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Dernière mise à jour le 2024/09/10 (UTC).
[null,null,["Dernière mise à jour le 2024/09/10 (UTC)."],[[["This guide explains how to integrate Pangle ads into your iOS app using Google Mobile Ads mediation, supporting both waterfall and bidding integrations for various ad formats like banner, interstitial, rewarded, and native ads."],["To successfully implement Pangle ads, you need an iOS device running iOS 10.0 or later, the latest Google Mobile Ads SDK, and a completed Google's mediation Get Started guide."],["Setup involves configuring your Pangle and Ad Manager UIs, integrating the Pangle SDK via CocoaPods or manual download, and adding SKAdNetwork identifiers."],["Thorough testing and verification are crucial, including enabling test ads and utilizing the ad inspector to confirm proper functionality."],["Detailed version history and changelog for the Pangle iOS Mediation Adapter are provided, outlining compatibility updates, supported features, and key changes across different adapter versions."]]],[]]