
public final class AppSearchResult extends Object

Information about the success or failure of an AppSearch call.

Constant Summary

int RESULT_DENIED The requested operation is denied for the caller.
int RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error occurred within AppSearch, which the caller cannot address.
int RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT The caller supplied invalid arguments to the call.
int RESULT_INVALID_SCHEMA The caller supplied a schema which is invalid or incompatible with the previous schema.
int RESULT_IO_ERROR An issue occurred reading or writing to storage.
int RESULT_NOT_FOUND An entity the caller requested to interact with does not exist in the system.
int RESULT_OK The call was successful.
int RESULT_OUT_OF_SPACE Storage is out of space, and no more space could be reclaimed.
int RESULT_RATE_LIMITED The caller has hit AppSearch's rate limit and the requested operation has been rejected.
int RESULT_SECURITY_ERROR The caller requested an operation it does not have privileges for.
int RESULT_TIMED_OUT The operation was timed out.
int RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR An unknown error occurred while processing the call.

Public Method Summary

equals(Object other)
Returns the error message associated with this result.
Returns one of the RESULT constants defined in AppSearchResult.
Returns the result value associated with this result, if it was successful.
Returns true if getResultCode() equals RESULT_OK.
static <ValueType> AppSearchResult<ValueType>
newFailedResult(int resultCode, String errorMessage)
Creates a new failed AppSearchResult.
static <ValueType> AppSearchResult<ValueType>
newSuccessfulResult(ValueType value)
Creates a new successful AppSearchResult.

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int RESULT_DENIED

The requested operation is denied for the caller. This error is logged and returned for denylist rejections.

Constant Value: 9

public static final int RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR

An internal error occurred within AppSearch, which the caller cannot address.

This error may be considered similar to IllegalStateException

Constant Value: 2

public static final int RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT

The caller supplied invalid arguments to the call.

This error may be considered similar to IllegalArgumentException.

Constant Value: 3

public static final int RESULT_INVALID_SCHEMA

The caller supplied a schema which is invalid or incompatible with the previous schema.

Constant Value: 7

public static final int RESULT_IO_ERROR

An issue occurred reading or writing to storage. The call might succeed if repeated.

This error may be considered similar to IOException.

Constant Value: 4

public static final int RESULT_NOT_FOUND

An entity the caller requested to interact with does not exist in the system.

Constant Value: 6

public static final int RESULT_OK

The call was successful.

Constant Value: 0

public static final int RESULT_OUT_OF_SPACE

Storage is out of space, and no more space could be reclaimed.

Constant Value: 5

public static final int RESULT_RATE_LIMITED

The caller has hit AppSearch's rate limit and the requested operation has been rejected. The caller is recommended to reschedule tasks with exponential backoff.

Constant Value: 10

public static final int RESULT_SECURITY_ERROR

The caller requested an operation it does not have privileges for.

Constant Value: 8

public static final int RESULT_TIMED_OUT

The operation was timed out.

Constant Value: 11

public static final int RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR

An unknown error occurred while processing the call.

Constant Value: 1

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object other)

public String getErrorMessage ()

Returns the error message associated with this result.

If isSuccess() is true, the error message is always null. The error message may be null even if isSuccess() is false. See the documentation of the particular AppSearchClient call producing this AppSearchResult for what is returned by getErrorMessage().

public int getResultCode ()

Returns one of the RESULT constants defined in AppSearchResult.

public ValueType getResultValue ()

Returns the result value associated with this result, if it was successful.

See the documentation of the particular AppSearchClient call producing this AppSearchResult for what is placed in the result value by that call.

IllegalStateException if this AppSearchResult is not successful.

public int hashCode ()

public boolean isSuccess ()

Returns true if getResultCode() equals RESULT_OK.

public static AppSearchResult<ValueType> newFailedResult (int resultCode, String errorMessage)

Creates a new failed AppSearchResult.

resultCode One of the constants documented in getResultCode().
errorMessage An optional string describing the reason or nature of the failure.

public static AppSearchResult<ValueType> newSuccessfulResult (ValueType value)

Creates a new successful AppSearchResult.

value An optional value to associate with the successful result of the operation being performed.

public String toString ()