WorldClim BIO Variables V1
WorldClim V1 Bioclim provides bioclimatic variables that are derived from the monthly temperature and rainfall in order to generate more biologically meaningful values. The bioclimatic variables represent annual trends (e.g., mean annual temperature, annual precipitation), seasonality (e.g., annual range in temperature and precipitation), and extreme … berkeley climate monthly precipitation temperature weather -
WorldClim Climatology V1
WorldClim version 1 has average monthly global climate data for minimum, mean, and maximum temperature and for precipitation. WorldClim version 1 was developed by Robert J. Hijmans, Susan Cameron, and Juan Parra, at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, in collaboration with … berkeley climate monthly precipitation temperature weather
[null,null,[],[[["WorldClim provides bioclimatic and monthly climate variables derived from global temperature and rainfall data."],["Bioclimatic variables represent annual trends, seasonality, and extreme conditions for biological analysis."],["Monthly climate data includes minimum, mean, and maximum temperature and precipitation averages."],["Developed by researchers at UC Berkeley, WorldClim offers valuable resources for climate studies."]]],[]]