintenance and Support

Partner is committed to the following support functions and standards:

  1. Emergency Alert and Emergency Technical Support: Partner will provide high priority support for technical issues which result in the integration being disabled or non-functioning, being degraded beyond service health expectations, greatly impacting the user experience, or any other emergency issue. To ensure a positive user and merchant experience, Partner will use commercially reasonable efforts to respond to and resolve any emergency issues within 1 business day.

  2. Non-Emergency Technical Support: Partner will provide standard support for non-emergency technical or production issues which do not disable the integration. To ensure a positive user and merchant experience, Partner will use commercially reasonable efforts to respond to any non-emergency issues within 2 business days.

  3. Post-Launch Integration Health: Partner's integration health should meet the following expectations such that the end user experience is not degraded.

User Support

Partner will provide the following support functions:

  1. Direct User Support: Partner will provide direct support to users who contact Partner regarding issues with a booking made via Partner.

  2. Google Escalated Support: Partner will provide support for situations where Google reaches out to Partner regarding a user issue (including, but not limited to: booking is not honored as described, the user has requested a refund, or user wishes to change/modify their booking).

Partner Takedown Reasons and Issue Descriptions

The Actions Center may disable your integration or inventory as necessary in order to maintain user expectation and experience. We will attempt to send a notification to you prior or at the takedown time and work with you to resolve the issue.

This following issue types describes the root causes of inventory takedowns and the associated policies and guidelines.

Partner unresponsive or SLA violation

This is encountered when the Actions Center team reaches out to your team with an issue (technical, user issue, data issue, etc.) and does not hear back within the time outlined in the Support and Maintenance Guidelines.

Alternatively, if the issues identified are not resolved within the timeline given, we may disable your integration. Once the issue is resolved and confirmed by our team, we will restore your integration. You can reach out to the partner support team with the email reference id you received for status updates or to inform us the issue has been resolved.

Relevant Policy: Support and Maintenance Guidelines

Unfulfillable by merchant

Any inventory offered on the Actions Center by a partner must be honored and fulfilled by the merchant as listed. If the merchant can not honor the service as listed, it is not eligible to be listed on the Actions Center. To resolve this issue, please work with your merchant to update the inventory to ensure it is accurate and that the merchant will honor any future bookings.

Relevant Policy: End-to-end Policy

Place Action policy violation

Actions Center requires that Place Actions link(s) must follow specific guidelines to ensure user and merchant expectation. For example, Place Actions link(s) must be actionable, lead to a dedicated landing page for specific merchants, and clearly denote that it is owned and operated by a platform provider.

Relevant Policy: Place Actions Policy

Pricing policy violation

The Actions Center requires that the price shown to the user is the ultimate price that they will pay (exclusive of any optional gratuity) and the cancellation and refund policies must be clear and accurate. Providing false, placeholder, or otherwise inaccurate information is not supported. Please work with your merchant to ensure that the values provided to the Actions Center are accurate and meet our Pricing Policies. Reach out to the partner support team once the issue is resolved.

Relevant Policy: Pricing Policies

Confusing or missing information

In order to ensure a great user experience, the Actions Center requires that all information is present and clear to the user. Partners should work with their merchants to ensure fields are accurately set and not conflicting.

For more information, review our Merchants and services eligibility criteria. Once you resolve this issue please reach out to the partner support team for review.

Relevant Policy: Merchants and services eligibility criteria, Data Quality Standards

Unsupported by integration

The Actions Center is only live in certain countries, merchant categories, and with specific feature sets. Please review our Merchants and services eligibility and the features currently supported by your integration to ensure you are only using those that are supported.

For example, if you have not completed an async integration, you can not offer async inventory. Please remove the unsupported portion of the inventory and reach out to the partner support team for a review.

Relevant Policy: Merchants and services eligibility criteria

Bad match or noncompliance of matching policy

The provided listing must be properly matched to the Google listing. Alternatively, if we don’t have sufficient information to ensure that the match is accurate, we will remove that inventory.

Please ensure that the match is in compliance with our matching policy. Once you take those steps please reach out to our partner support team for them to review.

Relevant Policy: Matching guidelines

Online services policy violation

To ensure a consistent experience for consumers, merchants, and partners using the Actions Center, inventory for online services must adhere to the appropriate guidelines. Failure to adhere to these policies will lead to suspension of your inventory or integration.

Relevant Policy: Online services policy

API terms and conditions

Last modified: October 22, 2021

By using this API, you consent to be bound by the Google APIs Terms of Service ("API ToS").