
public static final class AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig.Builder extends Object

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

addIndexableNestedProperties(String... indexableNestedProperties)
Adds one or more properties for indexing from the nested document property.
addIndexableNestedProperties(Collection<String> indexableNestedProperties)
Adds one or more properties for indexing from the nested document.
addIndexableNestedPropertyPaths(Collection<PropertyPath> indexableNestedPropertyPaths)
Adds one or more property paths for indexing from the nested document property.
addIndexableNestedPropertyPaths(PropertyPath... indexableNestedPropertyPaths)
Adds one or more property paths for indexing from the nested document property.
Constructs a new AppSearchSchema.PropertyConfig from the contents of this builder.
setCardinality(int cardinality)
Sets the cardinality of the property (whether it is optional, required or repeated).
setDescription(String description)
Sets a natural language description of this property.
setShouldIndexNestedProperties(boolean indexNestedProperties)
Configures whether properties in the nested document should be indexed according to that document's schema.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors

public Builder (String propertyName, String schemaType)

propertyName The logical name of the property in the schema, which will be used as the key for this property in GenericDocument.Builder.setPropertyDocument(String, GenericDocument...).
schemaType The type of documents which will be stored in this property. Documents of different types cannot be mixed into a single property.

Public Methods

public AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig.Builder addIndexableNestedProperties (String... indexableNestedProperties)

Adds one or more properties for indexing from the nested document property.

public AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig.Builder addIndexableNestedProperties (Collection<String> indexableNestedProperties)

Adds one or more properties for indexing from the nested document. The added property will be indexed according to that property's indexing configurations in the document's schema definition. All properties in this list will consume a sectionId regardless of its actual indexing config -- this includes properties added that do not actually exist, as well as properties that are not set as indexable in the nested schema type.

Input strings should follow the format of the property path for the nested property, with '.' as the path separator. This nested document's property name should not be included in the property path.

Ex. Consider an 'Organization' schema type which defines a nested document property 'address' (Address schema type), where Address has a nested document property 'country' (Country schema type with string 'name' property), and a string 'street' property. The 'street' and 'country's name' properties from the 'address' document property can be indexed for the 'Organization' schema type by calling:

                 new DocumentPropertyConfig.Builder("address", "Address")
                         .addIndexableNestedProperties("street", "")

setShouldIndexNestedProperties(boolean) is required to be false if any indexable nested property is added this way for the document property. Attempting to build a DocumentPropertyConfig when this is not true throws IllegalArgumentException.

public AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig.Builder addIndexableNestedPropertyPaths (Collection<PropertyPath> indexableNestedPropertyPaths)

Adds one or more property paths for indexing from the nested document property.

public AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig.Builder addIndexableNestedPropertyPaths (PropertyPath... indexableNestedPropertyPaths)

Adds one or more property paths for indexing from the nested document property.

public AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig build ()

Constructs a new AppSearchSchema.PropertyConfig from the contents of this builder.

IllegalArgumentException if the provided PropertyConfig sets AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig.shouldIndexNestedProperties() to true and has one or more properties defined using addIndexableNestedProperties(Collection).

public AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig.Builder setCardinality (int cardinality)

Sets the cardinality of the property (whether it is optional, required or repeated).

If this method is not called, the default cardinality is AppSearchSchema.PropertyConfig.CARDINALITY_OPTIONAL.

public AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig.Builder setDescription (String description)

Sets a natural language description of this property.

For more details about the description field, see AppSearchSchema.PropertyConfig.getDescription().

public AppSearchSchema.DocumentPropertyConfig.Builder setShouldIndexNestedProperties (boolean indexNestedProperties)

Configures whether properties in the nested document should be indexed according to that document's schema.

If false, the nested document's properties are not indexed regardless of its own schema.

To index a subset of properties from the nested document, set this to false and use addIndexableNestedProperties(Collection).