Cómo integrar Flurry con la mediación
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Última actualización: 2024-02-26 (UTC)
[null,null,["Última actualización: 2024-02-26 (UTC)"],[[["This guide explains how to integrate Flurry ads into your iOS app using Google Mobile Ads Mediation."],["You need an existing iOS app with the Google Mobile Ads SDK and an AdMob account with configured mediation line items as prerequisites."],["The guide provides instructions on adding the Flurry adapter and SDK to your Xcode project."],["You can track ad lifecycle events, such as impressions, using the `GADBannerViewDelegate` or `GADInterstitialDelegate`, which report events from all ad networks, including Flurry."],["The `adNetworkClassName` property can be used to identify the network that served the ad, such as Flurry or AdMob."]]],[]]