SBTN Natural Lands Map v1

Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Earth Engine Snippet
landcover wri


The SBTN Natural Lands Map v1 is a 2020 baseline map of natural and non-natural land covers intended for use by companies setting science-based targets for nature, specifically the SBTN Land target #1: no conversion of natural ecosystems.

"Natural" and "non-natural" definitions were adapted from the Accountability Framework initiative's definition of a natural ecosystem as "one that substantially resembles - in terms of species composition, structure, and ecological function - what would be found in a given area in the absence of major human impacts" and can include managed ecosystems as well as degraded ecosystems that are expected to regenerate either naturally or through management (AFi 2024). The SBTN Natural Lands Map operationalizes this definition by using proxies based on available data that align with AFi guidance to the extent possible.

This map was made by compiling existing global and regional data.You can find the full technical note explaining the methodology linked on the Natural Lands GitHub. This work was a collaboration between Land & Carbon Lab at the World Resources Institute, World Wildlife Fund US, Systemiq, and SBTN.


30 meters


Name Min Max Description
classification 2 21

Land cover classification.

natural 0 1

Land cover classification.

classification Class Table

Value Color Description
2 #246E24 natural forests
3 #B9B91E natural short vegetation
4 #6BAED6 natural water
5 #06A285 mangroves
6 #FEFECC bare
7 #ACD1E8 snow
8 #589558 wet natural forests
9 #093D09 natural peat forests
10 #DBDB7B wet natural short vegetation
11 #99991A natural peat short vegetation
12 #D3D3D3 crop
13 #D3D3D3 built
14 #D3D3D3 non-natural tree cover
15 #D3D3D3 non-natural short vegetation
16 #D3D3D3 non-natural water
17 #D3D3D3 wet non-natural tree cover
18 #D3D3D3 non-natural peat tree cover
19 #D3D3D3 wet non-natural short vegetation
20 #D3D3D3 non-natural peat short vegetation
21 #D3D3D3 non-natural bare

natural Class Table

Value Color Description
0 #969696 Non-natural land
1 #a8ddb5 Natural land

Image Properties

Image Properties

Name Type Description
classification_class_palette STRING_LIST

Array of hex code color strings used for the classification palette.

classification_class_values INT_LIST

Value of the land cover classification.

natural_class_palette STRING_LIST

Array of hex code color strings used for the natural binary mask palette.

natural_class_values INT_LIST

Value of the natural binary mask

Terms of Use

Terms of Use




Explore with Earth Engine

Code Editor (JavaScript)

var dataset = ee.Image('WRI/SBTN/naturalLands/v1/2020').select('natural');

var lon = 0;
var lat = 0;

Map.setCenter(lon, lat, 2);

Map.addLayer(dataset, {}, 'Natural Lands');
Open in Code Editor