Status of the solution. Before solving a problem the status will be NOT_SOLVED
afterwards it will take any of the other values depending if it successfully found a solution and
if the solution is optimal.
To call an enum, you call its parent class, name, and property. For example,
Property | Type | Description |
OPTIMAL | Enum | Status when an optimal solution has been found. |
FEASIBLE | Enum | Status when a feasible (not necessarily optimal) solution has been found. |
INFEASIBLE | Enum | Status when the current model is unfeasible (has no solution). |
UNBOUNDED | Enum | Status when the current model is unbound. |
ABNORMAL | Enum | Status when it failed to find a solution for unexpected reasons. |
MODEL_INVALID | Enum | Status when the model is invalid. |
NOT_SOLVED | Enum | Status when LinearOptimizationEngine.solve() has not been called yet. |