
public class GoogleSignInOptions extends Object
implements Api.ApiOptions.Optional Parcelable

This class is deprecated.
Use Credential Manager for authentication or Google Identity Services for authorization.

GoogleSignInOptions contains options used to configure the Auth.GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_API.

Nested Class Summary

class GoogleSignInOptions.Builder Builder for GoogleSignInOptions

Inherited Constant Summary

Field Summary

public static final Creator<GoogleSignInOptions> CREATOR
public static final GoogleSignInOptions DEFAULT_GAMES_SIGN_IN Default and recommended configuration for Games Sign In.
public static final GoogleSignInOptions DEFAULT_SIGN_IN Default configuration for Google Sign In.

Inherited Field Summary

Public Method Summary

Gets an array of all the requested scopes.
writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags)

Inherited Method Summary


public static final Creator<GoogleSignInOptions> CREATOR

public static final GoogleSignInOptions DEFAULT_GAMES_SIGN_IN

Default and recommended configuration for Games Sign In.

To maximize chance of auto-sign-in, do NOT use GoogleSignInOptions.Builder.requestScopes(Scope, Scope...) to request additional scopes and do NOT use GoogleSignInOptions.Builder.requestIdToken(String) to request user's real Google identity assertion.

public static final GoogleSignInOptions DEFAULT_SIGN_IN

Default configuration for Google Sign In. You can get a stable user ID and basic profile info back via GoogleSignInAccount.getId() after you trigger sign in from either ERROR(/GoogleSignInApi#silentSignIn) or ERROR(/GoogleSignInApi#getSignInIntent). If you require more information for the sign in result, please build a configuration via new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)}.

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object obj)

public Scope[] getScopeArray ()

Gets an array of all the requested scopes. If you use DEFAULT_SIGN_IN, this array will also include those scopes set by default in DEFAULT_SIGN_IN.

A usage of this method could be set the scopes for the contextual SignInButton. E.g., signInButton.setScopes(googleSignInOptions.getScopeArray())

public int hashCode ()

public void writeToParcel (Parcel out, int flags)