Teach others to use Earth Engine! This page includes training materials developed by the Earth Engine team for hands-on coding workshops using the JavaScript API as well as externally developed training materials. Trainings typically start with a one hour lecture (slides provided below) and proceed to a "follow me" style coding lab in which the instuctor writes code in the Earth Engine Code Editor (projected such that participants see it) and participants follow along in their own code editors. The code and instructional content are provided below for a beginner workshop (no previous Earth Engine experience necessary) and an intermediate workshop (for users who have Earth Engine experience equivalent to that provided in the beginner workshop). The hands-on workshops generally take at least two hours, depending on particpant experience.
No previous experience with Earth Engine or JavaScript is necessary for the beginner workshop, but programming experience, basic knowledge of remote sensing and/or GIS are highly desirable. Willingness to learn programming is required. Particpants with no programming experience will require additional attention. Depending on the overall skill level of the participants, the overall time to completion could vary between two to four hours.
Before the Workshop
All particpants should bring a laptop computer with Google Chrome installed. Each participant should have registered to use Earth Engine prior to the workshop. Direct attendees to the signup page before the workshop. Instructors may want to organize pre-written scripts into repositories to share with particpants as described in the training docs.
Slides for a one hour introductory lecture
These slides are for an approximately one hour lecture to introduce Earth Engine. Each is explained in the presenter notes.
Instructor reference for a beginning workshop
Instructor reference for an intermediate workshop
Externally developed training materials
Spatial Thoughts
End-to-End Google Earth Engine
This course by Ujaval Gandhi, founder of Spatial Thoughts, covers the full range of topics in Earth Engine to give participants practical skills to master the platform and implement their remote sensing projects.
It includes 24 hours of live instruction (typically 6 sessions of 4 hours each) and includes a wide range of hands-on exercises.
The following training materials were developed in support of the SERVIR-Mekong program and include contributions from the US Forest Service Geospatial Technology and Applications Center, WinRock, and the Spatial Informatics Group. These exercises and case studies have been used to teach Earth Engine in the Mekong basin and other areas to build geospatial capacity at regional institutions. They are intended to familiarize participants with the Earth Engine platform and basic methods for visualization, data creation, cloud masking and compositing.
The Spanish versions were created by the Spatial Informatics Group with support from FAO's Analysis and Mapping of Impacts Under Climate Change for Adaptation and Food Security (AMICAF) program.
The Vietnamese versions were created by SERVIR-Mekong in conjunction with the Spatial Informatics Group and the University of San Francisco.
NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET)
NASA ARSET offers webinars for disasters monitoring and other remote sensing topics, many of which use Earth Engine.
University of Washington
This page features an excellent set of introductory tutorials developed by Catherine Kuhn and Jillian Deines for the eScience Institute’s Geohackweek 2017 at the University of Washington.
Columbia University
The following trainings were developed by Pietro Ceccato to support public health trainings done by the Columbia University International Research Institute for Climate and Society.
The following trainings were developed by Gennadii Donchyts of Deltares in support of workshops for water resource monitoring and research.
Please submit an issue to the Earth Engine Community GitHub repository for questions or feedback regarding material on this page.