YouTube Content ID 服务

借助 YouTube Content ID 服务,您可以在 Apps 脚本中使用 YouTube Content ID API。此 API 可让开发者直接与 YouTube 的 Content ID 权利管理系统互动。作为 YouTube 合作伙伴,你可以使用 API 创建和管理资产、版权声明和广告系列。


如需详细了解此服务,请参阅公共 YouTube Content ID API 的参考文档。与 Apps 脚本中的所有高级服务一样,高级 YouTube Content ID 服务使用的对象、方法和参数与公共 API 相同。如需了解详情,请参阅如何确定方法签名

如需报告问题和寻求其他支持,请参阅 YouTube API 支持指南


以下示例代码使用的是 YouTube Content ID API 第 1 版



 * This function creates a partner-uploaded claim on a video with the specified
 * asset and policy rules.
 * @see
function claimYourVideoWithMonetizePolicy() {
  // The ID of the content owner that you are acting on behalf of.
  const onBehalfOfContentOwner = 'replaceWithYourContentOwnerID';
  // A YouTube video ID to claim. In this example, the video must be uploaded
  // to one of your onBehalfOfContentOwner's linked channels.
  const videoId = 'replaceWithYourVideoID';
  const assetId = 'replaceWithYourAssetID';
  const claimToInsert = {
    'videoId': videoId,
    'assetId': assetId,
    'contentType': 'audiovisual',
    // Set the claim policy to monetize. You can also specify a policy ID here
    // instead of policy rules.
    // For details, please refer to the YouTube Content ID API Policies
    // documentation:
    'policy': {'rules': [{'action': 'monetize'}]}
  try {
    const claimInserted = YouTubeContentId.Claims.insert(claimToInsert,
        {'onBehalfOfContentOwner': onBehalfOfContentOwner});
    console.log('Claim created on video %s: %s', videoId, claimInserted);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('Failed to create claim on video %s, error: %s',
        videoId, e.message);



 * This function updates your onBehalfOfContentOwner's ownership on an existing
 * asset.
 * @see
function updateAssetOwnership() {
  // The ID of the content owner that you are acting on behalf of.
  const onBehalfOfContentOwner = 'replaceWithYourContentOwnerID';
  // Replace values with your asset id
  const assetId = 'replaceWithYourAssetID';
  // The new ownership here would replace your existing ownership on the asset.
  const myAssetOwnership = {
    'general': [
        'ratio': 100,
        'owner': onBehalfOfContentOwner,
        'type': 'include',
        'territories': [
  try {
    const updatedOwnership = YouTubeContentId.Ownership.update(myAssetOwnership,
        assetId, {'onBehalfOfContentOwner': onBehalfOfContentOwner});
    console.log('Ownership updated on asset %s: %s', assetId, updatedOwnership);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('Ownership update failed on asset %s, error: %s',
        assetId, e.message);



 * This function releases an existing claim your onBehalfOfContentOwner has
 * on a video.
 * @see
function releaseClaim() {
  // The ID of the content owner that you are acting on behalf of.
  const onBehalfOfContentOwner = 'replaceWithYourContentOwnerID';
  // The ID of the claim to be released.
  const claimId = 'replaceWithYourClaimID';
  // To release the claim, change the resource's status to inactive.
  const claimToBeReleased = {
    'status': 'inactive'
  try {
    const claimReleased = YouTubeContentId.Claims.patch(claimToBeReleased,
        claimId, {'onBehalfOfContentOwner': onBehalfOfContentOwner});
    console.log('Claim %s was released: %s', claimId, claimReleased);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('Failed to release claim %s, error: %s', claimId, e.message);