Coding level: Beginner
Duration: 15 minutes
Project type: Automation with a custom menu
- Understand what the solution does.
- Understand what the Apps Script services do within the
- Set up your environment.
- Set up the script.
- Run the script.
About this solution
Keep track of time spent on projects for customers. You can record your
project-related time in Google Calendar, then sync it with Google Sheets to
create a timesheet or import your activity into another timesheet management
system. You can categorize your time by customer, project, and task.
How it works
The script provides a sidebar that lets you select the calendars to sync, the
time period to sync with, and whether to overwrite event titles and
descriptions with information entered in the spreadsheet. Once those settings
are configured, you can sync events and view your activities on a dashboard.
The script brings in events from the calendars and time period you specify from
Calendar to the spreadsheet. You can add customers, projects, and
tasks to the
categories sheet and then tag the events accordingly in the hours sheet.
This way, when you view the dashboard sheet, you can view total time by
customer, project, and task.
Apps Script services
This solution uses the following services:
- HTML service–Builds the sidebar used to
configure synchronization settings.
- Properties service–Stores the settings
the user selects on the sidebar.
- Calendar service–Sends the
event information to the spreadsheet.
- Spreadsheet service–Writes the events
to the spreadsheet, and if configured, sends updated title and description
information to Calendar.
To use this sample, you need the following prerequisites:
- A Google Account (Google Workspace accounts might
require administrator approval).
- A web browser with access to the internet.
Set up your environment
If you plan to use an existing calendar, you can skip this step.
- Go to
- Next to Other calendars, click Add other calendars add
> Create new calendar.
- Name your calendar and click Create calendar.
- Add some events to the calendar.
Set up the script
Click the following button to make a copy of the Record time and activities
sample spreadsheet. The Apps Script project for this
solution is attached to
the spreadsheet.
Make a copy
Run the script
Sync calendar events
- Click myTime > Settings. You might
need to refresh the page for this custom menu to appear.
When prompted, authorize the script.
If the OAuth consent screen displays the warning, This app isn't verified,
continue by selecting Advanced >
Go to {Project Name} (unsafe).
Click myTime > Settings again.
From the list of available calendars, select the calendar you created and
any other calendars you want to sync.
Configure the rest of the settings and click Save.
Click myTime > Sync calendar
Set up the dashboard
- Go to the Categories sheet.
- Add customers, projects, and tasks.
- Go to the Hours sheet.
- For each synced event, select the customer, project, and task.
- Go to the Dashboard sheet.
- The first section provides daily totals. To update the list of dates for
the daily totals, change the date in cell
- The next section provides weekly totals and corresponds to the date
selected in
- The last three sections provide overall totals by task, project, and
Review the code
To review the Apps Script code for this solution, click
View source code below:
View source code
// To learn how to use this script, refer to the documentation:
Copyright 2022 Jasper Duizendstra
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
* Runs when the spreadsheet is opened and adds the menu options
* to the spreadsheet menu
const onOpen = () => {
.addItem('Sync calendar events', 'run')
.addItem('Settings', 'settings')
* Opens the sidebar
const settings = () => {
const html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Page')
* returns the settings from the script properties
const getSettings = () => {
const settings = {};
// get the current settings
const savedCalendarSettings = JSON.parse(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('calendar') || '[]');
// get the primary calendar
const primaryCalendar = CalendarApp.getAllCalendars()
.filter((cal) => cal.isMyPrimaryCalendar())
.map((cal) => ({
name: 'Primary calendar',
id: cal.getId()
// get the secondary calendars
const secundaryCalendars = CalendarApp.getAllCalendars()
.filter((cal) => cal.isOwnedByMe() && !cal.isMyPrimaryCalendar())
.map((cal) => ({
name: cal.getName(),
id: cal.getId()
// the current available calendars
const availableCalendars = primaryCalendar.concat(secundaryCalendars);
// find any calendars that were removed
const unavailebleCalendars = [];
savedCalendarSettings.forEach((savedCalendarSetting) => {
if (!availableCalendars.find((availableCalendar) => === {
// map the current settings to the available calendars
const calendarSettings = => {
if (savedCalendarSettings.find((savedCalendar) => === {
availableCalendar.sync = true;
return availableCalendar;
// add the calendar settings to the settings
settings.calendarSettings = calendarSettings;
const savedFrom = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('syncFrom');
settings.syncFrom = savedFrom;
const savedTo = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('syncTo');
settings.syncTo = savedTo;
const savedIsUpdateTitle = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('isUpdateTitle') === 'true';
settings.isUpdateCalendarItemTitle = savedIsUpdateTitle;
const savedIsUseCategoriesAsCalendarItemTitle = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('isUseCategoriesAsCalendarItemTitle') === 'true';
settings.isUseCategoriesAsCalendarItemTitle = savedIsUseCategoriesAsCalendarItemTitle;
const savedIsUpdateDescription = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('isUpdateDescription') === 'true';
settings.isUpdateCalendarItemDescription = savedIsUpdateDescription;
return settings;
* Saves the settings from the sidebar
const saveSettings = (settings) => {
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('calendar', JSON.stringify(settings.calendarSettings));
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('syncFrom', settings.syncFrom);
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('syncTo', settings.syncTo);
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('isUpdateTitle', settings.isUpdateCalendarItemTitle);
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('isUseCategoriesAsCalendarItemTitle', settings.isUseCategoriesAsCalendarItemTitle);
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('isUpdateDescription', settings.isUpdateCalendarItemDescription);
return 'Settings saved';
* Builds the myTime object and runs the synchronisation
const run = () => {
'use strict';
mainSpreadsheetId: SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId(),
* The main function used for the synchronisation
* @param {Object} par The main parameter object.
* @return {Object} The myTime Object.
const myTime = (par) => {
'use strict';
* Format the sheet
const formatSheet = () => {
// sort decending on start date
hourSheet.sort(3, false);
// hide the technical columns
hourSheet.hideColumns(1, 2);
// remove any extra rows
if (hourSheet.getLastRow() > 1 && hourSheet.getLastRow() < hourSheet.getMaxRows()) {
hourSheet.deleteRows(hourSheet.getLastRow() + 1, hourSheet.getMaxRows() - hourSheet.getLastRow());
// set the validation for the customers
let rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation()
.requireValueInRange(categoriesSheet.getRange('A2:A'), true)
// set the validation for the projects
rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation()
.requireValueInRange(categoriesSheet.getRange('B2:B'), true)
// set the validation for the tsaks
rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation()
.requireValueInRange(categoriesSheet.getRange('C2:C'), true)
if(isUseCategoriesAsCalendarItemTitle) {
hourSheet.getRange('L2:L').setFormulaR1C1('IF(OR(R[0]C[-3]="tbd";R[0]C[-2]="tbd";R[0]C[-1]="tbd");""; CONCATENATE(R[0]C[-3];"|";R[0]C[-2];"|";R[0]C[-1];"|"))');
// set the hours, month, week and number collumns
* Activate the synchronisation
function run() {
console.log('Started processing hours.');
const processCalendar = (setting) => {
// current calendar info
const calendarName =;
const calendarId =;
console.log(`processing ${calendarName} with the id ${calendarId} from ${syncStartDate} to ${syncEndDate}`);
// get the calendar
const calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarId);
// get the calendar events and create lookups
const events = calendar.getEvents(syncStartDate, syncEndDate);
const eventsLookup = events.reduce((jsn, event) => {
jsn[event.getId()] = event;
return jsn;
}, {});
// get the sheet events and create lookups
const existingEvents = hourSheet.getDataRange().getValues().slice(1);
const existingEventsLookUp = existingEvents.reduce((jsn, row, index) => {
if (row[0] !== calendarId) {
return jsn;
jsn[row[1]] = {
event: row,
row: index + 2
return jsn;
}, {});
// handle a calendar event
const handleEvent = (event) => {
const eventId = event.getId();
// new event
if (!existingEventsLookUp[eventId]) {
event.getTag('Client') || 'tbd',
event.getTag('Project') || 'tbd',
event.getTag('Task') || 'tbd',
(isUpdateCalendarItemTitle) ? '' : event.getTitle(),
(isUpdateCalendarItemDescription) ? '' : event.getDescription(),
event.getGuestList().map((guest) => guest.getEmail()).join(','),
return true;
// existing event
const exisitingEvent = existingEventsLookUp[eventId].event;
const exisitingEventRow = existingEventsLookUp[eventId].row;
if (event.getStartTime() - exisitingEvent[startTimeColumn - 1] !== 0) {
hourSheet.getRange(exisitingEventRow, startTimeColumn).setValue(event.getStartTime());
if (event.getEndTime() - exisitingEvent[endTimeColumn - 1] !== 0) {
hourSheet.getRange(exisitingEventRow, endTimeColumn).setValue(event.getEndTime());
if (event.getCreators().join(',') !== exisitingEvent[creatorsColumn - 1]) {
hourSheet.getRange(exisitingEventRow, creatorsColumn).setValue(event.getCreators()[0]);
if (event.getGuestList().map((guest) => guest.getEmail()).join(',') !== exisitingEvent[guestListColumn - 1]) {
hourSheet.getRange(exisitingEventRow, guestListColumn).setValue(event.getGuestList().map((guest) => guest.getEmail()).join(','));
if (event.getLocation() !== exisitingEvent[locationColumn - 1]) {
hourSheet.getRange(exisitingEventRow, locationColumn).setValue(event.getLocation());
if(event.getTitle() !== exisitingEvent[titleColumn - 1]) {
if(!isUpdateCalendarItemTitle) {
hourSheet.getRange(exisitingEventRow, titleColumn).setValue(event.getTitle());
if(isUpdateCalendarItemTitle) {
event.setTitle(exisitingEvent[titleColumn - 1]);
if(event.getDescription() !== exisitingEvent[descriptionColumn - 1]) {
if(!isUpdateCalendarItemDescription) {
hourSheet.getRange(exisitingEventRow, descriptionColumn).setValue(event.getDescription());
if(isUpdateCalendarItemDescription) {
event.setDescription(exisitingEvent[descriptionColumn - 1]);
return true;
// process each event for the calendar
// remove any events in the sheet that are not in de calendar
existingEvents.every((event, index) => {
if (event[0] !== calendarId) {
return true;
if (eventsLookup[event[1]]) {
return true;
if (event[3] < syncStartDate) {
return true;
hourSheet.getRange(index + 2, 1, 1, 20).clear();
return true;
return true;
// process the calendars
settings.calendarSettings.filter((calenderSetting) => calenderSetting.sync === true).every(processCalendar);
console.log('Finished processing hours.');
const mainSpreadSheetId = par.mainSpreadsheetId;
const mainSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(mainSpreadSheetId);
const hourSheet = mainSpreadsheet.getSheetByName('Hours');
const categoriesSheet = mainSpreadsheet.getSheetByName('Categories');
const settings = getSettings();
const syncStartDate = new Date();
syncStartDate.setDate(syncStartDate.getDate() - Number(settings.syncFrom));
const syncEndDate = new Date();
syncEndDate.setDate(syncEndDate.getDate() + Number(settings.syncTo));
const isUpdateCalendarItemTitle = settings.isUpdateCalendarItemTitle;
const isUseCategoriesAsCalendarItemTitle = settings.isUseCategoriesAsCalendarItemTitle;
const isUpdateCalendarItemDescription = settings.isUpdateCalendarItemDescription;
const startTimeColumn = 3;
const endTimeColumn = 4;
const creatorsColumn = 6;
const originalTitleColumn = 7;
const originalDescriptionColumn = 8;
const clientColumn = 9;
const projectColumn = 10;
const taskColumn = 11;
const titleColumn = 12;
const descriptionColumn = 13;
const guestListColumn = 14;
const locationColumn = 15;
return Object.freeze({
run: run,
This sample was created by Jasper Duizendstra, Google Cloud Architect and Google
Developer Expert. Find Jasper on Twitter @Duizendstra.
This sample is maintained by Google with the help of Google Developer Experts.
Next steps