type Goal (v202408)
Defines the criteria a LineItem needs to satisfy to meet its delivery goal.
- Namespace
The type of the goal for the LineItem . It defines the period over which the goal for
LineItem should be reached.
- No goal is specified for the number of ads delivered. The
LineItem.lineItemType must be one of:
- There is a goal on the number of ads delivered for this line item during
its entire lifetime. The LineItem.lineItemType must be
one of:
- There is a daily goal on the number of ads delivered for this line item.
The LineItem.lineItemType must be one of:
- The value returned if the actual value is not exposed by the requested API version.
The type of the goal unit for the LineItem .
- The number of impressions served by creatives associated with the line
item. Line items of all LineItemType support this
UnitType .
- The number of clicks reported by creatives associated with the line item.
The LineItem.lineItemType must be
LineItemType.STANDARD, LineItemType.BULK or
- The number of click-through Cost-Per-Action (CPA) conversions from creatives
associated with the line item. This is only supported as secondary goal and the
LineItem.costType must be CostType.CPA.
- The number of view-through Cost-Per-Action (CPA) conversions from creatives
associated with the line item. This is only supported as secondary goal and the
LineItem.costType must be CostType.CPA.
- The number of total Cost-Per-Action (CPA) conversions from creatives
associated with the line item. This is only supported as secondary goal and the
LineItem.costType must be CostType.CPA.
- The number of viewable impressions reported by creatives associated with the line item.
The LineItem.lineItemType must be LineItemType.STANDARD.
- The number of in-target impressions reported by third party measurements.
The LineItem.lineItemType must be LineItemType.STANDARD.
- The value returned if the actual value is not exposed by the requested API version.
If this is a primary goal, it represents the number or percentage
of impressions or clicks that will be reserved for the
LineItem . If the line item is of
type LineItemType.SPONSORSHIP, it represents the percentage of available
impressions reserved. If the line item is of type
LineItemType.BULK or LineItemType.PRICE_PRIORITY, it represents the number
of remaining impressions reserved. If the line item is of type
LineItemType.NETWORK or LineItemType.HOUSE, it represents the
percentage of remaining impressions reserved.
If this is a secondary goal, it represents the number of
impressions or conversions that the line item will stop serving at
if reached. For valid line item types, see LineItem.secondaryGoals.
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2024-08-20 UTC.
[null,null,["Last updated 2024-08-20 UTC."],[[["A **Goal** defines the delivery criteria a LineItem must meet."],["It specifies the **GoalType** (lifetime, daily, etc.), **UnitType** (impressions, clicks, etc.), and target **Units**."],["Goals can be primary, determining reservation volume, or secondary, setting limits for delivery."],["Different **LineItemType** values have varying goal configurations and restrictions."],["**UnitType** options like CPA conversions and viewable impressions provide nuanced delivery targets."]]],[]]