已保存的搜索、热门列表和书签组由 ID 编号唯一标识。您可以点击详细信息页面上资源名称旁边的铅笔图标或剪贴板图标来查找 ID 编号。或者,如果资源位于左侧导航栏中,您可以通过从下拉菜单中选择设置或信息来访问其 ID 编号。
例如,有两位不同的用户可以创建一个书签组,并将其命名为“我的书签组”。其中一个书签组的 ID 号可能为 63690,而另一个书签组的 ID 号可能是 82451。如果同一用户创建或订阅了同名资源,则每个资源都会显示在左侧导航栏中,并且可能很难将资源区分开来。因此,您应该尽可能使用唯一名称,并避免使用通用名称。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-12-02。"],[[["Saved searches store your issue search criteria for reuse, saving time and effort, especially for complex or frequent searches."],["Saved search results are dynamic, updating in real-time as issues change to match or no longer match your criteria."],["Saved searches, hotlists, and bookmark groups are identified by unique ID numbers, while their names can be duplicated."],["Modifying a saved search's criteria presents options to update the saved search, discard changes, or retain the modified search without updating the original."],["Using unique and descriptive names for saved searches, hotlists, and bookmark groups helps avoid confusion and improves organization."]]],[]]