3D models

Image of windmills in 3D map

You can use the Photorealistic 3D Maps in Maps JavaScript API to render GLTF 3D models directly into 3D maps. These realistic 3D objects can represent buildings, landmarks, or other custom objects, and can enhance both the visual appeal and functionality of your maps.

The models should support the core properties of the glTF PBR. No extensions or extension properties are supported.

Add a model to a map

To add a model to a map, use the gmp-model-3d element, as shown below. Models are clamped to the ground by default when omitting the altitude-mode attribute.

<gmp-model-3d position="lat,lng,altitude" altitude-mode="string" orientation="heading,tilt,roll" scale="x,y,z|number" src="string"></gmp-model-3d>

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