将 i-mobile 与中介集成
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-09-10。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2024-09-10。"],[[["This guide explains how to display i-mobile ads in your iOS app using AdMob Mediation, focusing on waterfall integrations."],["You'll learn to configure settings in the i-mobile and AdMob UIs, integrate the i-mobile SDK and adapter, and test your implementation."],["The guide covers banner, interstitial, native ad formats, and troubleshooting with error codes."],["It requires an iOS deployment target of 12.0 or higher, the latest Google Mobile Ads SDK, and completion of the mediation Get Started guide."],["i-mobile's dashboard is primarily in Japanese; this guide provides English translations for clarity."]]],[]]